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Nehru and Congress betrayed Netaji

Only leader who was close to Netaji was Pandit Nehru infact it was Azad Patel and Gandhi who were always opposed to Netaji.It was Patel who argued hard over Netaji's attempt to get re-elected as Congress president in 1939. Sarat Chandra Bose, Subhas Chandra's brother, wrote a strong letter to Patel for allegedly carrying on a 'malicious and vindictive propaganda against the Bose.
Even in the Tripuri session of INC 1939 it was only Nehru who didn't resign from Congress Working Committee when all including patel azad rajaji prasad formed a group and resigned.To prevent Congress split Netaji himself resigned .But lately RSS and its rightwing propaganda machinery is very active to demolish Panditji's image.I know all people here including me hates congress dynasty but always remember it was Indira Gandhi who started this dynasty not Nehru. Panditji is the greatest Prime Minister India ever had. To see the difference he made just look at our neighbor Pakistan which was more prosperous land at the time of partition but irony the more Muslims are being killed in the country which was created for "Muslims".

Nehru's misplaced sense of idealism over Kashmir and his naivete over China, has led to problems that is troubling us to this day. While his achievements were mainly in laying foundation for world-class institutes of higher learning, space program and in facilitating widespread use of English that gives India an edge in a globalized world but still this is not the yardstick to measure the greatness of a PM. This happened in a span of 17 years, He would have done much better!

Given the kind of situation, time and circumstances Sastriji is equally great for leading India successfully through a period of Turmoil. Had he lived for more time, we could have witnessed a different India altogether.

To be on topic your inputs about Nehru-Netaji relationship are worthwhile. Keep up the good work.
Gandhi and nehru were the biggest assholes we've ever had in Indian politics. Tharki Gandhi and chutiya nehru are worshipped by congressis. But the real heroes who had sacrificed their lives for the independence of India have been forgotten.
I guess I am going to be hugely unpopular in stating this, but I respectfully beg to disagree with anyone who says that Netaji had a greater impact on our independence than Gandhiji/INC(not today's Congress, btw).

Netaji, NO DOUBTS, was a great Patriot, perhaps India's finest! But his strategy of allying with two overtly racial and genocidal Regimes just to remove the British(who were as fair as Colonialists came in those days) wasn't a good plan. Netaji's desperation and his commitment to achieve his goals are highly commendable, but the means were dubious, sort of.

Netaji's Azad Hind Fauj failed to win even border towns like Imphal and Kohima, and Netaji himself tragically disappeared(or killed) in 1945. Yet, India got her independence in 1947. Now don't tell me this was because of Netaji or Azad Hind Fauj.

Nehru, on the other hand, would definitly benefit from the disappearance of Netaji. One can only imagine the kind of tremendous impact he could have if he were to take up a senior Ministry or position in the Government. Given their diverging views, if someone like Netaji again broke away from the Congress and formed a new Party, it would have definitely grown into a large Party to rival the Congress, something that couldn't happen until the 1980s.

In conclusion, pre-Independent India did not miss his services, as there was a Gandhiji and INC to ensure independence, but post-independent India has severely missed one of her most devoted Sons.
Almost seventy years after his mysterious disappearance, it will not be wrong to conclude that today we do put up too much emphasis on speculation about his death and the GoI's dubious role behind it. This is quite unfortunate that even the non-Congressi governments or a Bengali President did not prove to be much of help to clear this mist of doubt.

Leaving the above course of discussion aside, if we concentrate more on his political career, we would have find out exactly where his ideologies were different with their counterparts. At the Maharashtra political conference in 1928, he in his presidential address stressed upon the importance of separating nationalistic politics from religion, clearly hinting at Gandhiji and the making of a "Mahatma." This is the year when Jinnah came up with his Delhi Muslim proposal, a parallel version of what C R Das formulated five years back. Both these lines were vehemently opposed by a certain faction in the Congress itself and finally,we ended in playing in the hand of British and the fall in the traps we created for ourselves.

His role in INA is another aspect of his career and needs detailed discussion. Just for starters, a military solution of India's freedom struggle was not his own brain child. INA has a history of its own, and it's effect on the Royal armed forces in 1946 was quite decisive. The indirect aftermath if INA on our freedom movement can never go unattended.
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was the one who left Congress. Whatever his good intentions were, he should have never collaborated with Nazis and Imperial Japanese. Bose was well aware of the kinds of atrocities that Imperial Japanese did in their captured terrorities in Korea, Manchuria, China, Philippines and South-East Asia. If Bose had succeeded in driving the British out of India, it was very likely that the imperial Japanese would betray Bose and do to India what they did in East and SE Asia.
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was the one who left Congress. Whatever his good intentions were, he should have never collaborated with Nazis and Imperial Japanese. Bose was well aware of the kinds of atrocities that Imperial Japanese did in their captured terrorities in Korea, Manchuria, China, Philippines and South-East Asia. If Bose had succeeded in driving the British out of India, it was very likely that the imperial Japanese would betray Bose and do to India what they did in East and SE Asia.

LOL. How are the "Nazis" and "Imperial Japanese" worse that the British who callously killed 5 million Indians of starvation in Bengal while 2.5 million Indians fought and died for the british during WW-2 ? :lol:

Pics of Indians "posing" for pictures .........probably got to suck the british photographers d!ck as lunch.

...wait. Its gets better...




I seriously doubt the "Nazi" and "Japanese" can better this BRITISH performance.


Lucky Indians who did not suffer the "Nazi" and "imperial Japanese". They were luck they were not "tortured" and "shot". They just simply slowly starved to death.........and their bodies rotted away.

@Manvantaratruti Agreed that the British were extremely callous in their attitude insofar as the Indian famine goes. But it was more due to apathy and less due to any concerted attempts at Genocide, which the Nazis and the Japanese Empire indulged in. The famine was also due to a drought caused by failed Monsoons and consequent loss of crops, something which the British hadn't deliberately engineered. They only messed with providing relief.

I don't think so many pics of the famine justify Netaji's attempts to woo the Germans or the Japanese into India as a hedge against the British. I'm sure one can find plenty of pics detailing the crimes and genocidal activities of both Nazi Germany and Empire of Japan too.
LOL. How are the "Nazis" and "Imperial Japanese" worse that the British who callously killed 5 million Indians of starvation in Bengal while 2.5 million Indians fought and died for the british during WW-2 ? :lol:

Pics of Indians "posing" for pictures .........probably got to suck the british photographers d!ck as lunch.

...wait. Its gets better...

I seriously doubt the "Nazi" and "Japanese" can better this BRITISH performance.

Lucky Indians who did not suffer the "Nazi" and "imperial Japanese". They were luck they were not "tortured" and "shot". They just simply slowly starved to death.........and their bodies rotted away.

Comparing Apples and Oranges, eh?
How can you compare deliberate genocide with maladministration and mismanagement of a natural disaster?
Thousands of farmers commit suicide in India every year, but no one calls it a genocide by the state or national government.
@Manvantaratruti Agreed that the British were extremely callous in their attitude insofar as the Indian famine goes. But it was more due to apathy and less due to any concerted attempts at Genocide, which the Nazis and the Japanese Empire indulged in. The famine was also due to a drought caused by failed Monsoons and consequent loss of crops, something which the British hadn't deliberately engineered. They only messed with providing relief.

I don't think so many pics of the famine justify Netaji's attempts to woo the Germans or the Japanese into India as a hedge against the British. I'm sure one can find plenty of pics detailing the crimes and genocidal activities of both Nazi Germany and Empire of Japan too.

I am so livid and disgusted with your post that i am not in a frame of mind to give your a decent reply.

Are you even aware that Indians were NOT ALLOWED to grow food ? They were forced to grow poppy, indica etc...and then forced to sell them to the british at throw away price ? ...all this while htey slowly starved to death. This Famin was MAN MADE.

Why is that in free India there is no more Famine ? Read up more before puking out british and congress propaganda.

Also read up how the British diverted food AWAY from the starving people ON PURPOSE to feed the 'White british race and their servants'.

I don't care a fcuk about death of jews, chinese or germans at the hand of other 'superior races'. I care about the lives and death of INDIANS by another 'superior race'.

Comparing Apples and Oranges, eh?
How can you compare deliberate genocide with maladministration and mismanagement of a natural disaster?
Thousands of farmers commit suicide in India every year, but no one calls it a genocide by the state or national government.

Only a ignorant fool would call at man made disaster as a "natural disaster".

When the British invaded India the two most astonishing things to them were the Indian Gurukul (educational) system and the Indian agriculture system. The then Governor of British India, Robert Clive, made extensive research on the agriculture system in India with idea of creating dependence on the industrial houses established by the British. The outcome of the research was as follows:

Cows were the basis of Indian agriculture and agriculture. Indian agriculture could not be executed without the help of cow. To break the back of Indian agriculture cows had to be eliminated.

He estimated that the number of cows in Bengal at that time outnumbered the number of men. Similar was the situation in the rest of India.

As a part of the Master Plan to destabilize the India, cow slaughter was initiated. The first slaughterhouse in India was started in 1760, with a capacity to kill 30,000 (Thirty thousand only) per day, at least ten million cows were eliminated in a years time. Once the cows were slaughtered there was no manure and no cow urine insecticide. Robert Clive started a number of slaughter houses before he left India.

In order to understand the results of Indian agriculture without animal slaughterhouses consider this: In 1740 in the Arcot District of Tamil Nadu, 5400 kilograms of rice was harvested from one acre of land using simple manure and pesticides like cow urine and cow dung.

As a result of the 350 slaughterhouses which worked day and night, by 1910 India was practically bereft of cattle. India had to approach England’s doorstep for industrial manure. Thus industrial manure like urea and phosphate made way to India.Before British left India there was extensive use of industrial manure (chemical fertilizer).

Questioned about the unnecessary killing of animals, Gandhi (the original) answered that the day India attains independence, all the slaughterhouses in India would be closed. In 1929 Nehru in a public meeting stated that if he were to become the prime minister of India, the first thing he would do is to stop all the slaughterhouses. However, nothing was done. The tragedy of the situation is since 1947 the number has increased from 350 to 36,000(thirty six thousand) slaughterhouses. Today, the highly mechanized slaughterhouses at Al-kabir and Devanar of Andhra Pradesh and Maharastra have the capacity to slaughter 10,000(ten thousand) cows at a time.

Today there is less than 1 cow for every 20 people in India, tractors are ubiquitous, and farmers are committing suicide by the tens-of-thousands due to impossible debt. It appears that the British have been very successful in subduing India.
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@Manvantaratruti Fair enough that many farmers were forced by the British to grow and sell Indigo. But they nevertheless were able to sustain themselves with the meager revenue from their crops for so many years. The Bengal famine of 1943 was due to crop failure due to failed monsoons. Would as many have died if this would not come to pass?

I hope you know that India became a food surplus only in the 1970s owing to the success of Green Revolution. I am with you on the fact that the British were our exploiters and apathetic to our poverty, malnourishment and deaths. Wasn't this why we wanted them out after all?

But where I'm not prepared to side with you is that replacing them with Nazi Germany or Japanese Empire would be a good idea. We have no experience of being ruled by them, and hence they will always be hated less by us than a few other Nations. But the kind of examples they set in the ares where they ruled is enough to say that they're as Unwelcome in India as the British. The simple message here is: ALL foreign powers, keep out of India.
@Manvantaratruti Fair enough that many farmers were forced by the British to grow and sell Indigo. But they nevertheless were able to sustain themselves with the meager revenue from their crops for so many years. The Bengal famine of 1943 was due to crop failure due to failed monsoons. Would as many have died if this would not come to pass?

That is propaganda. Bengal is a land of Rivers. It is not a desert like Rajasthan to have famine when monsoon fails :lol:. Read up more as to why the famine happened and try to look beyond propaganda.

I hope you know that India became a food surplus only in the 1970s owing to the success of Green Revolution. I am with you on the fact that the British were our exploiters and apathetic to our poverty, malnourishment and deaths. Wasn't this why we wanted them out after all?

LOL. Green Revolution is congress propaganda. Get real kid and learn to look beyond propaganda. How many farmers have committed suicide in the land of "green revolution" ? Its easy to claim a 'green revolution' when you set the standards so artificially low. Find out how Indian agriculture and animal husbandry fares in the global ranking w.r.t productivity. Then come back and talk about 'green revolution'.

But where I'm not prepared to side with you is that replacing them with Nazi Germany or Japanese Empire would be a good idea. We have no experience of being ruled by them, and hence they will always be hated less by us than a few other Nations. But the kind of examples they set in the ares where they ruled is enough to say that they're as Unwelcome in India as the British. The simple message here is: ALL foreign powers, keep out of India.

Netaji's plan was never to replace brits with the spics. It was to take control of the British army and join them with the INA. In any case, he was successful in provoking the sprite of freedom in the soldiers who served in the IA and ensured the brits quit real fast.
@Manvantaratruti Fair enough that many farmers were forced by the British to grow and sell Indigo. But they nevertheless were able to sustain themselves with the meager revenue from their crops for so many years. The Bengal famine of 1943 was due to crop failure due to failed monsoons. Would as many have died if this would not come to pass?

British made that famine worst.

BBC News - What David Cameron did not apologise for

By making a statement of regret over the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, David Cameron has opened up a can of other questions and grievances over Britain's colonial past.

What about the British museum returning all the treasures looted from India during the Raj? What about sending back the Kohinoor diamond still embedded in Queen Elizabeth's crown?

And many commenting on this blog say it shouldn't stop at India - what about the many casualties of Britain's wars in Afghanistan?

But if Britain is in the mood to say sorry in India, there is one episode which stands out more than the Jallianwala Bagh massacre - the 1943 Bengal famine, when over 3 million people may have died, four years before the end of British rule.

If it gets any attention in the UK, it's seen as one more tragic consequence of World War II, with British India at the time focused on the war against Japan.

But British actions and opposition towards Gandhi's Quit India movement are now seen to have played a key role in the disaster.

While Winston Churchill condemned the Jallianwala Bagh massacre as "monstrous", he took a very different attitude to Indian suffering 24 years later as prime minister.

His only reply to a telegram reporting how many Bengalis were perishing was to ask "why Gandhi hadn't died yet."

Mr Cameron should have apologised for the famine says Madhusree Mukherjee, who has written a widely praised history of the Bengali famine.

And why not? Tony Blair expressed regret for the Irish potato famine and for Britain's role in the slave trade.

British officials say the motivation for going to Jallianwala Bagh was not to apologise for the Raj.

"He wanted to express his condolences for that particular incident because he was visiting Amritsar," said a Downing Street spokesperson.

Madhusree Mukherjee says the prime minister may have wanted to avoid going further because "any admission of wrongdoing could facilitate a legal claim for reparations".

The chief reason Mr Cameron went to Amritsar was because of the large numbers of voters of Punjabi origin back in the UK. So he had to say something about Jallianwala Bagh, officials say.

Many dismiss the practice of political apologies for past events as meaningless. Mr Blair, critics say, could easily say sorry for the Irish famine, but was never going to apologise for the Iraq war.

But David Cameron has set a precedent now in India, with his desire for "a special relationship". If he plans a trip to Calcutta while he's still prime minister, he won't be able to avoid the Bengal famine.

That is propaganda. Bengal is a land of Rivers. It is not a desert like Rajasthan to have famine when monsoon fails :lol:. Read up more as to why the famine happened and try to look beyond propaganda.

Churchill was desperate to stockpile food grains from India even when there was shortage and thousands of allied troops were stationed here and he warned by the Viceroy. He wanted Indians to compensate the fall of supply after the fall of South East Asia to Japanese. Since, he he deeply hated Indians, he never cared to release ship even when food grains coming from Australia were moving close to Indian coast.
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That is propaganda. Bengal is a land of Rivers. It is not a desert like Rajasthan to have famine when monsoon fails :lol:. Read up more as to why the famine happened and try to look beyond propaganda.

LOL. Green Revolution is congress propaganda. Get real kid and learn to look beyond propaganda. How many farmers have committed suicide in the land of "green revolution" ? Its easy to claim a 'green revolution' when you set the standards so artificially low. Find out how Indian agriculture and animal husbandry fares in the global ranking w.r.t productivity. Then come back and talk about 'green revolution'.

Netaji's plan was never to replace brits with the spics. It was to take control of the British army and join them with the INA. In any case, he was successful in provoking the sprite of freedom in the soldiers who served in the IA and ensured the brits quit real fast.

Fine Uncle, have your way. Everything is propaganda, everyone is lying. :lol:

Whatever Netaji's plans were, they were for the good of India. But the Nazis and Japanese simply could not have been trusted to keep their end of the bargain. If Japan had gained a foothold in India(as they came closest), they too would have exploited our resources to fund their war efforts. And as told before, the British were going out soon after the war in any case, with or without help from INA.
Fine Uncle, have your way. Everything is propaganda, everyone is lying. :lol:

Whatever Netaji's plans were, they were for the good of India. But the Nazis and Japanese simply could not have been trusted to keep their end of the bargain. If Japan had gained a foothold in India(as they came closest), they too would have exploited our resources to fund their war efforts. And as told before, the British were going out soon after the war in any case, with or without help from INA.

LOL. In war and politics everything IS propaganda. You are just to naive to understand that.

Nobody in this world can be trusted. The only person you can trust is yourself. Most grown ups know this. That does not mean you do not do business with others. You just keep your eyes open and weigh in risk and build leverages.

The Brits left us after the war BECAUSE of Netaji's effort. Without the INA and INA inspired rebellion, Brits would have no problems is bleeding out India to recover from their war efforts and make us pay for rebuilding UK and pay off their debts.
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