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'Jawaharlal, do you want Kashmir, or do you want to give it away?'

As somebody(beckham?) hindsight is a wonderful thing. Not saying nehru was a perfect politician, but many of his decision that are criticized now, made a lot of sense then.

That's a bit like saying ......I killer her then because then it had made sense. Today when I am in jail, I regret killing her. :D
This is Jammu and Kashmir we are talking about. You are trying to say that Sikh rioters from the plains of Punjab went all the way to Jammu and Kashmir in order to kill Muslims. This is an unsubstantiated lie. First of all, even the Indian army had to be air lifted to J&K, then how did Sikh rioters go their? You can't blame all of 1947 violence in the country on a small community.
His imagination ran riot.
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