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I have serious doubts about Jawaharlal Nehru's IQ


Jun 16, 2022
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Blunderboy Jawaharlal Nehru was vapid & superficial - he had no deep understanding about Bharat. I have serious doubts about his IQ: the inimitable Sanjay Dixit says it as it is


its clear now, Nehru had mental retardation problems
I second that thought.
Question: Why did it take almost 70 years for a leader of Modi jee's calibre to come to the fore and take the helm?
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I second that thought.
Question: Why did it take almost 70 years for a leader of Modi jee's calibre to core to the fore and take the helm?
People don't like change ? 🤷‍♂️

anyway, coming late but fit

congress are not all bad, Indira was good, MMS was ok too

Atal was good.. Modi is mostly good so far... and here to stay by the looks of it.
My take is that India's Royal family (nehru/ gandhi) were stupid but for the most part Well meaning and honest for the first two generations then got increasingly corrupt .

Our Royal family ( Zardari./Sharif) are much brighter..they all have college degrees..unlike Gandhis...but extremely extremely corrupt pretty much from the get go.
I second that thought.
Question: Why did it take almost 70 years for a leader of Modi jee's calibre to core to the fore and take the helm?

Because people were stupid back then, hard to believe now but despite him and his daughter taking Indian economy into downward spiral through their extreme socialist (borderline communist) policies till the 1980s people continued to vote for them for over four decades.
Didn't Nehru started the IITs and educational reforms.

It's just that he was in awe of west and discredited hindutva old school. The reason he is disliked.
Because people were stupid back then, hard to believe now but despite him and his daughter taking Indian economy into downward spiral through their extreme socialist (borderline communist) policies till the 1980s people continued to vote for them for over four decades.
Maybe not because they were dumb but they were stuck with the same old options. He is your version of IK.

@NagaBaba , wdys?

Didn't Nehru started the IITs and educational reforms.

It's just that he was in awe of west and discredited hindutva old school. The reason he is disliked.
Recently, letters between nehru and then indian army chief in 1948 have come to for indicating, it was not a political but military decision to go for the UN ceasefire, as indian military was unable to withstand the war, per their army chief. Before these letters, nehru was criticized by the indian right for giving away AJK willy nilly by going for a UN ceasefire.
Blunderboy Jawaharlal Nehru was vapid & superficial - he had no deep understanding about Bharat. I have serious doubts about his IQ: the inimitable Sanjay Dixit says it as it is


its clear now, Nehru had mental retardation problems
I have serious doubts about your IQ. Who gives a #uck about Nehru’s IQ.
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Maybe not because they were dumb but they were stuck with the same old options. He is your version of IK.

@NagaBaba , wdys?
Nehru, our IK ? hmm

western elite type.. check
player/ladis man.. check
ambitious.. check
put people in a trance, charismatic... check those too

apart from Iron ladis Indira Ji, current gen is.. well the lesser said, the better

clan still has its elite sycophants all over the media but the public said 👎

if anything, IK is your Modi figure, rallying a nation against corrupt entrenched powers

it'd be cool to see him roar back to power, backed by the people.. full democratic style.
Nehru, our IK ? hmm

western elite type.. check
player/ladis man.. check
ambitious.. check
put people in a trance, charismatic... check those too

apart from Iron ladis Indira Ji, current gen is.. well the lesser said, the better

clan still has its elite sycophants all over the media but the public said 👎

if anything, IK is your Modi figure, rallying a nation against corrupt entrenched powers

it'd be cool to see him roar back to power, backed by the people.. full democratic style.
Yes, that's what I meant. I was drawing parallels between IK and Modi, not IK and nehru.

You must be sarcastic here, deadpan sarcasm.
Idk what you are talking about, sir. I am dead serious ;)
Nehru, our IK ? hmm

western elite type.. check
player/ladis man.. check
ambitious.. check
put people in a trance, charismatic... check those too

apart from Iron ladis Indira Ji, current gen is.. well the lesser said, the better

clan still has its elite sycophants all over the media but the public said 👎

if anything, IK is your Modi figure, rallying a nation against corrupt entrenched powers

it'd be cool to see him roar back to power, backed by the people.. full democratic style.
Nehru was better than Modi and Handsome khan.

Not saying that Nehru was good but definitely better than these two who make tall promises but fail to deliver.

Because of Nehru, India has produced so many doctors, engineers and scientists.
Nehru's military coup proofing measures were great.
Had we copied his coup proofing measures,sadi tareekh e kuch hor hondi.
Indians should be thankful to Nehru.No one was/is perfect.
Nehru's military coup proofing measures were great.
Had we copied his coup proofing measures,sadi tareekh e kuch hor hondi.
Indians should be thankful to Nehru.No one was/is perfect.
Nehru tamed Indian Jernails and put them in their place. He crushed feudal lords & Zamindaars. Even Handsome can't dare to do that.

His critics never mention his achievements.
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