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I hate geniuses!

I hate geniuses. I hate scientists, mathematicians, chess champions, prodigious engineers, prodigious economists and other technical prodigies. Earlier when I hadn't met one (or thought that I hadn't) I guessed being in the company of a genius would be riveting, thrilling, exciting etc. Like watching 1978 movie ‘Don’, reading the entertaining excerpts of the novel 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' (by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), listening to great music etc. I had incorrectly thought that their presence is something worth looking forward to in life. But the reality really seems to be different. Now I know the feel of a company of a genius may be no better than workplace banality. I had presumed meeting a genius would be fun. But meeting with genius turned out to be an ordinary experience. It was not much pleasure.

Have you noticed genius people are anti-social, messy and weird?
Speaking of Hindi... Bangladeshis don't know Hindi or what?
I can understand bit of spoken hindi/urdu... like understand half of the words and guess the meaning of the rest based on context..I guess average Bangladeshis(females mostly) are a bit better than me in this regard, due to watching Hindi serials which I didn't watch. Reading it when it is written using English alphabets is much harder though. And I don't think Bangladeshis can read or write hindi.
I am not homo. I would have liked to talk to you and @padamchen regarding girls. But you don't know Hindi. Speaking in English would be lost in translation.

Speaking of Hindi... Bangladeshis don't know Hindi or what?

Rural labor migrant type Bangladeshis are zero in Hindi.

I've always been able to speak to Pakistanis.

With Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans there is a lot of head bobbing and blank faces.

Cheers, Doc
Rural labor migrant type Bangladeshis are zero in Hindi.

I've always been able to speak to Pakistanis.

With Bangladeshis and Sri Lankans there is a lot of head bobbing and blank faces.

Cheers, Doc
Same must be the case with the four South Indian states of TN, Kerala, AP and Karnataka till 2000. But post-2000.... Look how India has integrated. Hindi has become truly a national language.

Hindi will soon penetrate deep inside Bangladesh. Don't worry.

@Mage @Riyad @Homo Sapiens @UKBengali
Hindi will soon penetrate deep inside Bangladesh. Don't worry.
No it won't. Unless they start teaching Hindi in schools which is basically an impossibility. People may understand but they wont be able to read or write Hindi.
Hindi will penetrate Afghanistan and Sri Lanka as well. Tag Afghan and Lankan members.
Man what happened in.2000?


Cheers, Doc
The process obviously started much before. Probably even before 1947. But 2000 was the tipping point. Due to IT revolution and proliferation of engineering colleges in South, people started to move to South for jobs and education.


But don't you find it rather strange that Bangladeshis don't know Hindi? Even educated netizens like @Mage!!

Bangladesh - the country that is in such close proximity to India.
The process obviously started much before. Probably even before 1947. But 2000 was the tipping point. Due to IT revolution and proliferation of engineering colleges in South, people started to move to South for jobs and education.


But don't you find it rather strange that Bangladeshis don't know Hindi? Even educated netizens like @Mage!!

Bangladesh - the country that is in such close proximity to India.

I find it extremely strange.

Bongs are psychotic about Bengali but Hindi is understood and spoken widely.

How is it that Muslim Bongs (Bangladeshis) don't know Hindi.

It's VERY strange.

Cheers, Doc
I hate geniuses. I hate scientists, mathematicians, chess champions, prodigious engineers, prodigious economists and other technical prodigies. Earlier when I hadn't met one (or thought that I hadn't) I guessed being in the company of a genius would be riveting, thrilling, exciting etc. Like watching 1978 movie ‘Don’, reading the entertaining excerpts of the novel 'One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich' (by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn), listening to great music etc. I had incorrectly thought that their presence is something worth looking forward to in life. But the reality really seems to be different. Now I know the feel of a company of a genius may be no better than workplace banality. I had presumed meeting a genius would be fun. But meeting with genius turned out to be an ordinary experience. It was not much pleasure.
Don't hate your self genius.
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