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I am truely dissapointed...

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Then Control them.. in this way the Saudi approach is slightly better.. they select their Imams..
India must "nationalize" Islam.. regulate it by appointing bodies.. that follow the moderate view.
Then see how such incidents occur..

And which is why I ask again.. Is India truly secular? Are the Indian people truly secular?
Is it even POSSIBLE to be secular?
Yes it is very much possible to be one i for one have always vouched for equal rights for every one living in this country regardless of religion but these recent acts of damaging the amar jawan memorial the damaging of budha's statue the riots in allahbad (though very small) has started changing my thoughts a bit maybe AND A BIG ONE is that they are being misguided but what if it grows what will happen then
Its not an overblown issue LaBong. People have a right to question. This is a fundamental question that needs to be resolved.

What makes you think the Muslim community in India or rather some Muslims in India wont repeat this next time there is a percieved attack on Muslims in some other country?

Yes I understand that you have the right to question and it's better to clear the mist than to shove it under the carpet, but IMO this is not the right platform. Let's not insult Indian Muslims, all of them and whoever registered in this forum, by discussing this in a Pakistani forum.
No sir, there is nothing wrong with being a Nazi.

Please ask Mr. Modi. He probably is proud for being called India's Hitler. He burnt 3000 Muslims in Gujarat and is being hailed as the next Prime Minister of India. Hail Modi.

Trying to use more propaganda to incite more Indian Muslims to damage their own future? 3000? Well that Pakistani terrorist hiding in the Mumbai hotel said 30,000, then made the customary solidarity speech for Indian Muslims then went out and shot dead 55 of them.

Don't think we don't know what the likes of you really want. You would get an orgasm is this grows and ends up killing some Muslims, more propaganda for the likes of you.

I agree with LaBong, close this thread, this is being blown out of proportion.
Then Control them.. in this way the Saudi approach is slightly better.. they select their Imams..
India must "nationalize" Islam.. regulate it by appointing bodies.. that follow the moderate view.
Then see how such incidents occur..
Very interesting solution mate. I wonder how long it will take though. Right now the Muslim leaders in India dont even want a single Uniform Civil Code that empowers Muslim women and bars polygamy.

Incidentally, i read that even Hindus of BD play this minority card to make sure civil reform is not allowed in BD for them. They are allowed polygamy by law in BD among other practices long back discarded in India.

And which is why I ask again.. Is India truly secular? Are the Indian people truly secular?
Is it even POSSIBLE to be secular?
State is secular. People have to learn to be secular. I dont find a major problem between every other religion barring Muslims. There needs to be some 'growing up' in Muslims maybe?
A rather interesting comment on The Hindu by a Northeastern :
Being a child, I felt proud to sing vande mataram & patriotism was in me. But during college days at various cities of India, People called me alien, Chinese & Nepali. And above all, many thinks that, we are either watchmen or cook men. Nothing could be so humiliating & awkwardness to be treated as second class citizen in our own land. Patriotism in me is fading today, day by day.

The ethnic violence in Kokrajal district of Assam was between the illegal Bangladeshi immigrants & indigenous boro people. I fail to understand why people are making it MUSLIM- North-East Issue. Instead of supporting our own people, why they are supporting illegal Bangladeshi immigrants? Why they are becoming anti-India? Is this another sign of step brotherhood treatment?
But finally, Central government is doing something concrete to curb & pacify the situation, happy to know this. Hope that, illegal immigrants will be deported from our country as soon as possible.
Indian Muslims ka asl chehra. Mazaa agaya ;).

I m not blaming my every muslim bro...but there are more than enough black sheeps so cant ignore dem.

And not forgetting the Black sheep Hindu banyas Ya im also not blaming every Hindu Banya
What happened to your laughable "Unity in Diversity". Not so united anymore? Or are you waking up to the reality?

You cannot control 170-180 million Muslims inside India. Not to mention the mass influx of Bangladeshis in Assam and the north east.

Surely the idea of the 'Unity in Diversity' is laughable to you ..because you have always believed in dividing people in name religion, race , sect.
That is the reason you could not stay together in one country, with Indians and why East Pakistanis could not stay with you, and who knows, what lies ahead for you..if you keep dividing people.

The day you realize the strength of 'unity'..you would be able match upto India.

But don't for moment doubt India's unity..and its committance to secularism.

These 180 millions Muslims are Indians, a minute section of them have been mislead and provoked..they are no different than how any other Indian or for that matter Pakistani community reacts in such a situation.(ie self destructively).

I am sure you haven't forgotten, how many times Pakistanis have burnt their own homes just to protest the fires in other's, isn't that why you like to call yourself an overtly emotional bunch..situation is similar with some Indians .. especially when they are hopped up hateful sermons from Maulvis in Ramadan.
I never cared about religion but any group of people trying to compromise the integrity of the country need to be dealth with strictly...and it seems to me with what i have seen in my life that among all the religions in India only Muslims have some issues...Infact only some of them are really secular and we cannot compromise the secularism of our country.Moreover for Muslims religion is bigger than country..These kinds of things in them is really different to the idea of India.I think most of them should have considered migrating in 1947.
The solution for these situations are not simple. However, an attempt can be made. In my opinion following methods should be adopted....

1. Appointment in all religious institutions by the Govt (As suggested by Oscar) and that too not a local one. Eg Imam in Jama Masjid can be appointed from TN, Kerala etc. This will decrease the foothold of local religious leaders in a particular area.

2. More powers to Police. Police officers use lathicharge/firing in very rare situations as they have to answer their higher authorities.

3. Need a strict aw for Protection and Maintenance of Public and Private Property. Any one damaging the public property intentionally must be punished strictly. Special Courts must be established to deal with such cases.

4. Banning all sort of educations in the religious institutions. One must get religious education in his/her home only.

It is painful to know that Indian property is know that Indian property is being destroyed because of some Violence in Burma and Assam (BDies).
Where was this hue and cry when Tamils were crying for Sri Lankan Citizens..hypocrisy of Indians is just mind boggling.Clearly most of you have Anti Muslim Agenda.I as a Pakistani is not worried at all because you can't hurt us.

Patriot - Tamils cry for SL tamils. But Indian tamils do not go out and destroy public properties or vandalise war monuments or hurt other religious people's sentimenets.

And secondly Indian Tamils knew very well India's hand in the elimination of LTTE and sitting idle while 30,000 innocent Tamilians were killed in the last stages of war by SL Army.

Now forget about the SL tamilians.

Indian tamilians are killed every now and then(fishermen) around the waters of Katchatheevu shot by SL navy - an island which was granted by Indira Gandhi in the 70s without the ratification of the parliament which itself is illegal and the case is in the court.

Have you seen Indian Tamilians running around vandalizing public properties(forget about the religious properties) - Most do not even associate any religion behind it.

So you see mate - there is not hypocrisy here. Many Indians are at the receiving end of Indian government policies at different times. So it is not just one community which is a victim.
You overestimate Muslim radicalism or any religious extremist radicalism for the matter.

So called "Muslim radicalism" is like any other mob, catch the few perpetrators and the rest of the community goes on with its daily life.

I'm kind of surprised this post came from you.

I totally agree that most muslims are not radicals. For that matter on the other spectrum Hindus are not either.

But here is the problem I have - time and again the central governments have screwed up India by engaging the few radicals.

In this case, the perfect example is this - the government arrested 16 people for desecration of Lord Buddha statue but have they arrested the Maulvi who instigated the whole violence? You see where the fault lies?

You see why many of them are frustrated?
Muslims know that they are the second biggest/powerful group in India. They know that they hold more sway than Buddhists and North Eastern people, so they are attacking with impunity. Its interesting to notice that they haven't touched any Hindu places of worship.

The problem is if the Indian majority doesn't stand behind the North Easterners against these crims, our North Easterners will feel even more alienated.

And the scum bag pseudo secular congress government is as usual busy doing its vote bank politics. There are more Muslim votes and seats in the parliament where muslims are the king makers than buddishts or other north eastern groups, so they ll just sit there and be silent spectators.

If Muslims in India can vote as a group, its time for Hindus to do the same and make sure this congress party never ever comes to power again.
so its an ethnic issue .. being flamed by the politicos from both sides in this.
Best thing would have been to send in the IA(riot control mode, curfew and quasi martial law) and let it act professionally.
But that depends on whether someone in the Indian government has the guts to sacrifice their votes for what is right.

Oscar - there is no second side here. That is what have stumped us. No politicos have fanned the emotions against muslims here. Most have slammed the illegal issue but nothing beyond that. Even otherwise, beyond Assam which is a pure tribals vs illegals issue, there are no second side which has acted.
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