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I am quite sick of Hindutvwadi creeps. Dum ghut raha hai.

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you dont like Indian muslims much it seems... :)

Whether I like them or not is irrelevant. Their compatriots who voted in Mr Modi seem to hate their own countrymen with a passion. That should worry you more, not what I think.
Whether I like them or not is irrelevant. Their compatriots who voted in Mr Modi seem to hate their own countrymen with a passion. That should worry you more, not what I think.
I am told the hatred is mutual...
Fact of the matter is that this beef thing is way down in the list of priorities for most Indians. Most Hindus included.

It is being used as a poke in the eye. Nowhere close to the inflammatory potential of Babri Masjid of the 90s.

But if Modi fails in his main KRA. Which is to make India and Indians more prosperous (stronger comes next), then Modi will go down.

He has little time left. And hes lost way somewhat and in fact fallen backwards these past two quarters.

Indians are watching Modi. Get your act in order. And stop playing stupid cow politics.
I agree. Which is why we must fight these pubescent new pustules with all the vigor we have.

you argue against ideologies.. you argue against thoughts.. but nation got nothing to this because of some people.. many guys don't like what am talking here.... but im careless... I have seen some videos of IsIs brutal attacks on others in the name of Islam.. We still have constitution working at..
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now dont get too greedy but hope that he will be even more narcissistic bigot once he wins twice.

Imagine a second term of Modi with more seats that he got last time. Now that would be quite something to behold.
you argue against ideologies.. you are argue against thoughts.. but nation got nothing to this because of some people.. many guys don't like what am talking here.... but im careless... I have seen some videos of IsIs brutal attacks on others in the name of Islam.. We still have constitution working at..

So I am arguing about my rights as an Indian.

Most of the Indians here are bringing in my faith.

I want to eat beef because I can. You do not eat beef because you cant.

You stopping me from eating beef because you can.

So I have to now make sure that instead of concentrating on whats best for my country, I have to fight for my stomach first. That's a waste of one good Indian.

All for a friggin cow.
thanks for your wishes... we got a template to copy... not too hard :)

One thing I have to say even if it is begrudgingly, when it comes to Machiavellian politics and machinations, you Hindus have some very good thinkers and writers. Especially in your Hindutva movements. If anyone can pull this off, these guys can. And it seems like it is working too. So, your dream is within reach. You just need to get past the Muslims of India. I'm sure you will.
Fact of the matter is that this beef thing is way down in the list of priorities for most Indians. Most Hindus included.

It is being used as a poke in the eye. Nowhere close to the inflammatory potential of Babri Masjid of the 90s.

But if Modi fails in his main KRA. Which is to make India and Indians more prosperous (stronger comes next), then Modi will go down.

He has little time left. And hes lost way somewhat and in fact fallen backwards these past two quarters.

Indians are watching Modi. Get your act in order. And stop playing stupid cow politics.

beef ban is based was a court order, cows were protected animals since independence, 70% of India is agricultural economy, after the court ruled the LONG delayed bill political parties took advantage of it. that's about it. its the same reason why beef is banned in only 8 our of 29 states in India.

FYI its also illegal to eat horse
One thing I have to say even it is begrudgingly, when it comes to Machiavellian politics and machinations, you Hindus have some very good thinkers and writers. Especially in your Hindutva movements. If anyone can pull this off, these guys can. And it seems like it is working too. So, your dream is within reach. You just need to get past the Muslims of India. I'm sure you will.
ok... lets see... either it will workout brilliantly or fall apart spectacularly...
plenty of material for future historians either way
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