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I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai – review

So what I get is kashmir should stay with India, but india should give them rights, more rights. You really are a sane and practical person. From now on you will be my friend on PDF as long as your stance is like that. Thank you.

You mean as long as i agree that India has rights over potentially every person even within our borders which would greatly please you. You might make enemies out of people who don't agree with you i don't.
No if all the Muslims in your country protest and they do form a sizable percentage not a meager 2 or 3% but a considerable percentage then they should get a state but that would have also been the case if another minority other than Muslims constituted such a number as well. And secondly Kashmir was a matter of pre partition India with a Muslim majority who wanted to be part of Pakistan so their rights were snatched from them then when the subcontinent had such a large number of Muslims who were given that choice to live in either of these two countries. As far as Kashmir goes if Indian government and the attitude of the majority which in this case is Hindu wasn't so barbaric, a term you find synonymous with Muslims, Pakistanis in general would have only wanted that Kashmiris be given their due rights because on the basis of the creation of this country we feel a bond with them.
Again so it only depends on number. But anyway since you agreed that no of kashmiris <<<< total people in India. So Kashmir can not be separated. so you agreed with me. thank you. By the way you are the first person who support indias stance of not separating kashmir, only give them more rights. Same also goes for Pakistani hindus and all the Islamic countries where minorities should be given more rights. I support you here. What I understood also that those muslims who are protesting in france and uk are wrong. Is not it ?
You mean as long as i agree that India has rights over potentially every person even within our borders which would greatly please you. You might make enemies out of people who don't agree with you i don't.
I did not say that. pakistani hindus are yours. do what ever you like to do with them, I dont care. AJK is your, do what ever you like to do with them, I dont care. SimilarlyI we expect you should not care for what is happeneing in indian kashmir, palestine burma etc. If we ban burkha, cow slaughter or if we dont allow any community to preach or practice, that should not bother you. Is not it ?
Again so it only depends on number. But anyway since you agreed that no of kashmiris <<<< total people in India. So Kashmir can not be separated. so you agreed with me. thank you. By the way you are the first person who support indias stance of not separating kashmir, only give them more rights. Same also goes for Pakistani hindus and all the Islamic countries where minorities should be given more rights. I support you here. What I understood also that those muslims who are protesting in france and uk are wrong. Is not it ?

Yes it depends on numbers don't forget your country has more Muslims than ours so if they decide and support Kashmiris in the demand for a separate state i would support them. You claim you have a secular state but what you truly have is a Hindu fascist state that you never accept so if a large number of Muslims decide this then i am with them the point i raised was this isn't today's issue its decades old so their freedom was snatched from them when they like the rest had the choice to opt so if you look from that scenario then even their demand doesn't seem unfair since they always opted for a Muslim state.
Yes it depends on numbers don't forget your country has more Muslims than ours so if they decide and support Kashmiris in the demand for a separate state i would support them. You claim you have a secular state but what you truly have is a Hindu fascist state that you never accept so if a large number of Muslims decide this then i am with them the point i raised was this isn't today's issue its decades old so their freedom was snatched from them when they like the rest had the choice to opt so if you look from that scenario then even their demand doesn't seem unfair since they always opted for a Muslim state.
if the large no of muslims support Kashmir cause and large no of Hindus support indian stance, which one do you support ? And if large no of muslims dont support kashmiris then do you support Indian stance ? I am talking about present.
I did not say that. pakistani hindus are yours. do what ever you like to do with them, I dont care. AJK is your, do what ever you like to do with them, I dont care. SimilarlyI we expect you should not care for what is happeneing in indian kashmir, palestine burma etc. If we ban burkha, cow slaughter or if we dont allow any community to preach or practice, that should not bother you. Is not it ?

The point is either you call India a secular state which respects all religions which is a mere smoke screen to hide you're failures to deal with some of the most pressing issues or declare that you'rs is a Hindu fascist state. If you decide the latter then you can put bans on anything that you like to and if Muslims have a problem with that they are always welcome in other Islamic countries but since you like to glorify and attract the western world through your fabricated image of secularism then act like one don't call your's a secular state when you subject you're minorities to torture and not just hurt their religious sentiments.
The point is either you call India a secular state which respects all religions which is a mere smoke screen to hide you're failures to deal with some of the most pressing issues or declare that you'rs is a Hindu fascist state. If you decide the latter then you can put bans on anything that you like to and if Muslims have a problem with that they are always welcome in other Islamic countries but since you like to glorify and attract the western world through your fabricated image of secularism then act like one don't call your's a secular state when you subject you're minorities to torture and not just hurt their religious sentiments.
Do you mean to say that all islamic states which run on sharia are Islamic fascist states ? And are you saying that islamic states have right to hurt the sentiments of minorities since they are Islamic states ?
if the large no of muslims support Kashmir cause and large no of Hindus support indian stance, which one do you support ? And if large no of muslims dont support kashmiris then do you support Indian stance ? I am talking about present.

Present can't be judged without tracing the past if i look at the injustice done to them when they had a chance like the rest had i feel they do deserve what they have always wanted from the time of independence, a Muslim state.
Do you mean to say that all islamic states which run on sharia are Islamic fascist states ?
Present can't be judged without tracing the past if i look at the injustice done to them when they had a chance like the rest had i feel they do deserve what they have always wanted from the time of independence, a Muslim state.
That is exactly what i pointed out then when you are in majority you want muslim state forgetting the minorities. Is not it ? why muslims want muslim state not secular state ?
Do you mean to say that all islamic states which run on sharia are Islamic fascist states ?

No i don't mean to say that precisely because like i said earlier not everything is black and white there are shades of grey as well. I only said it because you're state refuses to grant those people their rights whom they call an integral part of their country. They were robbed off their rights decades earlier so they have a right to get the choice they made then when the rest got what they wanted.
No i don't mean to say that precisely because like i said earlier not everything is black and white there are shades of grey as well. I only said it because you're state refuses to grant those people their rights whom they call an integral part of their country. They were robbed off their rights decades earlier so they have a right to get the choice they made then when the rest got what they wanted.
So what you are saying is that it is ok if minority rights are violated in Islamic state but if a secular country does that you have a problem ? and may i know why so ?
That is exactly what i pointed out then when you are in majority you want muslim state forgetting the minorities. Is not it ? why muslims want muslim state not secular state ?

If Muslims form a sizable percentage in a region or even for those who already have a country why does it bother you if they want or support a Muslim state or a secular one?
If Muslims form a sizable percentage in a region or even for those who already have a country why does it bother you if they want or support a Muslim state or a secular one?
Exactly. Now you are talking. That means when muslims always demand for islamic state when they are in majority. is not it ?
So what you are saying is that it is ok if minority rights are violated in Islamic state but if a secular country does that you have a problem ? and may i know why so ?

No it isn't okay an Islamic state should grant its minorites their basic rights but i am sorry to say you mention things which i don't agree with.
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