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I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai – review

No it isn't okay and Islamic state should grant its minorites their basic rights but i am sorry to say you mention things which i don't agree with.
as i asked why muslims in majority demand muslim states where minorities are not allowed to preach, practice freely or convert muslims into non muslims ?
as i asked why muslims in majority demand muslim states where minorities are not allowed to preach, practice freely or convert muslims into non muslims ?

Then i should ask why do Indians claim they have a secular state to please the outsiders when a large population of the country is subjected to unjustice and discrimination? Why do they call it a secular state?
Then i should ask why do Indians claim they have a secular state to please the outsiders when a large population of the country is subjected to unjustice and discrimination? Why do they call it a secular state?
we are trying to be secular. But it is not the case of indians. Christian dont demand christian states. Why muslims demand islamic state when they r in majority ? And your question should be why Hindus demand Hindu state. it should not be Indians.
I asked muslims always demand islamic state when they are in majority, is not it ?

In the case of these two countries many people had the chance and they did migrate the largest migration probably in recent history if i am not wrong, those who stayed here wanted to be a part of this country those who left opted for India this country was created to safeguard Muslims and to establish an Islamic state if the minorities chose to stay here and if they aren't protesting everyday or every week on the streets like Kashmiris are then it means they know they aren't being targetted because of their religion. The majority overhere is being targetted its not the other way round.
we are trying to be secular. But it is not the case of indians. Christian dont demand christian states. Why muslims demand islamic state when they r in majority ? And your question should be why Hindus demand Hindu state. it should not be Indians.

I am not asking comparisons i am asking a question and you dodged it. It is already a Hindu state just by looking at Kashmir you would come to that conclusion but you only like to ask and not answer i suppose?
In the case of these two countries many people had the chance and they did migrate the largest migration probably in recent history if i am not wrong, those who stayed here wanted to be a part of this country those who left opted for India this country was created to safeguard Muslims and to establish an Islamic state if the minorities chose to stay here and if they aren't protesting everyday or every week on the streets like Kashmiris are then it means they know they aren't being targetted because of their religion. The majority overhere is being targetted its not the other way round.
I asked a question Amna. Is not it a fact that when muslims demand Islamic state when they r in majority ?
I am not asking comparisons i am asking a question and you dodged it. It is already a Hindu state just by looking at Kashmir you would come to that conclusion but you only like to ask and not answer i suppose?
When did Hindus demand a Hindu state in india ? So with the christians. But why Muslims demand Islamic state when they are in majority ?
I asked a question Amna. Is not it a fact that when muslims demand Islamic state when they r in majority ?

Not if their rights are safeguarded which you're state has failed to do since independence i guess and you still sling mud at others and anyways like i said you don't seem to answer my questions so there is no need for me to discuss any further.
Not if their rights are safeguarded which you're state has failed to do since independence i guess and you still sling mud at others and anyways like i said you don't seem to answer my questions so there is no need for me to discuss any further.
When muslims are in majority still they need their rights to be safe guarded ? I am asking if they are a majority, why dont they go for a secular country ? Why for Islamic country ?
When did Hindus demand a Hindu state in india ? So with the christians. But why Muslims demand Islamic state when they are in majority ?

You can't compare it doesn't work that way you can't ask all religious people of all religions to act the same way do you remember the not so secular and democratic England of yesteryears when it was a state where you couldn't utter a single word against the Bible or forget about that couldn't even breath while going against it as well as the Inquisition.
When muslims are in majority still they need their rights to be safe guarded ? I am asking if they are a majority, why dont they go for a secular country ? Why for Islamic country ?

Because unlike how you like to paint all of us Muslims as barbaric we also are human and have a choice and Muslims even in pre partion era were a minority but a huge population that could form a state so you should know the difference and don't compare that with other events that are not even remotely similar.
You can't compare it doesn't work that way you can't ask all religious people of all religions to act the same way do you remember the not so secular and democratic England of yesteryears when it was a state where you couldn't utter a single word against the Bible or forget about that couldn't even breath while going against it as well as the Inquisition.
But now it is a secular state. I am asking why it is always that muslims demand an Islamic state when they are in majority ? Why I should not compare all the religions ? I am asking . it is inherent in muslims that they always want a islamic state ?
Because unlike how you like to paint all of us Muslims as barbaric we also are human and have a choice and Muslims even in pre partion era were a minority but a huge population that could form a state so you should know the difference and don't compare that with other events that are not even remotely similar.
Ofcourse you have a choice. I have not said anything about partition. I have not said anything about barbarism. I am just asking why muslims in majority demands an Islamic state I mean choose an islamic state ?
If I could assign you to a group, it would be that of angry drunks. Take it easy..

I'm a happy drunk but that doesn't mean morons get to say what they want in my presence. Although, I award full points on your perception of other people.

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