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Hyderabad real capital of Indian Muslims: Akbaruddin Owaisi

not sure if it good for India... most hindus will consider a Indian muslim party as muslim league -2 and will run towards bjp... it will only end in more polarization..(and death of a center left party like congress)
Everybody is patriot.

I meant it in the sense of giving 200 million Indians a sense of belonging and representation. Of involvement. Probably mainstreaming. And freedom from religious fear and dogma and politics.

I'm an idealist.
Kalam saab was not a political leader. And Kalam saab is dead. Owaisi saab is a political leader. He can do something for us. He understands us.
look thats the problem. Kalam got respect for his exemplary achievements , he was able to command respect and become president due to his contribution. At no point he used religion as tool to gain favors , religion was personal to him.

Owaisi is exact opposite, he claims to represent muslims by default. But on what basis, just religion alone? even a mullah can do that. As such he has vested interested in keeping the pot boiling. He will bring in religion where there is no need.
Problem is that he is not only giving bad name to more accomplished ppl in his community but also ends up giving handle to idiots for hindu fundamentalist outfits as well. Finally it ends up being a competition of fundamentalists. He will certainly keep hyderabad as his fiefdom for another generation or two by ensuring no developement just like lalu or mayawati albeit using religion.
Hyderabad should be an independent Sovereign state instead of just being a capital.......
Voice should be raised at Works forums about illegal occupation of India on land of Nizzam .....
I hope Owasi can be use full person at appropriate times .....
Are you talking about Hyderabad in Sind, Pakistan? Then this is not the right thread.
Plot Twist : Akbaruddin Owaisi is on secret payroll of RSS ...
I meant it in the sense of giving 200 million Indians a sense of belonging and representation.
leaders never claim to represent or ask for it, they dont get following from one particular community or region. They command respect bcos of their contribution and stature.
look thats the problem. Kalam got respect for his exemplary achievements , he was able to command respect and become president due to his contribution. At no point he used religion as tool to gain favors , religion was personal to him.

Owaisi is exact opposite, he claims to represent muslims by default. But on what basis, just religion alone? even a mullah can do that. As such he has vested interested in keeping the pot boiling. He will bring in religion where there is no need.
Problem is that he is not only giving bad name to more accomplished ppl in his community but also ends up giving handle to idiots for hindu fundamentalist outfits as well. Finally it ends up being a competition of fundamentalists. He will certainly keep hyderabad as his fiefdom for another generation or two by ensuring no developement just like lalu or mayawati albeit using religion.

I think Owaisi saab outgrew Hyderabad some time ago sir.

He has a bigger vision.
I meant it in the sense of giving 200 million Indians a sense of belonging and representation. Of involvement. Probably mainstreaming. And freedom from religious fear and dogma and politics.

I'm an idealist.
its certainly good for Indian muslim.. but may not be good for India...
MIM itself plays into those fears to get vote.. thats what made them popular in first place... why do you think MIM has more appeal than say IUML?
its certainly good for Indian muslim.. but may not be good for India...
MIM itself plays into those fears to get vote.. thats what made them popular in first place... why do you think MIM has more appeal than say IUML?

I believe whats good for 200 million Indians can only be good for India.

Why should it be otherwise?

Unless you start off with the assumption that what an Indian Muslim wants is different to what India wants.
What's the point, Lucknow will soon secede from India and either declare independence or join Pakistan anyways.
hmm more like we got a beachhead in karachi and soon sindh will be ours... hopefully before LKA dies... :)

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