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Hyderabad real capital of Indian Muslims: Akbaruddin Owaisi

You misunderstood me. I have great respect for indian muslims and think of them as my brothers. Anf í dó belive this guy is a patriot.

I just don't belive in voting for a man just because of his religion.

Just look at punjab were my roots are from. The akali dal, the sikh patry (Badal and co), have ruined my state. Still sikhs continue voting for the party because of religion. The akalis are supposed to be sikhs working for a better punjab, but they are still the worst thing that happened to punjab

Sir (please write Indian with capital "I") we have never had a powerful polarizing identity politician with charisma and who is well spoken.

You might laugh at this, but regardless of the arrogant defiant behaviour of many of our uneducated youth, they do secretly like the idea of a hardcore Muslim leader they see as their own who can speak in English, who looks smart in a Western way, and who can hold his own in debates, and not come across as a typical "Muslim" which any of these boys can do much better.

Now Owaisi saab is seen as all of this. And his brother keeps reminding them that they are not going to be sell-outs like the slimy Muslim leaders before them. We like bravado. It is the Muslim way. That's how we are built.

Hope that explains his attraction.
165,670,181 Muslims and 995,257,428 Hindus to be exact, given the population density it matters little.


If it matters little there is no reason to feel insecure. I for one believe that when that number votes together, it will matter, and matter big. If not kings, we will be King makers. And get what we need in the bargaining that will precede it and follow.

people in general can do that, what makes Muslims special?

We do not trust Hindu leaders to do what's best for us. Fact.

india is built on vote banks , get it through m8. everyone is biased

So we are talking about working towards making our vote bank work towards us. By having a powerful leader from within us. Why does that then cause unease or consternation?

this prick literally threatened to genocide all Hindus in india to make Muslims majority , the only place he belongs is in a cell in Andaman.

He did nothing different to what has been said by many Hindus. Deal with it.
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This is gonna anger a lot of Muslims from Delhi, Lucknow and Bhopal.
A true Muslim won't resort to abusing others. Shame on you.


My point was that in India passions are inflamed from both sides. There is no sense in being selective holier than thou.
What has your numbers got anything to do with it ?

Muslims have voted for slimy politicians, not slimy hindu politicians. now you are admiring a slimy muslim politician.
Nothing has changed.

Sensible educated muslims need to admire Abdul kalam and AR Rahman and Sania Mirza. Instead you claim they admire Owasi and his ilk.

If this is the condition of educated muslims, then India is better of with uneducated muslims who admire Abdul Kalam.

:lol:........... sure the classic muslim definition of "Khandani"..... people who associate with Thugs and violent antisocial :lol:

Its not so much what he says, but what he Actually Does that makes him a despicable cad.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. What has he done that is so bad?
Sir (please write Indian with capital "I") we have never had a powerful polarizing identity politician with charisma and who is well spoken.

You might laugh at this, but regardless of the arrogant defiant behaviour of many of our uneducated youth, they do secretly like the idea of a hardcore Muslim leader they see as their own who can speak in English, who looks smart in a Western way, and who can hold his own in debates, and not come across as a typical "Muslim" which any of these boys can do much better.

Now Owaisi saab is seen as all of this. And his brother keeps reminding them that they are not going to be sell-outs like the slimy Muslim leaders before them. We like bravado. It is the Muslim way. That's how we are built.

Hope that explains his attraction.

I do understand what you mean. In India hindus vote for Hindus, sikhs for Sikhs, jatts for jatts and yadavs for yadavs and so on so on. Muslims are no different.

In my opinion this is the biggest fault in Indian democracy. People are mislead and blinded by their faith, cast, language etc.
Hyderabad should be an independent Sovereign state instead of just being a capital.......

and i want to be its ruler, give me my own country :( i want to rule

If it matters little there is no reason to feel insecure. I for one believe that when that number votes together, it will matter, and matter big. If not kings, we will be King makers. And get what we need in the bargaining that will precede it and follow.

strength in selective number crap is the reason why Indian politics is a shithole, everyone is starching their own backs , hindus , muslims ,jains ,christans .neutral unity is what that-matter, religious vote-banks. population ratio makes no diffrence, there are hard cold Islamists in BJP and congress . vote banks is all about selective bias.

zero neutrality

We do not trust Hindu leaders to do what's best for us. Fact.

so? you have muslin leaders in every party, have you voted before? you do realize MLAs are picked by the people in your locality . i've yet to see a hindu leader win in a Muslim majority area.

So we are talking about working towards making our vote bank work towards us. By having a powerful leader from within us. Why does that then cause unease or consternation?.

saying Muslims don't have vote bank is a bad joke, mamtha and her party closed cases and reports entire riots on Hindus in WB.

as said there is a votebank for every religion in india.

He did nothing different to what has been said by many Hindus. Deal with it.

crime justifying crime? what is this jangle raj logic.

if you think a man who says genociding hindus in live tv is fit to rule a country, you are more deluded than i thought.
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Sir they are Muslims.

Allow us also the chance of having someone of our own faith. Or is that right only for Hindus?

Please see his debates inside Pakistan. You will realize the man is a patriot.
Did we give him any authority to speak for us. As far as I see he is a separatist. He is putting separatist sentiment in people. For a while, I liked owaisi and I have seen his debates in Pakistan.
Now he became extremist.

Hyderabad should be an independent Sovereign state instead of just being a capital.......
Voice should be raised at Works forums about illegal occupation of India on land of Nizzam .....
I hope Owasi can be use full person at appropriate times .....
Thanks but we are keeping Hyderabad as it is. There is a lot of Hindus too. hatred is not idea of India. It's co-existence.
MIM wants to represent all Indian muslims, and would love to have pan indian appeal.. they know what muslims like, the language, behaviour everything is chosen to appeal it.
However there are other regional muslim parties like ones in kerala who wont give up without a fight... Owaisi is probably tallest among them all, so he got some advantage.
I see nothing wrong in muslims voting for muslim party, just like rest of us do, we choose the leader who will represent us, if we dont, we will never get share of ever increasing pie.
MIM wants to represent all Indian muslims, and would love to have pan indian appeal.. they know what muslims like, the language, behaviour everything is chosen to appeal it.
However there are other regional muslim parties like ones in kerala who wont give up without a fight... Owaisi is probably tallest among them all, so he got some advantage.
I see nothing wrong in muslims voting for muslim party, just like rest of us do, we choose the leader who will represent us, if we dont, we will never get share of ever increasing pie.

In fact, a strong Muslim patriot is good for both Indian Muslims as well as for India.

Did we give him any authority to speak for us.

He does not need your authority. He was invited, he went.

He spoke to a hall full of religious leaders, politicians, academics, and a variety of other influential Pakistanis.

As an Indian Muslim. I was very proud of him that day. If you are not, then you have an agenda. And are probably just anti Muslim. Coz there was nothing he said that any Indian would disagree with.
In fact, a strong Muslim patriot is good for both Indian Muslims as well as for India.
not sure if it good for India... most hindus will consider a Indian muslim party as muslim league -2 and will run towards bjp... it will only end in more polarization..(and death of a center left party like congress)
Everybody is patriot.
I do understand what you mean. In India hindus vote for Hindus, sikhs for Sikhs, jatts for jatts and yadavs for yadavs and so on so on. Muslims are no different.

In my opinion this is the biggest fault in Indian democracy. People are mislead and blinded by their faith, cast, language etc.

strength in selective number crap is the reason why Indian politics is a shithole, everyone is starching their own backs , hindus , muslims ,jains ,christans .neutral unity is what that-matter, religious vote-banks. population ratio makes no diffrence, there are hard cold Islamists in BJP and congress . vote banks is all about selective bias.

zero neutrality

I disagree with both of you. And agree with @livingdead

This is the beauty of our democracy. We vote for who we feel will further our agenda. Collectively millions of agendas coalesce to make the nation's agenda.

Why should we not vote for a Muslim leader if we feel he will do what's best for us? Similar to other voting on religious or caste or linguistic or regional lines. The bottom line is you vote to select your leader.

so? you have muslin leaders in every party, have you voted before? you do realize MLAs are picked by the people in your locality . i've yet to see a hindu leader win in a Muslim majority area.

I have voted. many times. I voted for Modi.

And he took away the beef from my mouth. See what I mean?

as said there is a votebank for every religion in india.

But up till now, the Muslim one has voted en bloc for a Hindu leader (mainly Congress at the national level).

crime justifying crime? what is this jangle raj logic.

No one is justifying anything. If you point out Akbaruddin's vitriol, then do not forget to point out that spouted by swamys and maharajs and sadhvis as well.

If you do not, then I assume you have an agenda. And then proceed to move ahead with my own.

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