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Hundreds of thousands of people at Khadim Hussain Rizvi's Funeral

Enemies of Islam and Pakistan should know this when we will do Jihad. Great responsibility on our strategic forces and scientists & engineers to be actually equal to this spirit. We should make fighter planes and missiles that no one can be equal to. Stop relying on foreign conponents. Make every thing 10000% perfect and InshaAllah never disgrace us - Amen

Qadiani / Ahmadi....Don't cry...

Your Dajjali Prophet died in his own shit face down.


These comments are few of the many reasons as to why we lag behind of other countries.
Qadiani / Ahmadi....Don't cry...

Your Dajjali Prophet died in his own shit face down.

Was going through this thread and found this post. The list of people who like this comment is amazing.

Already reported but no action. Has the PDF come down to this level?

@AgNoStiC MuSliM
Was going through this thread and found this post. The list of people who like this comment is amazing.

Already reported but no action. Has the PDF come down to this level?

@AgNoStiC MuSliM
I also reported it but it's still on.

Mods are sleeping. Hate speech can stay on. And this poster wouldn't even be banned.I'm sorry if I'm being harsh @AgNoStiC MuSliM but this kind of hate speech has to go. You are a sensible mod so tagging you. None of us speak up against this bigotry and hate mongering and its why our society at large is in this mess.
Let's be honest. There are two influences vying for supremacy in Pakistan. The Western and the Desi. The Western was brought to South Asia by British. The Desi is home grown and native which was there before the British came.

  1. When you see Pakistan Army, FBR, Police, the Judiciary, the hospitals, the universities etc for all their failings they are product of the Western stream introduced by British.
  2. The madaris, the mullahs, the clerics, the Rizvi types, the quacks etc and their followers are products of native desi stream.

It seems that you are oblivious to the Hanafi sect split into Barelvi and Deobandi history and timelines in the sub-continent. Also add the Dajjal Ghulam Ahmad (Qadyani). Under Mughal rule, no such splits and claims of false prophethoods were allowed whereas the British desired such things - encourage division for easier rule.

Madaris education before British took control was nothing like the madaris education that followed. Perhaps you'd like to visit what British did to madaris education and how that brought muslims from being the educated (or elite class) down to the bottom of the pyramid.
thank god i am not part of such mob god give me brain to think . think about mind set of those peaople whom choose leader to pen di siri
Lol, the fact that u have to state that Allah gave u a brain, speaks miles about the level that pile of hay in ur head operates.
leave the matter of the deceased to Allah. This is the metaphysical system of Almighty that golden people like Ghazi Ilm Deen Shaheed and Khadim Hussain come. And then go back after relighting the candle of Muhammad's love in the hearts of the Ummah. He Almighty chooses whom for what special purpose, these are the decisions of the Sovereign of the seventh sky and He knows the best. Raj pal and Ilm Deen always been here and there in this system of the nature... This is the continuity of the battle of ideologies , clash of good vs evil, since ever for ever ۔
A literary person can understand the meanings of these lines of my urdu poetry . . .
سکھایا کس نے یہ شعلوں سے کھیلنا مجھ کو
میرے خدا میرے اندر سے کون بولتا ہۓ

( Translation: Who taught me to play with these flames? My God, who speaks from insides of me? )
Why don't people react the same way when they mock Allah?
Under Mughal rule, no such splits and claims of false prophethoods were allowed whereas the British desired such things - encourage division for easier rule.

Madaris education before British took control was nothing like the madaris education that followed. Perhaps you'd like to visit what British did to madaris education and how that brought muslims from being the educated (or elite class) down to the bottom of the pyramid.
You do you know, your just contradicting yourself. If things were so hunky dory before the British, if things were so unified [as opposed to divided by British] how the flying frigg did the British manage to take this entire mob over including Myanmar?

You do you know, your just contradicting yourself. If things were so hunky dory before the British, if things were so unified [as opposed to divided by British] how the flying frigg did the British manage to take this entire mob over including Myanmar?

View attachment 689984

Your reply shows that you did not do any research on this topic of sects, a lack of understanding of the map above and my earlier post.

Uttar Pardesh was under Mughal control - both Barelvi and Deobandi sects were born in UP during British raj. Qadyani was however from Punjab but he took cue from what was going on in these two Hanafi groups, took an additional step and claimed false prophethood.

Deen-e-Illahi was created by Akbar but it was not accepted by mainstream sects and pretty much wiped out immediately after his death. This fitna only lasted 24 years. Aurungzeb killed his older brother (a century or so later) who desired to reinstate it.
thank god i am not part of such mob god give me brain to think . think about mind set of those peaople whom choose leader to pen di siri
You think you have a brain, very funny.. :lol:
we thanks ALLAH swt' that liberal/secular like you weren't part.

actually your types aren't able to digest the reality that Islam still lives in the hearts of millions of Pakistanis and these Pakistanis will not allow our society to reach the point where a woman waits for the medical report to determine who is the father of her harami child.
Those who are happy over such a big gathering and declaring it the win of righteousness are cowards. They are finding refuge in the crowd. They are not brave enough to decide on the basis of facts and arguments that what is right and what is wrong but rather take refuge behind the mob.
There's no need to worry. I thought everybody knows by now that 'rona is just a fake virus. My flatmate even had antibodies but she didn't even cough more than 2 times. Don't let your government take your rights by using this fake virus as an excuse.

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