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Hundreds of thousands of people at Khadim Hussain Rizvi's Funeral

Lol Khadim rizvi stood alone, took thousand of shells and got his workers arrested by stupid government and law enforcement and you are talking about refuge in crowd
Those who are happy over such a big gathering and declaring it the win of righteousness are cowards. They are finding refuge in the crowd. They are not brave enough to decide on the basis of facts and arguments that what is right and what is wrong but rather take refuge behind the mob.
Only atheist mock Allah and even they don't. Pakistan is a democracy and 90pc are not liberals and non Muslims so majority don't allow any disrespect
Why don't people react the same way when they mock Allah?
Only atheist mock Allah and even they don't. Pakistan is a democracy and 90pc are not liberals and non Muslims so majority don't allow any disrespect
Ok I get you atheist mock Allah, but I am asking why don't we react the same way then? Isn't more important to tell them not to mock Allah?
Let's be honest. There are two influences vying for supremacy in Pakistan. The Western and the Desi. The Western was brought to South Asia by British. The Desi is home grown and native which was there before the British came.

  1. When you see Pakistan Army, FBR, Police, the Judiciary, the hospitals, the universities etc for all their failings they are product of the Western stream introduced by British.
  2. The madaris, the mullahs, the clerics, the Rizvi types, the quacks etc and their followers are products of native desi stream.

On my recent visit to Turkey I saw a highly developed and prosperous society compared to Pakistan. Then I considerd the differance. The major differance was the Turks have almost wiped out Number 2. in their society. The Western infuence dominates the country. In Pakistan the Desi influence dominate the marginal and weak Western influence.

By the way the main differance between Pakistan and Afghanistan is the Afghans have almost no Western influence and you see the results. No.2 dominate the country.
*As a adjunct I would add the same problems apply in India. However because the British were in India for far longer Western influence is stronger in India. But even then Turkey is more Westernized then India. The other thing to note is in India Desi is dressed in Hindu terms.

Good post.
Related to that was just recently watching a docu on you tube.. something like Afghanistan of 1979 before the soviet invasion..I think it's a UK docu.. a point was made that Afghanistan missed out on modernity bc was not colonized unlike some regional countries.. fascinating docu!!
About rizvi funeral.. benazir Bhutto was grieved by far many more people and in far many more places and for far many days...
This is the reason the generals, politicians, prime ministers, presidents and dictators tread ever so gently when it comes to issues like blasphemy, Ahmedi's etc or else it would tear Pakistan apart. This is direct result of the state leaving masses to be indoctrinated by mullahs while they went to Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard etc.

What good are all these animals in the modern global economy? Can they be engage with global technology companies, global electronic supply chains or even global garment supply chains? No, a big NO. They are only good for tearing streets up, baying for blood and screaming for barking mullahs. What a sad state Pakistan is in.

No Sir, issue is not that why elites are gentle on them but the real question is why our people are like these?....because they have been constantly manipulated and used by the Generals, politicians, presidents, dictators etc ... in the name of the religion, as it suits them....So it can't be that your elites deliberately keep your masses uneducated and radicalised (by allowing Mullah culture) and then cry rivers at the same time, that these people are not contributing in technology, building economy etc...they were never designed by your elites to do that...instead they are customised since their childhood to be defend Islam, do Jihad, Follow Mullah's Islam and be against anything modern.
I wonder what was the contribution of dead mulla in this country and world, besides hurting Pakistan and promoting extremism.

Dead? ..Sure?...he was assassinated....ask Chinese
I've never seen these many people around Minar-e-Pakistan before.

This must be one of Pakistan's biggest funerals.

Around 200-300k people here alone according to the news and in total they're saying around 750k to 1 million have gathered.

SoPs need to be followed.
A very big crowd.
And you think this is a good thing!. I don't know when people are Pakistan start thinking rationally. There is a pandemic wreaking havoc in the masses and the nation continues to challenge the writ of the government and ignore the calls for prevention... And then later they will come and blame the government that the said disease is getting out of control...
It's not about stopping them. Govt could have contacted his family and political party and asked them to appeal to masses to bring masks and socially distance. Perhaps even offer to distribute masks and provide logistical support for funeral.
And where would they conjure up the logistics to get that many masks and find a disciplined way to distribute them to these idiots.
Dead? ..Sure?...he was assassinated....ask Chinese
His life or death matters me not, people who believe in him should be happy because he supposedly is in better place, but why ask Chinese? What's that all about?
Among all of us on pdf, you are most useless idiot

No. @Imran Khan here is one of the most honest and brave persons on PDF who calls a spade a spade when condemning the wretched ideologies like that of the thug Rizvi. And that he manages to be so bold while living in Pakistan--unlike we expat Pakistanis who are relatively safe from the clutches of the violent mullah brigade--makes him win my deepest respect. May he be protected from these thugs and may Pakistan be protected from the pseudo religious thugs who have no respect for either their lives or the lives of others. After all, this world is just a trial-balloon for them. The real life is after-life. Sick mental people!
No. @Imran Khan here is one of the most honest and brave persons on PDF who calls a spade a spade when condemning the wretched ideologies like that of the thug Rizvi. And that he manages to be so bold while living in Pakistan--unlike we expat Pakistanis who are relatively safe from the clutches of the violent mullah brigade--makes him win my deepest respect. May he be protected from these thugs and may Pakistan be protected from the pseudo religious thugs who have no respect for either their lives or the lives of others. After all, this world is just a trial-balloon for them. The real life is after-life. Sick mental people!
nothing serious to replied sir . it was just fun :lol: :lol:

BTW thanks for you kind words
When you see Pakistan Army, FBR, Police, the Judiciary, the hospitals, the universities etc for all their failings they are product of the Western stream introduced by British.
Thank you British for the advancement 😍
No. @Imran Khan here is one of the most honest and brave persons on PDF who calls a spade a spade when condemning the wretched ideologies like that of the thug Rizvi. And that he manages to be so bold while living in Pakistan--unlike we expat Pakistanis who are relatively safe from the clutches of the violent mullah brigade--makes him win my deepest respect. May he be protected from these thugs and may Pakistan be protected from the pseudo religious thugs who have no respect for either their lives or the lives of others. After all, this world is just a trial-balloon for them. The real life is after-life. Sick mental people!

@Imran Khan
he is a good, honest and funny 🤗

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