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Humiliating treatment by pakistani soldiers

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We Punjabis are known for hospitality...guests eat first...we watch if they die then we dont attempt :angel:

THIS is Buttsy we are talking about Talon! I am MORE likely to die IF I touch his nihari whether or not I was the one who cooked it.
THIS is Buttsy we are talking about Talon! I am MORE likely to die IF I touch his nihari whether or not I was the one who cooked it.
Oh dont worry....I will make sure you test it....After all how often does an Indian cook for a Pakistani? :azn:
Oh dont worry....I will make sure you test it....After all how often does an Indian cook for a Pakistani? :azn:

Shall have to dispose of you first then.:( I won't like it but I guess I'll still do it.
At yom e akhirat, judgment day....your big bunglow, cars, bikes, Iphone wont be of any help.
What about your internet? Did you offer the 5 prayers or will that wait until youm e akhiraat?! Now be a good boy go do wudhu' and pray!
Dude, trust me, it's a real issue...... I used to think that it can't be true, however, Pujabis do take their Nihari pretty seriously..... :o:

THIS is Buttsy we are talking about Talon! I am MORE likely to die IF I touch his nihari whether or not I was the one who cooked it.
A million small incidents like this will slowly drive a wedge between soldiers and the citizenry, if not handled properly.
Slowly this can turn into Punjabis Vs. Pastuns fight.. Which is very dangerous to Pakistan, if pan-Pastun nationalism gets ignited leading to demands for Pakthunistan on both sides of the Durand line.
Dude, trust me, it's a real issue...... I used to think that it can't be true, however, Pujabis do take their Nihari pretty seriously..... :o:

I don't even like it man. Give me Goshtaba or shahi korma any day..have a Kashmiri place right next to my place..oh man oh man..that's food.
The PA is being targetted by psychopaths who are harassing them openly . The khariji's are killing people in horrific ways every day, but bafflingly the public resentment seems reserved for the soldiers. On top of all this, the civil administration is undermining the PA all the time. In these circumstances, of course you'd lose your rag.

It seems there is a lot of misdirected tension on the ground. People are unable to vent their anger at taliban, criminals and political gangsters who regularly kick people around. So they complain about the PA, because they are an easy target. When you complain about taliban, it is hard to follow up the complaint with action, so people just bury their anger and stay quiet.

I think for things like this, soldiers should be trained not punished.
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Manhoos... there is DSL..... 3G(yes it's running, however, only ufone is running it in their devices and you are not allowed to sell sims separately)..... there are some wireless services that give you 16Mbps..... even in remotest of villages.....

Dear God you have internet?! :unsure:
No...... I don't agree..... in KPK the agricultural proceeds are distributed very fairly........... imagine, I pay my muzera's in Punjab way less than I do in KPK...... it's not me that I want to do it........ last time I paid them a percentage in Punjab, another Malik (Punjabi) got kind of irritated with me that I was spoiling the "Kamee-Kameen"<<< not my words but his...... and he is a big shot MNA of Punjab...... I was like..... what's wrong with this arsehole! :mad:

It's m'az-ara :P
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