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Humiliating treatment by pakistani soldiers

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Wake up woman..... everyone is "chasing" "stalking" women on FB..... forgot the curious case of Alpha? :o:

I NEVER DID! Don't lump the likes of you and me with the general unwashed masses who are inept at scoring with anything that breathes and has thoughts! :angry:
Absolute power corrupts absolutely..... and if you don't fight for your rights in a coordinated manner, united against any oppressor, then anyone with a bigger stick will control your destiny......


During the Swat operation the Army Raided one of our neigbours house (old neighbours I am not from swat Btw), He is like in late 60s (more then 10 kids I believe)Some doctors, in customs and some in foreign countries. Anyways when they raided the house at night only his one son (doctor in the local hospital) and his wife was at home (the rest of the family moved to peshawar for that small period of time). They took them and kept on accusing them for supplying Medicine to the taliban, He goes I told them look if a customer walks and asks for medicine I will just give it to them, I dont know if he is Tal!ban or whatever its not written on their faces. Anyways after week or they got them out.

More stories, illegally occupyings land, Staying in emty house by force. etc.
This very attitude resulted in break-up of Pakistan in 1971...
Well, we have Bangladeshi friends and brothers now...so maybe that is the only way to make friends and brothers...

During the Swat operation the Army Raided one of our neigbours house (old neighbours I am not from swat Btw), He is like in late 60s (more then 10 kids I believe)Some doctors, in customs and some in foreign countries. Anyways when they raided the house at night only his one son (doctor in the local hospital) and his wife was at home (the rest of the family moved to peshawar for that small period of time). They took them and kept on accusing them for supplying Medicine to the taliban, He goes I told them look if a customer walks and asks for medicine I will just give it to them, I dont know if he is Tal!ban or whatever its not written on their faces. Anyways after week or they got them out.

More stories, illegally occupyings land, Staying in emty house by force. etc.
In lakki marwat army has occupied district hospital, now patients are carried to bannu.
I have met many displaced people from FATA who have told me that they cant return as army has occupied their villages, using them as camps.
Unfortunately pakistan army is not strong and professional like indian army. They dont know to tackle insurgencies.
@Sher Malang
Kiliwala does NATO soldiers also make afghans "murgha", make them stand on one leg or kick them at check posts? as for as i have heard, they are professional even though they are foriegners.

Never heard of a single case of desertion in pakistani Army or a suicide case, Yeah not strong or professional army in eyes of Afghan nawaz pathan's.
Unfortunately pakistan army is not strong and professional like indian army. They dont know to tackle insurgencies.

You mean to say PA is only able to dish it to others, but not able to take it themselves?
Dude, whenever I make such sweeping statements.... never includes the likes of you and me..... it's always for the frustrated bunch...... e.g. the Kashmiri Cow.... Alpheena.... etc etc......

I NEVER DID! Don't lump the likes of you and me with the general unwashed masses who are inept at scoring with anything that breathes and has thoughts! :angry:
Dude, whenever I make such sweeping statements.... never includes the likes of you and me..... it's always for the frustrated bunch...... e.g. the Kashmiri Cow.... Alpheena.... etc etc......

Well, the cow just chases women so that he can have more sisters.o_O
And india never use aerial bombing at kashmir argument is only used by persons devoid of any senses. American army soldiers more advance than Pakistani soldiers frequently use Artillery and aerial bombardments in Iraq and Afghanistan both. Guess, they are not professionals and strong like Indian Army eh?

In Kashmir,,, It was not a battle of high mountains. In Fata it is, that's why Aerial bomardments. Jeez why people are so ignorants
They cant read faces like police and are no more useful than pillars during checking. The whole idea of using army for policing is wrong, they are just targets for taliban and their presence is threat to nearby civilians....FC from locals should do the job.

What you're saying, no-one can deny.

The army's isn't built to do policing, if a soldier's job is to police, in situations like they face, they are BOUND to mess up, bound to do things other would regard as out of order.

But who else? Just wait for it all to blow over, I see light at the end of the tunnel.
Ay hello! stop fueling the fire...go back to your border!

oay badhazmee nai hui wi...

Batmeezi onda ai...usko samajh agi bus....dont need to sound Indian to deliver the msg :rofl:

Badtameez actually sounds more Urdu-ish. :(
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