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Humiliating treatment by pakistani soldiers

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Slowly this can turn into Punjabis Vs. Pastuns fight.. Which is very dangerous to Pakistan, if pan-Pastun nationalism gets ignited leading to demands for Pakthunistan on both sides of the Durand line.

I am sure that the Army brass is very aware of this prospect and therefore steps to keep such adverse trends in check will be taken as much as possible.
Agreed.... extraordinary circumstances call for extraordinary measures...... someone needs to get this through to Monkey! o_O

What you're saying, no-one can deny.

The army's isn't built to do policing, if a soldier's job is to police, in situations like they face, they are BOUND to mess up, bound to do things other would regard as out of order.

But who else? Just wait for it all to blow over, I see light at the end of the tunnel.
And india never use aerial bombing at kashmir argument is only used by persons devoid of any senses. American army soldiers more advance than Pakistani soldiers frequently use Artillery and aerial bombardments in Iraq and Afghanistan both. Guess, they are not professionals and strong like Indian Army eh?

In Kashmir,,, It was not a battle of high mountains. In Fata it is, that's why Aerial bomardments. Jeez why people are so ignorants

Yes Mafiya, but then Afghanistan isn't exactly considered to be part of the homeland by the Americans. As a general rule of thumb its a bad idea to call in for CAS or Indirect fire support in any populated area no matter how fine your fire discipline.
Well, we have Bangladeshi friends and brothers now...so maybe that is the only way to make friends and brothers...

Are you serious? Do you comprehend what you are saying?
Are you saying that the only way you can make friends is ti break-up your country into many pieces?
Are you serious? Do you comprehend what you are saying?
Are you saying that the only way you can make friends is ti break-up your country into many pieces?
no i am just saying anything to shut you up! I thought you got it from the 1st post @Hyperion what type of weird friends you have :unsure:
It has little do with being strong..more to do with the details of the COIN ops being undertaken by both nations.

@Hyperion Was it a BDian..oh man strangulate him with his lungi. @DESERT FIGHTER Set up a cordon bro..some BDian is sniping at Hype.
Only a weak and coward army would use F-16, gunship helicopters, heavy artillary and tanks on their own people and against taliban with AK47. It seems pak army is in the war with soviet union.
India refrained from using such force in kashmir , so atleast militancy had died. But here in pashtun belt taliban insurgency would never die due to bewakofi of armed forces and their greed for acquiring F-16 and cobra helicopters (they use it on FATA and then beg america that send us more F-16 as we need them against terrorists). They are spilling blood in FATA to acquire weaponry from america that they intend to use against india in case of war.
Yes Mafiya, but then Afghanistan isn't exactly considered to be part of the homeland by the Americans. As a general rule of thumb its a bad idea to call in for CAS or Indirect fire support in any populated area no matter how fine your fire discipline.

Name any 21st century insurgency where CAS or indirect fire support is not called?
Allrighty dude!

Someone did...... as one of the bengali read it...... :mad:

lol! if i'm the bengali, sorry but i read it first time you posted it - you removed it before i could quote, cos i was getting through all the other waffle on this thread.:D
Absolute power corrupts absolutely..... and if you don't fight for your rights in a coordinated manner, united against any oppressor, then anyone with a bigger stick will control your destiny......

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What you're saying, no-one can deny.

The army's isn't built to do policing, if a soldier's job is to police, in situations like they face, they are BOUND to mess up, bound to do things other would regard as out of order.

But who else? Just wait for it all to blow over, I see light at the end of the tunnel.

Short deployments with such public duties are okay, but the long term use of military personnel in such situations is fraught with danger.
Only a weak and coward army would use F-16, gunship helicopters, heavy artillary and tanks on their own people and against taliban with AK47. It seems pak army is in the war with soviet union.
India refrained from using such force in kashmir , so atleast militancy had died. But here in pashtun belt taliban insurgency would never die due to bewakofi of armed forces and their greed for acquiring F-16 and cobra helicopters (they use it on FATA and then beg america that send us more F-16 as we need them against terrorists). They are spilling blood in FATA to acquire weaponry from america that they intend to use against india in case of war.

Please Get down from a fauji burner and apply some burnol before posting another rant of yours :disagree:
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Good night yaro........ busy day tomorrow........ need at least 4 hours sleep.......... it was fun chatting with all of ya........... :wave:

Monkey, seedha ho ja..... sometimes you just defy logic........ makes me wonder who are you....... anyone friends with the likes of Sher Malang can not be a true Pashtun or a Pakistani..... o_O
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