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How's your perception of other nations changed on the PDF

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Oh now i get your drift...you want POSITIVE news on pakistan from Indian media outlets. Well that's a tough request....and not likely to happen so long as your government/armed institutions continue to act against india.

To this day , i have not seen Indian media outlets talk 'anything' about pakistani people in general......except maybe, the rise of islamic extremism there ( which btw, is true )...that too in measured quantities.

As for that 'self-criticism' bit.....you probably didn't see them in your hurry to Google search "insurgencies in india" and associated data.

My advice : Read more. There are PLENTY of them.

Thats a valid observation. while our media talks about the terrorism -an ISSUE, what I've seen in pakistan media and indeed posters from pakistani like this bimbo here is that they freely comment about indians, not issues alone.

We are dark, our heart is small, we are bania, mooh mein ram bagal mein chhuri, hindu jehniyat, short, paleet nation, ugly looking, inferior culture, even size of our privates, LOL. All this is regularly served to us in media, by their celebrities and on this forum too.

(However, this is a generalisation and by no means I'd say all Pakistanis are like this.)
:rofl: Thats interesting. Please do share with us more of your thoughts. I, as a keralite...have no intention of getting killed by a roadside IED in YOUR side of the border:)

South Indians are not related to us in any way.. their languages are different, there culture is different.. only bcoz under some empires they became part of us.. doesn't mean we are same people... why it bother you guyz so much?
well the bolded part is so true ....most of owr Pakistanee freinds are so concerned about skin colour or race superiority stuff whats more they then accuse Indian's of racial discrimination?????????? still a mystry why?????????

It comes with the territory. I came into this forum fully expecting racists ( well, in their minds at-least) and closet militants.....i have not been disappointed yet. A pakistani talking about skin color probably never heard of the four letter word "real racists" generally use to address pakistanis.

Wake up.
Average pakistani girl are better looking than average indian girl???

Hmmmmm thats why no one watch loolywood( not even pakistani) and pakistan men prefer indian girl over pakistani girl)
As a girl.. there is one thing for which I have very strong views.. and that is racial and ethnic issues between Indians and Pakistanis.... We Pakistanis (even before partition people from northwestern states whether Hindus, Muslims or Sikhs) are much much better looking on average as compared to your average Indian.. heheheheh........lolllllllllllllll! I am very glad we got separated.. Keep South, Central and East Indians on the other side of the border.. thanks!!

as for religion.. I don't have any strong opinions.... doesn't care whether Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Aliens ;)

South Indians are not related to us in any way.. their languages are different, there culture is different.. only bcoz under some empires they became part of us.. doesn't mean we are same people... why it bother you guyz so much?

Ok miss self decleared good looking girl go on face and get a man ;)
No matter how pale and white your skin is once you go to the western countries some racist will call you a darky or some other racial slur. Am a Kashmiri dogra, I have very pale white skin, and goldenish facial hair. Some red neck still called my a fking arab:lol:

No matter how white you are jinxed_girl once you go to a white country you are just another darky:rofl:
Should I start posting comments from all over the net... where you North Indians make fun of South Indians all the time.. here is one for starters...

Gora Aur Kala (1972) | MemsaabStory

Then there are those other perceptions of oh-you-Dravidian-rice-eating (hence not strong), dark-skinned and not very sophisticated (who started it all, I wonder.) How North Indians are more cultured, eat better food and are better looking!
I had a Sindhi neighbour who blurted out all this to me just because I was going through a bout of fatigue at that time (too much work and not enough rest). Another neighbour from childhood said without flinching, `You’ve grown so tanned since you started going to college.’
I recently watched 3 Idiots and DID NOT appreciate how Chatur was portrayed at all.`Ghar-Jamai,’ a TV serial in the late ’80s or ’90s with Satish Shah as the Punjabi sasur, a South Indian damaad, Anant Mahadevan and Kamia Malhotra playing Satish Shah’s daughter also had this `gag’ about everyone below the Vindhyas being Madrasi. We did not appreciate it.
I’m proud to be of `Dravidian’ origin, sanwali ( a friend tried to make me `feel’ better by saying I was `gehunwa’ colour), and am large-hearted enough to laugh at the foibles of my own people, as portrayed by Mehmood. Deven Varma, too, I’m informed, is not someone who `likes’ South Indians, but he is a good actor.

please do...that would just show how racist you are ..and to what extend you search the net to prove your racist point....

lol..and what make you think that since I am a north indian, i would agree with you if you show me some north Indians doing this ?? they are as much racist as you are...and since you are a lady...you should be shameful of yourself to even think like that...God never chooses beauty...its the affect of the Climate and habitat...if you're born fair and beautiful that doesnt mean you're CHOSEN ONE....In India there might be higher no of dark people ...but thats doesnt mean there is no dark people in Pakistan....by your logic you should get rid of those Pakistanis soon...as they dont seem to be a part of pakistan.
it is not about Skin color.. many Punjabis are dark but they never look like your average Tamilian and Kerala people.. thanks!! Keep those people on the other side of border.. thanks again!

thats the whole point why is it so imp for owr Pakistani freind's?????????
South Indians are not related to us in any way.. their languages are different, there culture is different.. only bcoz under some empires they became part of us.. doesn't mean we are same people... why it bother you guyz so much?

No one is denying any of your claims....and to be honest with you honey, no one really cares. Also, what do you mean by "part of us" ? You are a pakistani, are you not ?....
hehhe looks like I hit on Indian nerves again... all Indians jumping on this thread one by one now.. and I am enjoying my popcorns, diet coke and laughing.. I am going to bed soon.. see ya all laterz :D :enjoy:
South Indians are not related to us in any way.. their languages are different, there culture is different.. only bcoz under some empires they became part of us.. doesn't mean we are same people... why it bother you guyz so much?

no no we are not related to you and we wont be.we have a much better culture,food and a superior philosophy of lifestyle and spirituality than you ll ever dream to.By you,i mean pakistanis.
As per jinxeD_girl Azmal Kasab is more good looking then Salman Khan:lol:
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