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How you rank your identities

I'm in very heavy thought at the moment. Maybe what I say doesn't even make sense
Its very simple.
We all are human so no need to mention that.
We all have a belief or disbelief so no need to mention that.
We all belong to some group of people,be it by race,culture,tradition or ideology,no need to mention that either.
When someone asks you,''who are you?'',which answer will be the right answer?
If your answer is''I am a Muslim?'' ,there are 1,7 billion Muslims of all races so,how is this person going to know who you are?
By answering ''i am an American of Pakistani descent'' or ''i am from Pakistan'',the person will know for 99% sure that you have a Muslim background and thats why the ''no need to mention that''.
You dont even count all who say ''i am a Muslim'' as Muslims so,think about it.
Fair enough, but on the forum, whenever Pakistanis question India's secular credentials, the obvious reaction would be to ask what moral high ground Pakistanis have to do so. In principle, yes, India should be judged on the standards India claims to hold.


It is simply not true that Pakistan is more secular than India, in theory or practice. Far from it. In practice, for any Indian non Hindu persecuted for religious reasons, I can find you enough and more of the same in Pakistan. But even in theory... Just a few days back, a young man was lynched in a university for allegedly promoting his Ahmadi faith. That, by the way, is a crime in Pakistan. In India, everybody has the freedom to practice and profess their religion. It's a constitutional right. Now yes, you can point out instances where that right may have been violated, but by and large, everybody do have that right. Nobody can be jailed for teaching the Ahmadiyya faith or any other.

I can point out examples of hundreds of Shias killed in Pakistan for being Shias. Does that mean that Pakistan is a Sunni supremacist country? I'm sure you would disagree, and you would be right to disagree. There are millions of Shia Muslims living in Pakistan and practicing their faith. Similarly I can point out the millions of Muslims and Christians and Jains and Sikhs in India freely practicing theirs.

Can an Indian Muslim declare that Allah is the only God, and all the Hindu Gods are not real? Yes s/he can. The constitution gives that freedom. Mosques can proclaim that from loudspeakers across the country. Can you imagine the counterpart of that in Pakistan?

At the end of the day, it's the very fabric of society that should be evaluated. Because the Indian republic, by its very nature, is secular, it helps immensely in living together as a huge nation with practitioners of different faiths.

Beautifully put Ayeshaa ji.

This India though is under attack.
Fair enough, but on the forum, whenever Pakistanis question India's secular credentials, the obvious reaction would be to ask what moral high ground Pakistanis have to do so. In principle, yes, India should be judged on the standards India claims to hold.


It is simply not true that Pakistan is more secular than India, in theory or practice. Far from it. In practice, for any Indian non Hindu persecuted for religious reasons, I can find you enough and more of the same in Pakistan. But even in theory... Just a few days back, a young man was lynched in a university for allegedly promoting his Ahmadi faith. That, by the way, is a crime in Pakistan. In India, everybody has the freedom to practice and profess their religion. It's a constitutional right. Now yes, you can point out instances where that right may have been violated, but by and large, everybody do have that right. Nobody can be jailed for teaching the Ahmadiyya faith or any other.

I can point out examples of hundreds of Shias killed in Pakistan for being Shias. Does that mean that Pakistan is a Sunni supremacist country? I'm sure you would disagree, and you would be right to disagree. There are millions of Shia Muslims living in Pakistan and practicing their faith. Similarly I can point out the millions of Muslims and Christians and Jains and Sikhs in India freely practicing theirs.

Can an Indian Muslim declare that Allah is the only God, and all the Hindu Gods are not real? Yes s/he can. The constitution gives that freedom. Mosques can proclaim that from loudspeakers across the country. Can you imagine the counterpart of that in Pakistan?

At the end of the day, it's the very fabric of society that should be evaluated. Because the Indian republic, by its very nature, is secular, it helps immensely in living together as a huge nation with practitioners of different faiths.

What you are saying is that India have secular laws but by nature it's hindutva. Pakistan doesn't have secular laws and by nature is islamist. Now why India needed secular constitution? To become acceptable to huge numbers of non-hindus, tribals, sikhs in punjab, muslims in kashmir, christians in Nagaland etc

After all reason Indians give to hold on IoK is their secularism. That is very important factor. Because you see in Pakistan constitution shias are like any other sunni muslim, they have been head of states etc But in reality there are extremist groups which target shias. The reason Pakistan hypocrite state declared ahmadi non-muslilms while shias, ismaelies etc are muslims like sunnis. Is because unlike shias, ahmadis make minuscule population of Pakistan and they don't make majority anywhere.

If G-B was ahmadi majority province then Bhutto wouldn't have dared to alienate them even with mullahs pressure.
I'm sorry but if you value being Indian over being a human then you're probably dense enough to make light bend around you.

By your logic, you would value an Indian elephant over a Japanese human.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Defence.pk mobile app
I too have views about you but choose not to air them for i see nothing in you worth communicating with.
What you are talking about? I was referring to this hadith

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Every child is born in a state of fitrah (the natural state of man, i.e., Islam), then his parents make him into a Jew or a Christian or a Magian.” (Agreed upon)

Now are you denying this Hadith or content of this hadith ? I will reply once you elaborate yourself

You can prove the authenticity of this hear say / tradition yourself, if it's true then why a feral child does not act all Muslim? Akbar tried it and failed.

And not agreeing to any hear say / tradition that is in contradiction with Quran or doesn't make any sense is not a crime, Bukhari chose on his own discretion nearly 2000+ or so traditions out of 700,000 he had collected. Believing in hear say is not mentioned in Quran to be necessary condition for Iman.
1- Pakistani
2- Kolfi lover
3- Samosa Lover
4- Gym / Sports
5- Driver of nice cars
6- Every province is mine , even the tiny island off gawadar that was formed by earth quake
7- Straight shooter , don't beat around the bush
8- Support agressive foreign policy
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Religious identity

1- Islam

2- Hanafi schools of jurisprudence

3- Maliki, Shafi and Hanbali.

4- I buy arguments of Ahle-Hadith/Salafis on some matters like Triple Talaq and Halala

Identity ( پہچان شناخت )

1- Qabila

2- Qaum (Pashtun)

3- Shehriat (Pakistani)
God owns and created everything ........... you can't even stop your breathing for 10 minutes.
That... is completely irrelevant. And as I said before I also believe God created everything.
That... is completely irrelevant. And as I said before I also believe God created everything.

You tried comparing ...... not me ............ HE creates and owns so what do you do?
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