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How we all must gather to stop the menace of TLP

Please explode somewhere else. Wahhabi terrorists formula will not work in Pakistan.
if I absolutely have to explode although id hate to
I'd rather find a place right in the middle of that so-called protest- preferably near the leadership
That way only non-productive, fitnagiri, losers suffer
You grave worshiping kafirs are modern day equivalent of qadianis. You shamelessly commit shirk by associating partners with God. You people have made a complete mockery of Islam. Tairq Jamil is Deobandi, there are many critical differences between Deobandis, Ahl-e-Hadiths and Wahabis, and all three of these sects oppose shirk unlike you grave worshippers. The ones terrorizing Pakistan right now are the grave worshipping kafirs who call themselves TLP.
First complete 200 years of self created religion of al yahood. saud himself was from same tribe which prophet has warned long time ago. I know you offer namaz just like us. This will not work in pakistan. please explode in Europe. calling us grave worshipping can't hide your shameless mullah who claim that God has hands, feet, fingers etc( Nauzubillah). You destroyed Hazrat younish(A.S) grave. You are terrorists. please join ISIS. Americans will kill you in drone strike. let's bomb each and every Shaitani madrassa in pakistan. let's bomb Wahhabi terrorists.
I have some sad examples among friend and some family members who very originally peaceful and modest practicing Sunnis but gradually converted to Salafi faith (bad named as Wahabi). they now hate even listening to Darood Sherif, are extremely judgmental and justify Daesh and TTP acts of beheadings and rape as valid legitimate tools of Jihad,
Bro i have read their books. You can't imagine. Everyone knows how they attract people towards their so called sect. They offer money. my own friend was on rent but after some time, he became wahhabi and now has his own house with a car outside. He does nothing. no job, nothing. No accountability. he only goes to wahhabi mosque and that's it. I will definitely want to see him exploding someday! hahaha.

anyway coming to the point, have you heard about bidat and grave worship type of theories 50 years ago? This is their rise and that's why they are forcefully destroying mosques. in their religion, they can even destroy shrine which ISIS did. They are the people who says that Yazeed was a caliph. They say it so that Shia can start fight. They say Shia is kafir. This is a fact. Every kid in this country knows that. Now these terrorists are trying to control our country. Example is tariq jamil and abdul aziz,b both graduated from a wahhabi terrorist madrassa. They say that God is a human with fingers, hands etc( Nauzubillah). They are inside us, like a disease.

This is not us. We used to fight against injustice. These terrorists fight for violence and for the spread of shaitani wahhabism. It's like a cancer. You can see what happened between egypt and turkey. Good friends,now enemies, Thanks to saudia and mbs, the biggest terrorist on earth.
if I absolutely have to explode although id hate to
I'd rather find a place right in the middle of that so-called protest- preferably near the leadership
That way only non-productive, fitnagiri, losers suffer
Oh my God! thank you for finally accepting wahhabi religion openly. this is what they teach you in your sect. You are a hero because you accepted the method of bomb blast. you are a hero, a superman. lol
As far as they are good for pakistan and it's national interests I don't give a rat a$$.
Be a good nationalist and democrat of your country.
Ok libtuurddd
The overreaction of some posters on PDF is mind tripping and I don't understand who these people are to be honest. TLP has signed an agreement with the government everything is back to normal? why seek to bump heads with part of the civilians in Pakistan for no reasons. The Gov't was never gonna miscalcuate they did the right thing by putting an end to this before it even started
Well to be honest most of the posters on pdf are retired army officers or related to them, bureaucrats, members of mom batti mafia/cult, liberal elites living in F sectors of Islamabad or some foreign country who enjoy drinking, indulge in immoral activities or belong to a certain fake religion and are actually afraid of anyone who supports Islamic system.
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Dear members as we all know the menace of TLP extremists is growing in pakistan year after year and we must do something to stop it for our future.
We have defeated terrorism in our country successfully and succeeded where others failed. TTP ,BLA ,PTM etc all failed. But the problem with TLP is that it has the street power like no other banned outfit we fought so far. And secondly it represents our masses in millions are just uneducated and brainwashed. Those above two traits makes it far more dangerous than TTP etc. And no sane mind will come forward to stop them or say anything against them because they take a wrong advantage of the very sensitive issue of prophet ,no one wants to lose his life by bunch of extremists for nothing. Over the years we have all seen how they can held the whole country hostage ,even the most powerful institution of the country army try to avoid them . Not just that now they want their every non sense demand to be fulfilled. What if tomorrow they dare to mess up with the constitution of this country??
In order to defeat this menace we first need to snatch their street power from them . To do so we first need to isolate them by doing a positive propaganda against them.Whether it's on news channels,social media or state sponsored. In simple words by simply exposing them. Telling the whole world that they are nothing but bunch of illiterate animals who are taking wrong advantage in the name of prophet (PBUH) or even if they love the prophet (PBUH) like we all do their acts are far away from the teachings of prophet and in the name of prophet they are actually the image of Muslims and Pakistan or they can be a perfect weapon to be used by our external enemies.
The sane ullema with huge influence like Tariq Jamil etc need to come forward and declare these people as khawaraji.
Make the majority of this country hate this group. Once this is achieved next time whenever they kill any police man or burn some property simply open fire . Kill them in thousands of it's needed. Iqbal perfectly defined such people in his poetry.
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Dear members as we all know the menace of TLP extremists is growing in pakistan year after year and we must do something to stop it for our future.
We have defeated terrorism in our country successfully and succeeded where others failed. TTP ,BLA ,PTM etc all failed. But the problem with TLP is that it has the street power like no other banned outfit we fought so far. And secondly it represents our masses in millions are just uneducated and brainwashed. Those above two traits makes it far more dangerous than TTP etc. And no sane mind will come forward to stop them or say anything against them because they take a wrong advantage of the very sensitive issue of prophet ,no one wants to lose his life by bunch of extremists for nothing. Over the years we have all seen how they can held the whole country hostage ,even the most powerful institution of the country army try to avoid them . Not just that now they want their every non sense demand to be fulfilled. What if tomorrow they dare to mess up with the constitution of this country??
In order to defeat this menace we first need to snatch their street power from them . To do so we first need to isolate them by doing a positive propaganda against them.Whether it's on news channels,social media or state sponsored. In simple words by simply exposing them. Telling the whole world that they are nothing but bunch of illiterate animals who are taking wrong advantage in the name of prophet (PBUH) or even if they love the prophet (PBUH) like we all do their acts are far away from the teachings of prophet and in the name of prophet they are actually the image of Muslims and Pakistan or they can be a perfect weapon to be used by our external enemies.
The sane ullema with huge influence like Tariq Jamil etc need to come forward and declare these people as khawaraji.
Make the majority of this country hate this group. Once this is achieved next time whenever they kill any police man or burn some property simply open fire . Kill them in thousands of it's needed. Iqbal perfectly defined such people in his poetry.
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Dont forget to bring MOM BATTI, marvi sarmad and dabbu chowdhary in the protest. :nana:
Ok libtuurddd

Well to be honest most of the posters on pdf are retired army officers or related to them, bureaucrats, members of mom batti mafia/cult, liberal elites living in F sectors of Islamabad or some foreign country who enjoy drinking, indulge in immoral activities or belong to a certain fake religion and are actually afraid of anyone who supports Islamic system.
Your country can survive without these people?
do you make money?
do you export?
are you capable of running institutions of 1000s of people?
becoming CEO's? running multi-million $ corporations?
well we like to do whatever we like to do but we also hire 1000s of people for jobs
can you hire them? can rizvis hire them if they simply leave?
if they decide to leave are you capable of running the country with this crowd

Well not really- you need them way more than they need you
you cant feed yourself without this class of people, you'll probably have to move back into mud houses if they weren't here

better accept the reality and go back to keeping religion your personal matter - like rest of the world
or else have your way and suffer the consequences
Bitter fact is that we can call RSS whatever it is, that organization is not coming out in large numbers again and again disruptive living of ordinary, poor people, killing cops, denying businesses to operate, causing losses to the Pakistani economy AND destroying Pakistan's image even more! I know RSS/Hindutva has rightly tarnished India's image to some extent lately. But how many times RSS does mass protests?? How many times TLP has done it and will keep doing it??? I know the situations are different in India and Pakistan: RSS is a brutal lynch mob but its attacks are not destroying Indian economy. TLP, on the other hand, has killed innocent policemen, brutalized civilians, caused a lot of losses to the Pakistani economy. It MUST be neutralized. God-damn BABOONS!! Oh, sorry, that was an insult to Baboons!

The best way to neutralize TLP is raising awareness through media and social media: Highlight the innocent policemen and ordinary people killed, highlight the losses to the economy, highlight how these thugs even looted street vendors, highlight their open threats to the Pakistani military, highlight the FILTHY language used by the departed so-called Maulana Khadim Rizvi AND make a case that TLP--like TTP has been--working directly or indirectly for foreign agents!!
Your country can survive without these people?
do you make money?
do you export?
are you capable of running institutions of 1000s of people?
becoming CEO's? running multi-million $ corporations?
well we like to do whatever we like to do but we also hire 1000s of people for jobs
can you hire them? can rizvis hire them if they simply leave?
if they decide to leave are you capable of running the country with this crowd

Well not really- you need them way more than they need you
you cant feed yourself without this class of people, you'll probably have to move back into mud houses if they weren't here

better accept the reality and go back to keeping religion your personal matter - like rest of the world
or else have your way and suffer the consequences
At least they r better than the so called elite who have looted the country, surrendered east Pakistan to the enemy, destroyed the institutions of Pakistan, military coups, filled the swiss banks with looted money of the people of Pakistan, f****d up judicial system, sellout journalists, corrupt politicians, bribery, killings, rapes, land mafias, defense housing schemes, tax evasions, surrendering economy to imf, bending over to the muricans and the list goes on and on:crazy:
At least they r better than the so called elite who have looted the country, surrendered east Pakistan to the enemy, destroyed the institutions of Pakistan, military coups, filled the swiss banks with looted money of the people of Pakistan, f****d up judicial system, sellout journalists, corrupt politicians, bribery, killings, rapes, land mafias, defense housing schemes, tax evasions, surrendering economy to imf, bending over to the muricans and the list goes on and on:crazy:
Nope they still are not, these are rants which there's no point in going through each and everyone and answering
How are you planning to feed yourself without them?
Can you make money for the country?
Who'll give you jobs without the industrialists? Rizvi?
Cause if you don't than no defense money

And with no defense money- you know what'll happen

And all the issues you mentioned will be 10x worse in a radical shift

Anyhow tell me what's the tlp plan for fixing judicial system, our Indian policy, our economy and relationship with IMF

Easy to criticize but what will TLP do to fix it?

Especially considering there'll be a mass exodus of "immoral" class who actually make money for the country so your economy for the most part will collapse

His will TLP face these challenges?

Btw have zero connection with army, even our business have nothing to do with em
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Especially considering there'll be a mass exodus of "immoral" class who actually make money for the country so your economy for the most part will collapse
Dude whats this RSS,hindutva babbling . We all know RSS are the lowest scums of the earth and are worse than TTP,daesh or TLP. But we are here in this thread to discuss our national issues not theirs.

To remind you ,you are the one who is minority. The majority of pakistani Muslims are moderate Muslims who just feel uncomfortable calling themselves liberals, ones who disagree with your extreme thoughts. So your wet dream will never come true. Mark my words.

So simply end the jahalat.
Yeah rn it's like this

But if it's left unchecked you never know what'll happen, I trust the people to remain true to themselves
Haha liberal brownsahibs getting nervouse seeing islamic political party rising . Tlp will inshaAllah win the next election unless military intervenes, bloody anti religous hater cant keep all their curruption and filthy behaviour behind their own closed door ..ab bhugto!
Anyone using religion for political gains is totally away from the Messenger! But how would you or other religious people know ? Let's have Quran as undisputed guiding criterion!
إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ فَرَّقُواْ دِينَهُمْ وَكَانُواْ شِيَعًا لَّسْتَ مِنْهُمْ فِى شَىْءٍ
Al-anam 159

Those who have made divisions in their religion and become parties, thou art not of them in anything.
شِيَعًا literally means party, here those making parties on religious differences.

Thy have no relation with the The Messenger, The Mercy to All Worlds.

Think, and please think, and take blind following out, only then there is a chance we can BEGIN TO TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE GREATEST REFORMER OF ALL TIME, Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him.
Anyone using religion for political gains is totally away from the Messenger! But how would you or other religious people know ? Let's have Quran as undisputed guiding criterion!
إِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ فَرَّقُواْ دِينَهُمْ وَكَانُواْ شِيَعًا لَّسْتَ مِنْهُمْ فِى شَىْءٍ
Al-anam 159

Those who have made divisions in their religion and become parties, thou art not of them in anything.
شِيَعًا literally means party, here those making parties on religious differences.

Thy have no relation with the The Messenger, The Mercy to All Worlds.

Think, and please think, and take blind following out, only then there is a chance we can BEGIN TO TRY TO UNDERSTAND THE GREATEST REFORMER OF ALL TIME, Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him.
Don't call them that as they like to devide the world in

Good vs evil
Religious vs non-relgious

So you saying that already turns you into non-muslim type person in thier- as they become the authority in religion

Islamist is a better word as it's a political ideology
What @SecularNationalist has said in the beginning is correct in essence and spirit.
Religion for majority of muslims is a blind following and result is here. For past 300-400 years Muslims are zero and out except exceptions of Turkey and Malaysia.

"Purpose of religion has never been SACRED LAW. Purpose of religion is to know God."

This is the mistake of all religious people for several centuries. West has freed itself from religion because of religious bigotry and Muslims have become ignorant blind followers mostly shunning higher KNOWLEDGIBILITY.

I request religious people in this forum to show humbleness and study Quran and the Life of The Messenger with consciousness and see whether they are not going against the path of the Islam unknowingly.
ان الدين عندالله الإسلام.
The away according to Allah is Islam.

Islam is The Way, but it is not the End, it is a Means to an End. End is Allah. The means, Islam, is to reach God.

This is the Greatest Flaw in the understanding of religious people and the proof....despite tons of religiosity, We the devotees of Muhammad are literally very worst of the people when it comes to good conduct, honesty, fairness and justice.
Ok libtuurddd
Careful with your language kid. If i stoop down to that level you won't find a place to hide.
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Dont forget to bring MOM BATTI, marvi sarmad and dabbu chowdhary in the protest. :nana:
Fawad Chaudhary belonged to my constituency of Jhelum ,a district where you hardly find a family where someone didn't lose a son ,father or relative for this country. This is the "libturd" contribution for this country.They sacrificed their lives so unthankful swines like you can bark against them freely.
Your intellectual level and thought won't go beyond "libturd" "immoral activities" "drinking" "vulgarity" .

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