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How we all must gather to stop the menace of TLP

there is no shortage of jahalat in this country you finish ttp tlp will come you finish tlp there will be some tvp tsp tdp txp .
It will inshallah be our boot on the asses of liberals(islam haters) and their ugly pro western behind when the time comes . Liberals are a dying breed and one more to the thousands (tiny meniority) wont be even noticed by the ppl of pakistan .
Answer me... What type of islamic org allows their people to martyr and torture policemen... Who are muslim as well?
Let's not resort to false equivalencies!

I will explain what that means....

Let's not Equate TLP with the same as Hindutva RSS Extremist Ideology!!!

This is a trick by the Indian Hindutva+Liberal mindset to fool the Pakistani Liberals or naive Liberal fools.

Hindutva RSS ideology is about the systematic extermination of primarily Muslims through government sponsored pogroms of discrimination, intimidation, repression, rape, murder, lynching, and rape.

This is not the same as the TLP movement!!!

Is TLP all of the following?
  1. Violent for a cause?.... occasionally
  2. Misguided about the Prophets way of kindness and justice for all? Yes
  3. A nuisance to civil order? Yes
  4. Uneducated? Yes
  5. Unpredictable? Yes
  6. Fundamentalist? Yes
  7. Do I like them or support them? Definitely NO!
But they are not murdering rapist like the Hindutva RSS BJP!.... Let's get that straight!

The Pakistani naive Neoliberal aka libTurds like to make false equivalencies to appease the Indians and misinform the population that, "hey Indians, look we have own set of crazies here...look at the TLP! Therefore India-Pakistan Bhai Bhai!"... Bullsh!t.

This Thread is misleading and plays to narrative of the Indian Islamaphobes.

The only Extremist that equates to RSS are the ISIS Khawarji Fithna. And we all know who funds them.... Not the TLP!... Don't fall for the Hindutva traps like fools!
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Let's not resort to false equivalencies!

I will explain what that means....

Let's not Equate TLP with the same as Hindutva RSS Extremist Ideology!!!

This is a trick by the Indian Hindutva+Liberal mindset to fool the Pakistani Liberals or naive Liberal fools.

Hindutva RSS ideology is about the systematic extermination of primarily Muslims through government sponsored pogroms of discrimination, intimidation, repression, rape, murder, lynching, and rape.

This is not the same as the TLP movement!!!

Is TLP all of the following?
  1. Violent for a cause?.... occasionally
  2. Misguided about the Prophets way of kindness and justice for all? Yes
  3. A nuisance to civil order? Yes
  4. Uneducated? Yes
  5. Unpredictable? Yes
  6. Fundamentalist? Yes
But they are not murdering rapist like the Hindutva RSS BJP!.... Let's get that straight!

The Pakistani naive Neoliberal aka libTurds like to make false equivalencies to appease the Indians and misinform the population that, "hey Indians, look we have own set of crazies here...look at the TLP! Therefore India-Pakistan Bhai Bhai!"... Bullsh!t.

This Thread is misleading and plays to narrative of the Indian Islamaphobes.

The only Extremist that equates to RSS are the ISIS Khawarji Fithna. And we all know who funds them.... Not the TLP!... Don't fall for the panjeet traps like fools!
alright bro ill delete the pic and we wont talk about India/rss in this thread? ok?
lets just discuss our issues
Dear members as we all know the menace of TLP extremists is growing in pakistan year after year and we must do something to stop it for our future.
We have defeated terrorism in our country successfully and succeeded where others failed. TTP ,BLA ,PTM etc all failed. But the problem with TLP is that it has the street power like no other banned outfit we fought so far. And secondly it represents our masses in millions are just uneducated and brainwashed. Those above two traits makes it far more dangerous than TTP etc. And no sane mind will come forward to stop them or say anything against them because they take a wrong advantage of the very sensitive issue of prophet ,no one wants to lose his life by bunch of extremists for nothing. Over the years we have all seen how they can held the whole country hostage ,even the most powerful institution of the country army try to avoid them . Not just that now they want their every non sense demand to be fulfilled. What if tomorrow they dare to mess up with the constitution of this country??
In order to defeat this menace we first need to snatch their street power from them . To do so we first need to isolate them by doing a positive propaganda against them.Whether it's on news channels,social media or state sponsored. In simple words by simply exposing them. Telling the whole world that they are nothing but bunch of illiterate animals who are taking wrong advantage in the name of prophet (PBUH) or even if they love the prophet (PBUH) like we all do their acts are far away from the teachings of prophet and in the name of prophet they are actually the image of Muslims and Pakistan or they can be a perfect weapon to be used by our external enemies.
The sane ullema with huge influence like Tariq Jamil etc need to come forward and declare these people as khawaraji.
Make the majority of this country hate this group. Once this is achieved next time whenever they kill any police man or burn some property simply open fire . Kill them in thousands of it's needed. Iqbal perfectly defined such people in his poetry.
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they represent our biggest portion of our population. my own family is over 80 Beralvi faith.
TLP is smart section of this sect which is violent, abusive and anarchist.
the only solution is doing a Saudi or Iranian style action on them. nothing less.
request one or 2 senior retired Saudi police/ intelligence and "correction" officers and employ all of their tactics without any arguments ifs or buts. amputate cut tongues shoot, electrocute and demolish some of them on regular basis repeatedly in front of their comrades and continue until all their religious zealotry flows out of their system via their rectum. do this overtly in daylight and make a scene of them,

at night time use the tactics of Iranian secret police and raid the places of their hardcore elements that have assaulted and killed policemen. "correct" them in front of their families. continue this and don't stop when they come and beg to stop this punishment. instead increase the intensity.

request both iran and Saudis to review the "correction campaign" and adjust accordingly until the results are achieved as Saudis and Iranians do.

Both KSA and Iran have most content, patriotic, complaint and happy people who live without fear or intimidation of any thugs or maniacs.
Nope. I just want to differentiate between Hindutva Extremist and these less violent TLP. TLP is misguided.... Not like the Hindutva RSS that is pure evil.

Big difference!

Only Pakistani Neoliberal aka libTurds Indian appeasers cannot understand what I am saying.

Altaf Hussain doesn't say anything that is the best. He is a RAW Hindutva loving Munafiq.
Dude whats this RSS,hindutva babbling . We all know RSS are the lowest scums of the earth and are worse than TTP,daesh or TLP. But we are here in this thread to discuss our national issues not theirs.
It will inshallah be our boot on the asses of liberals(islam haters) and their ugly pro western behind when the time comes . Liberals are a dying breed and one more to the thousands (tiny meniority) wont be even noticed by the ppl of pakistan .
To remind you ,you are the one who is minority. The majority of pakistani Muslims are moderate Muslims who just feel uncomfortable calling themselves liberals, ones who disagree with your extreme thoughts. So your wet dream will never come true. Mark my words.
there is no shortage of jahalat in this country you finish ttp tlp will come you finish tlp there will be some tvp tsp tdp txp .
So simply end the jahalat.
I have read the whole post. Tariq jamil is nothing but himself a khariji. It has been said several times in the past as well that first saudia will spread religion of hate(Wahhabism) in pakistan. after that, they will try to control the state by allowing so called ullema to reside permanently in Pakistan. They have made madrassa system(Terrorist hideouts). Now clearly these wahhabi terrorists want complete control of pakistan. Question is why Tariq jamil was silent when blasphemy was done? He hasn't uttered a word against France.

There is some reference either in Quran or hadees that they will offer namaaz just like muslims. here they are khariji wahhabi. You can see that they are trying to overtake Pakistan by urging people from staying away from shrines, bidat etc. We haven't heard all this 50 or 60 years ago. Now this post. People following tariq jamil blindly. He himself is a wahhabi dummy installed by saudia. everyone knows that. please remember that these wahhabi ahtel e hadees khariji will try to bribe you, give you lots of money. this is how they successfully converted pakistani people into accepting Wahhabism. Let me tell you one thing clearly. Stay away from these terrorists. They want end of sunni religion in pakistan. they want same in India too but beaten badly there.

Here we have examples Of maulaana abdul aziz. He is widely respected by only one sect and they are terrorists. Tariq jamil is nobody to declare fatwa. He has no value. he is nothing. Stop fooling people. Blasphemy is a punishable crime in Islam. People who are taking sides of Government are mostly wahhabi and athle hadees communities. Pakistan should destroy every saudi funded madrassa here and i hope they will expel terrorists wahhabi mullah from Pakistan. this is the only solution. They are extremists,terrorists.

Western world has written about this particular sect in detail. Read everything and open your eyes. They want to expel each sunni from pakistan. This is their grand plan. 3 billion dollar from saudia is used to put pressure on TLP. This country can sell for money but people can't compromise on religion. power of people is the power of state. Don't allow wahhabi terrorists to overtake this country. I know many who travelled for better life but now they become just like them. these are the same people who objected Prophet when prohet was dividing food among muslims. Everything is there to read. Prophet said the same thing that they will call themselves muslims and even offer namaz just like you. people should stay away from these terrorists.
I have some sad examples among friend and some family members who very originally peaceful and modest practicing Sunnis but gradually converted to Salafi faith (bad named as Wahabi). they now hate even listening to Darood Sherif, are extremely judgmental and justify Daesh and TTP acts of beheadings and rape as valid legitimate tools of Jihad,
COAS or fat guy?
Corrected my autocorrect
I have some sad examples among friend and some family members who very originally peaceful and modest practicing Sunnis but gradually converted to Salafi faith (bad named as Wahabi). they now hate even listening to Darood Sherif, are extremely judgmental and justify Daesh and TTP acts of beheadings and rape as valid legitimate tools of Jihad,
Oh i have plenty too. Most of them begin on the opposite end as uber liberals
Haha liberal brownsahibs getting nervouse seeing islamic political party rising . Tlp will inshaAllah win the next election unless military intervenes, bloody anti religous hater cant keep all their curruption and filthy behaviour behind their own closed door ..ab bhugto!
TLP is a Pakistani military pet. it had no chance if ISI and GHQ was not secretly supporting it.
you are right TLP will make the next coalition government together with PTI electable.
Let me clear things for a socalled cleanshave educated pro dirty lifestyle demanding blood of ppl who were just protesting in a peacefull manner untill out seculer brownsahib administration used police brutality to kill and mayhem their legimate right to go on the street.

All your bs of doing sisi or assad (killing own)will be met with tsunami of pakistani publics displeasure ,in every sphere of life ..from your gardner, to you guard ,to your driver , you life will be at stake and that is reality. Pakistani ppl and ulamas aint going to tolerate cleanshave brownsahibs *** if you cross that limit . State stand strong till its ppl want it to stay strong . You go on killing spree against almost 60 plus precent mejority ,,all seculers asses will be fucked , let there be no doubt . I know how average folk on the street things about your tiny meniority, gora nawaz asses.
Dear members as we all know the menace of TLP extremists is growing in pakistan year after year and we must do something to stop it for our future.
We have defeated terrorism in our country successfully and succeeded where others failed. TTP ,BLA ,PTM etc all failed. But the problem with TLP is that it has the street power like no other banned outfit we fought so far. And secondly it represents our masses in millions are just uneducated and brainwashed. Those above two traits makes it far more dangerous than TTP etc. And no sane mind will come forward to stop them or say anything against them because they take a wrong advantage of the very sensitive issue of prophet ,no one wants to lose his life by bunch of extremists for nothing. Over the years we have all seen how they can held the whole country hostage ,even the most powerful institution of the country army try to avoid them . Not just that now they want their every non sense demand to be fulfilled. What if tomorrow they dare to mess up with the constitution of this country??
In order to defeat this menace we first need to snatch their street power from them . To do so we first need to isolate them by doing a positive propaganda against them.Whether it's on news channels,social media or state sponsored. In simple words by simply exposing them. Telling the whole world that they are nothing but bunch of illiterate animals who are taking wrong advantage in the name of prophet (PBUH) or even if they love the prophet (PBUH) like we all do their acts are far away from the teachings of prophet and in the name of prophet they are actually the image of Muslims and Pakistan or they can be a perfect weapon to be used by our external enemies.
The sane ullema with huge influence like Tariq Jamil etc need to come forward and declare these people as khawaraji.
Make the majority of this country hate this group. Once this is achieved next time whenever they kill any police man or burn some property simply open fire . Kill them in thousands of it's needed. Iqbal perfectly defined such people in his poetry.
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You can never defeat TLP or other mutations of the same vector. The fact is they love the prophet [pbuh] more then you. You can say what you want but they will always go one step further then you to claim that they love the prophet [pbuh] more then you.

You see in Pakistan a culture of public display of religion has taken root where it is incumbent to show they are true Muslims and love the prophet [pbuh] more then others. I quote a extract from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn on how Russians lived in a environment where they all tried to prove they loved Stalin more then the rest. Clapping to death.

“The applause went on—six, seven, eight minutes! They were done for! Their goose was cooked! They couldn’t stop now till they collapsed with heart attacks! At the rear of the hall, which was crowded, they could of course cheat a bit, clap less frequently, less vigorously, not so eagerly…Nine minutes! Ten!…Insanity! To the last man! With make-believe enthusiasm on their faces, looking at each other with faint hope, the district leaders were just going to go on and on applauding till they fell where they stood, till they were carried out of the hall on stretchers.”

At last, after eleven minutes of non-stop clapping, the director of a paper factory finally decided enough was enough. He stopped clapping and sat down—a miracle!
“To a man, everyone else stopped dead and sat down,” Solzhenitsyn says.

That same night, the director of the paper factory was arrested and sent to prison for ten years. Authorities came up with some official reason for his sentence, but during his interrogation, he was told: “Don’t ever be the first to stop applauding!”

Ps. The big question is who will have the gonads to stop clapping and sit down in Pakistan?
they represent our biggest portion of our population. my own family is over 80 Beralvi faith.
TLP is smart section of this sect which is violent, abusive and anarchist.
the only solution is doing a Saudi or Iranian style action on them. nothing less.
request one or 2 senior retired Saudi police/ intelligence and "correction" officers and employ all of their tactics without any arguments ifs or buts. amputate cut tongues shoot, electrocute and demolish some of them on regular basis repeatedly in front of their comrades and continue until all their religious zealotry flows out of their system via their rectum. do this overtly in daylight and make a scene of them,

at night time use the tactics of Iranian secret police and raid the places of their hardcore elements that have assaulted and killed policemen. "correct" them in front of their families. continue this and don't stop when they come and beg to stop this punishment. instead increase the intensity.

request both iran and Saudis to review the "correction campaign" and adjust accordingly until the results are achieved as Saudis and Iranians do.

Both KSA and Iran have most content, patriotic, complaint and happy people who live without fear or intimidation of any thugs or maniacs.
My heart just want to do what you are recommending but we have to be cunning,clever and diplomatic to deal with this menace.
What you are recommending will double their strength because it's a very sensitive issue. You will kill 10 and 20 will replace them. This is not Iran or Saudi Arabia ,we have no shortage of jahil dimwits here bro.Their methods won't work here.
If you compare them with the 220 million they are a minority. The only way to succeed is to make a majority hate them with passion. Once they get isolated and alienated in society. At this stage you can answer their protesters with a automatic machine gun burst and put them in mass Graves. There will be no after protests by masses for those killings or no human rights violation issue either. Because we simply killed bunch of terrorists 🤷

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