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How to Improve relationship with China and pak.

These groups will find hard to gain support from there hosts once hosts will stop feeding them. These groups are like parasites, knowing well they won't be fed with hatred again would turn them against the host. When that happens, parasites will turn against their host. Which then would turn the Host to find a cure to eliminate the parasites on there own. Just like TTP & Al qaeda fiasco.

That's Indo-american theory which they keep believing in because it suits American interests.
Ok, before thread closes, one honest solution - Give hyderabad, J&K, Arunachal, Delhi, Chennai to Pakistan and Mumbai, Sikkim, Kolkata to China.

Permanent peace.

So, by surrendering ourself to enemy is the only solution. Did history taught us anything.?
That's Indo-american theory which they keep believing in because it suits American interests.
Been working well so far, TTP is busy. Al qaeda is busy in it's circle of influence. No wonder there hadn't been any attacks on American soil. Sometimes you gotta admire these theories, which can do wonders when implemented.
Get a Time Machine, and go back to 1959. Let another country host them, any country that does not border Tibet.

As for a realistic solution, ask your media sources (NDTV etc.) to stop predicting future Sino-Indian wars in 2012/2014/2017.

But the media just prints what people want to read. So I doubt anything will change.
if both countries wish (china and pakistan) we can accept LOC as IB..that's all we can do.
i guess now they are not ready for it..so the issues continues..nothing can be done.
Ignore MEGA TROLLS! you know who...They just run away once no one feeds them.
Rivalry with pakistan has proven very beneficial to india..I do not want to end it.period.

As far as china is concerned.....I think with time..it will get better itself...nothing special needs to be done from India's side to please them and tell we want peace.

agreed. +1.
Been working well so far, TTP is busy. Al qaeda is busy in it's circle of influence. No wonder there hadn't been any attacks on American soil. Sometimes you gotta admire these theories, which can do wonders when implemented.

Yes, India should fund its own Al-qaeda and spread mayhem in China. Ok, Good idea.
Please look at the history of the India china border negotiations. You assume it was china that was willing to settle. This is not grounded in fact

Ask Joe we've gone through this many times on various threads.
Rivalry with pakistan has proven very beneficial to india..I do not want to end it.period.

As far as china is concerned.....I think with time..it will get better itself...nothing special needs to be done from India's side to please them and tell we want peace.

I agree with this post. Despite our best effort I think we'll learn to understand each other. China is not threaten by india and china will never attack India out of aggression
Peace and improved relations with china is very much possible :):) as both china and India want to get developed and have much to loose in a war and that will only make westerners happy. :)

But with pakistan its their envy and hatred. They are ready to loose both of their eyes for damaging our single. :devil:
Get a Time Machine, and go back to 1959. Let another country host them, any country that does not border Tibet.

As for a realistic solution, ask your media sources (NDTV etc.) to stop predicting future Sino-Indian wars in 2012/2014/2017.

But the media just prints what people want to read. So I doubt anything will change.

Did they report it as a fact or as a scenario painted by an analyst?

It is the job of analysts to paint various scenarios and for the government to analyze them, see what is the realistic threat level and take actions accordingly.

The media may report some sensationalist analysis because these analysts are able to get some TV time now. No need to take it very seriously. No one in India did.
Solve border issues with neighbors

Welcome that POV.

stop dreaming about regional power.

But the above statement, looks like YOU have the rights only to dream big, none of the other powers in this region have. Not even China...
Border issue is the main issue bettwen you 3 countries. Solve this problem and everything will nice after this.
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