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How to Destroy the Nation State of Pakistan

There is. Most of the trouble Pakistan has faced in last decade has been precisely because of this.

It is not a need, rather a bane.

Every now and then, someone like Zaid Hamid comes on TV and tries to legitimize the cause of those "Sharia enforcers" and puts forth a litmus for people to test their loyalty toward their religion. Of course, those who follow on to go through such a test of "deen" are at fault because they fail to understand that their "deen" can be defined and judged by none other than God.

But then, those who start redefining the "deen" for the commoners always have a political agenda behind them and come out with the fabulous concept of religion vs state. The next to follow are Anarchy and Chaos - the two choicest terms of Zaid Hamid.
I guess being a Hindu I can't understand this adherence to tenets of Imaan. Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life. I rarely go to temples, I don't observe any rituals, I don't celebrate any festival except major ones like Diwali and I still believe I am a Hindu. My Indian identity always transcends my Hindu Identity

This world is a testing ground, to sort out those who would go to heaven or hell. We would eventually die, and after a period of time, we would be resurrected back to life again by God, on the judgement day. On that day, God would judge us for what we did in this world. After God has judged us. We would be sent to either heaven or hell. There we would live for eternity. That is the true reality.

Everything in this world is temporary. Everything is destroyed eventually. Even this world would be destroyed eventually.

When we die, we take nothing from this world. The only thing we take from this world is our imaan. Imaan is our faith in God which is in our hearts. On the day of judgment God would judge us by that. So what makes us, "us" is our imaan.

This is universally applied to everyone.

This even applies to you. You have imaan, ( whether it be strong or weak), which you would take with you, when you die. You wont take the whole India with you, nor your ID card. You would be judged by your imaan on the day of judgement, and your fate would be decided by that. Either you would go to heaven or hell.

We all are responsible for our selves on the day of judgement. no body would be responsible for someone else. No body would be of any help to you on the judgement day. Not your parents, nor your children.
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This world is a testing ground, to sort out those who would go to heaven or hell. We would eventually die, and after a period of time, we would be resurrected back to life again by God, on the judgement day. On that day, God would judge us for what we did in this world. After God has judged us. We would be sent to either heaven or hell. There we would live for eternity. That is the true reality.

Everything in this world is temporary. Everything is destroyed eventually. Even this world would be destroyed eventually.

When we die, we take nothing from this world. The only thing we take from this world is our imaan. Imaan is our faith in God which is in our hearts. On the day of judgment God would judge us by that. So what makes us, "us" is our imaan.

This is universally applied to everyone.

This even applies to you. You have imaan, ( whether it be strong or weak), which you would take with you, when you die. You wont take the whole India with you, nor your ID card. You would be judged by your imaan on the day of judgement, and your fate would be decided by that. Either you would go to heaven or hell.

We all are responsible for our selves on the day of judgement. no body would be responsible for someone else. No body would be of any help to you on the judgement day. Not your parents, nor your children.
having faith in humanity is much more sacred than having faith in iman, osama ben laden had a lot of iman but no humanity, do u think he will be sent to heaven on 'judgement day'
This world is a testing ground, to sort out those who would go to heaven or hell. We would eventually die, and after a period of time, we would be resurrected back to life again by God, on the judgement day. On that day, God would judge us for what we did in this world. After God has judged us. We would be sent to either heaven or hell. There we would live for eternity. That is the true reality.

Exactly my point. God will judge us for the things we did in this world and not by how religious we were.

If a Muslim who prays 5 times a day, has a beard and wears a skull cap, goes to hajj in sort follows all tenets of Islam loots a bank. When he dies will he go to heaven?

And what about a person who calls himself a Muslim but does not pray 5 times, does not go to hajj or does not fast in Ramadan but is a good human being who always helps other people, is a heart surgeon who saves the life of thousands of people. When he die will he go to heaven.

The first person was fully religious but his Karma was bad. The second was fully irreligious but has a good karma. Who will go to heaven?
To be honest I did not read the whole article just the first few lines. It seems one of those rant blogs

For me I am a Muslim first, everything is temporary in this world. When I would die, I wont take Pakistan with me. What I would take is my imaan, and by that I would be judged on the day of judgement, and my fate would be decided whether I go to heaven or hell. ( hopefully heaven) Inshallah.

Thus, imaan/faith, transcends everything. It is permanent, while everything else seems to be temporary ...
sorry , you wont even take your imaan with you. in fact you take away nothing because there will be no you. based on what you do and how you are the most you will have is people will remember you and your deeds after you die. and I mean people here on earth who live.

This world is a testing ground, to sort out those who would go to heaven or hell. We would eventually die, and after a period of time, we would be resurrected back to life again by God, on the judgement day. On that day, God would judge us for what we did in this world. After God has judged us. We would be sent to either heaven or hell. There we would live for eternity. That is the true reality.

Everything in this world is temporary. Everything is destroyed eventually. Even this world would be destroyed eventually.

When we die, we take nothing from this world. The only thing we take from this world is our imaan. Imaan is our faith in God which is in our hearts. On the day of judgment God would judge us by that. So what makes us, "us" is our imaan.

This is universally applied to everyone.

This even applies to you. You have imaan, ( whether it be strong or weak), which you would take with you, when you die. You wont take the whole India with you, nor your ID card. You would be judged by your imaan on the day of judgement, and your fate would be decided by that. Either you would go to heaven or hell.

We all are responsible for our selves on the day of judgement. no body would be responsible for someone else. No body would be of any help to you on the judgement day. Not your parents, nor your children.
after you die there is no you. even the 72 virgins will be of no use because you will leave behind your tool.

also, I am happy you say that we are responsible for ourselves on JDay. So why do you follow any one person or any religion. discover your own imaan. not one that is being told to you.
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having faith in humanity is much more sacred than having faith in iman, osama ben laden had a lot of iman but no humanity, do u think he will be sent to heaven on 'judgement day'

Only God knows what is truly in our hearts. This world is a test, we do what we do here, and we are eventually going to be judged by God for that. Our true place to live in, is either heaven or hell , Where we live for ever.

after you die there is no you.

God has created us before and he can create us again.
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Only God knows what is truly in our hearts. This world is a test, we do what we do here, and we are eventually going to be judged by God for that. Our true place to live in, is either heaven or hell , Where we live for ever.

God has created us before and he can create us again.
its the big human ego that is saying this thing. why should god create you again ? if he needs to create you again , why kill you in the first place. ( I mean death )
having faith in humanity is much more sacred than having faith in iman, osama ben laden had a lot of iman but no humanity, do u think he will be sent to heaven on 'judgement day'

OSAMA was an awful human being and I hate everything he represented.

I relish in the Irony that whilst you are questioning someone about the outcome of a damned tyrant who killed hundreds, enslaved the minds of countless young men and women and spread pain and hatred with every word thinly veiled under a guise of faith, religion and righteousness, you are completely oblivious to the nature of the man who's image you are using as an Avatar.

And what's even worse is as a Son of India, and all she stands for... The fact that the man's picture you are using as an Avatar is one of the most atrocious and despicable tyrants to walk this earth? Responsible for using fear and prejudice as his weapon for the reckless and inhuman slaughter of 8,861,800 Jews; including women,children and infants..

Gandhi once said: Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.

He would be ashamed to see a son of his soil use that foul man's image as his avatar.
OSAMA was an awful human being and I hate everything he represented.

I relish in the Irony that whilst you are questioning someone about the outcome of a damned tyrant who killed hundreds, enslaved the minds of countless young men and women and spread pain and hatred with every word thinly veiled under a guise of faith, religion and righteousness, you are completely oblivious to the nature of the man who's image you are using as an Avatar.

And what's even worse is as a Son of India, and all she stands for... The fact that the man's picture you are using as an Avatar is one of the most atrocious and despicable tyrants to walk this earth? Responsible for using fear and prejudice as his weapon for the reckless and inhuman slaughter of 8,861,800 Jews; including women,children and infants..

Gandhi once said: Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.

He would be ashamed to see a son of his soil use that foul man's image as his avatar.
the picture of the one i use in my avatar was a kind of leader that comes on this planet once in a millennium. he rose from the abject poverty to become chancellor of the Germany by the virtue of his die-hard patriotism and extreme nationalism. he rebuilt war-torn Germany and freed his fatherland from the shackles of treaty of Versailles. of course i do not support his barbarism. we should learn to see the good in others.
There was nothing good about Hitler...
mr. think tank consultant, god forbid, if your country happens to get into the conditions which prevailed in the Germany after it lost to allies the WW1, i seriously doubt that even a single leader will arise who will go on to rebuild your country and establish it as a great power of the world and your military as invincible military
i seriously doubt that even a single leader will arise who will go on to rebuild your country and establish it as a great power of the world and your military as invincible military

Here is what "your" great leader accomplished:


Your idea of "leadership" and "glory" are so skewed, that you are defending a man and ideology that would see who and your bones ground to dust because you do not "conform" to the "master plan".
We welcome you to speak here and encourage discussions about what you think as good or bad about our country. You are our esteemed guest.

Thank you so much for your nice words Ahsan Amin, but since this forum is as much mine as it is yours and I have been here for much longer than you, you too are my esteemed guest, and I hope you have a nice intellectually stimulating time here. :p:
How to destroy nation state of Pakistan ??

Make common Pakistanis Believe in Ummah and make them believe they are "Muslim Avengers" and will avenge anything/everything happening anywhere/everywhere .
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