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How to counter Gulf threat to Pakistan's integrity ?

This is not about the Arabs, but about the GCC nations. Let's keep it clear and concise that racism has no place in this discussion.
Plenty can be done , they would project US against Pakistan , China will get involved. It ain't happening , they will start farting when they will see Pakistan going into a wolf survival mentality , they will back down. Also , they know that the US will not be there for ever but they Geographically are there and the last country they want to screw with is Pakistan.
Well , when Pakistan plays dirty , you sure can be assured of unacceptable damage and disastrous outcomes ... Yes , they can be pressurized through diplomatic channels but beyond that - you only have the option of unconventional warfare that everyone fears most ... They got us into this mess in the first place and now are playing dirty games to screw us further whilst 90% of Pakistani population reveres Arabs and will slap you right in the face if you talk against them ! What an irony !
For the VERY FIRST TIME - a topic worth discussing... Keep it going guys... I'll go pickup Chinese! Back in 30...


Please, make this topic sticky, as topics such as these can be the EXACT reason why this board should exist in the first place.

That depends on troll less discussion of a reasonable number of pages , so keep it going and keep reporting. If it attracts enough traffic it will have to be stuck.
That depends on troll less discussion of a reasonable number of pages , so keep it going and keep reporting. If it attracts enough traffic it will have to be stuck.
To be very honest , it will ... Just keep a sharp eye on trollers - both foreign and domestic ...
Well , when Pakistan plays dirty , you sure can be assured of unacceptable damage and disastrous outcomes ... Yes , they can be pressurized through diplomatic channels but beyond that - you only have the option of unconventional warfare that everyone fears most ... They got us into this mess in the first place and now are playing dirty games to screw us further whilst 90% of Pakistani population reveres Arabs and will slap you right in the face if you talk against them ! What an irony !

We clearly lost there , our relationship with Arabs has been a great working relationship. These kings are screwing that up for their vested interests , they have become selfish which gives us the right to become selfish too.

We don't need to change the thoughts of 90% people , if our Military and political establishment and most importantly ISI changes its threat perception , then these kings would have to re-think their agenda.
We clearly lost there , our relationship with Arabs has been a great working relationship. These kings are screwing that up for their vested interests , they have become selfish which gives us the right to become selfish too.

Yes , since the very beginning ... Whom were we dealing with , friend ? ... The same Arab kings who worked with us when our relation with US was fine but started being a pain in the *** when it deteriorated ... One can see where there true loyalty lies actually ... The kings got their kingdoms as a gift from British - I cant stress much on this point , they are greedy and lavish spenders who will do anything to save their throne ... Selfish they always have been , it just happens that since '80 you were taught to - If i may be so bold workship them ! Here's the result ... Nobody will listen to you , I mean the general public ... How many statements of condolences did we get from the Arab countries after Salalah ? Heck remember the UAE pressurizing us not to ask Americans to vacate Shamsi after it ?
As I mentioned earlier that the major bone of contention between the GCC and Pakistan is and would be Gawadar port. When it becomes a deep water port and also gets linked via road, rail and other communication infrastructure, develops as an energy outlet, turns into a major trading inlet/outlet and also becomes a mid way major container terminal with industrial support infrastructure, it may become a major threat for sustenance of GCC economies. It will happen and is likely to happen within our lifetimes.

The main GCC endeavour is to delay it reaching the stage where it threatens their economies. They know that they cannot do it indefinitely, therefore they would continue supporting the Baloch secessionists and other inimical elements.

They also understand that Pakistan sitting at the edge of Gulf is not a pushover and can not be treated in the manner for long.

There are methods which can be implemented to ward them off from such a dangerous undertaking.

These could be covert and or overt.

And if a stage comes where Pakistan's response measures start hurting them beyond they can opt for with application of direct and or indirect methodologies, they will acquiesce.

Saudi interest in all this is critical. Pakistan is too important for Saudi Arabia and if appropriate leverages are utilized Saudi Arabia can also generate their influence.

It is a manageable environment and not a kind of threat which can destabilize Pakistan beyond a level.
Come on gwadar is not a good enough reason, get a better one. GCC countries rely on petroleum export for bulk of their income, not on income from port as such. Gwadar will not be able to export oil, so it wont compete with their ports.
As I mentioned earlier that the major bone of contention between the GCC and Pakistan is and would be Gawadar port. When it becomes a deep water port and also gets linked via road, rail and other communication infrastructure, develops as an energy outlet, turns into a major trading inlet/outlet and also becomes a mid way major container terminal with industrial support infrastructure, it may become a major threat for sustenance of GCC economies. It will happen and is likely to happen within our lifetimes.

The main GCC endeavour is to delay it reaching the stage where it threatens their economies. They know that they cannot do it indefinitely, therefore they would continue supporting the Baloch secessionists and other inimical elements.

They also understand that Pakistan sitting at the edge of Gulf is not a pushover and can not be treated in the manner for long.

There are methods which can be implemented to ward them off from such a dangerous undertaking.

These could be covert and or overt.

And if a stage comes where Pakistan's response measures start hurting them beyond they can opt for with application of direct and or indirect methodologies, they will acquiesce.

Saudi interest in all this is critical. Pakistan is too important for Saudi Arabia and if appropriate leverages are utilized Saudi Arabia can also generate their influence.

It is a manageable environment and not a kind of threat which can destabilize Pakistan beyond a level.

Please elaborate more.
Come on gwadar is not a good enough reason, get a better one. GCC countries rely on petroleum export for bulk of their income, not on income from port as such. Gwadar will not be able to export oil, so it wont compete with their ports.

Correction: Abudhabi relies on Oil exports, and Qatar on Gas!

Don't generalize all of UAE, we are discussing Qatar and Dubai. (rest are collateral damage)
Come on gwadar is not a good enough reason, get a better one.

To say the least , it is a good enough reason to try to destabilize Pakistan ... You may not have read about the potential and the importance of Gwadar - its enormous ! Enough to threaten the economies of GCC countries ... The Kings will work against anyone whom US wants them to ... Didn't UAE recently threatened Iran over the visit of the army chief to the disputed islands ? They haven't had guts to do so since the time Tehran took control of the Islands ... Why the sudden rush of adrenaline ? The answer's simple These dogs bark when the US want them to , not else ... I expect nothing better from these puppets since our relation with US has deteriorated ... :azn:

Please elaborate more.

Join hands with Team Tehran ! Work with them to eradicate the BLA and Jundullah menace from Baluchistan and Sistan :) , complete the IP project , work more closely with Iran and if you get far ahead provide assistance in the military technology and GCC's countries will sure as hell reconsider their present actions ...
an attempt of overthrowing the fat **** of qatar by saudi Arabia took place but it has unfortunately failed. this man named Hamad is big threat not only to pakistan but also to KSA as he hosted the largest US base in his tiny country right next door. from my own prospective, this act by some of the gcc states has many political interests for example countering iran from inside through the people of BA. the solution of such issues must be done through public demands raised by the people of pakistan. leaving a chance for it will definitely harm pakistan in the long run.
Whatever steps you take, make sure it doesn't affect Pakistanis living in these countries. Only way is to increase talks and finding out common grounds. Ask China to play a significant role, and try to replace US from these GCC equation, which is very hard to do. Gwadar holds a key for China for not only Gulf but also Africa, which will become a new ground of influence by other major countries ( I think it has become already.) On this issue, China will try to mediate between Pakistan and GCC.

You don't have to directly deal with them rather involve China, and if possible Russia.

As far as near future is concerned, US and other western nations are their major trade partners and especially their major arms suppliers. This dependency will also make US dictate terms to these countries.

My suggestion will be, first improve your economy while increasing security, become a important economic player (you are already strategic one), increase your relations with SCO countries, decrease dependency on western nations, then work with Iran to tackle this problem.

I know its hard to do, and this require atleast a decade of these changes to be made, unhindered by political changes.

P.S. Make a security corridor to link China from these nations through Gwadar. Highly tightened security corridor.
from my own prospective, this act by some of the gcc states has many political interests for example countering iran from inside through the people of BA. the solution of such issues must be done through public demands raised by the people of pakistan. leaving a chance for it will definitely harm pakistan in the long run.

Destabilizing Pakistan will have any positive effect at your strategy to counter Iran ? :azn: ... Now that is something new to me , do elaborate ... What public demands ? The emotional people of the Islamic republic of Pakistan workship your monarchy and consider it as their religious duty to justify their wrongdoings ... Fortunately , there are some saner minds in the country who have knowledge of the whole dirty game and they are taking steps to stop it ...

P.S We always welcome diverse opinion and foreign input so please contribute more in the thread ...
Please elaborate more.

The overt methods are more in the traditional realm which countries use.

Use diplomacy, media – print and electronic, to send signals. The think tank groups going to these countries to interact with their intelligentsia about the dangers involved in such undertakings. Politicians meeting GCC stalwarts and explaining the implications. Raise the level of interactions. Send delegations to other friendly countries who can influence GCC. etc etc etc – you can use your imagination and spread it wild.

Covert methodology has varied means as well and all or some of these can start concurrently. This methodology also includes use of all or most of the above, however covertly. Then offcourse the hardcore actions which most of us understand and may not need elaboration. Pakistan has the ability to apply both independently or in consonance. Our capability is known as one of the best in the world.
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