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How to counter Gulf threat to Pakistan's integrity ?

Yara Krait, do you seriously think that they understand civilized words or even have the capacity to reason?

They're genetically programmed to react and bow to a massive threat, it's not their fault, it's difficult to loose gene memory.

What they surely will understand is "Habibi no behave badly, else I cut your willy!" What? "thinking.... processing... NO WILLY..... AND THE COIN DROPS.... TRING TRING......." :drag:
But you can't take chances buddy. They might end up giving full on support to anti-Pakistan factions. I know this is difficult, but last thing you need is GCC as enemies especially now.

A wise man once said to me that, if you can't be friend to someone any longer, don't make him enemy, maintain diplomatic relations.

Its upto your policy makers, how they handle this delicate situation. Its a mine field, better check your steps rather than running to the goal. Any rush to change the situation will be a great risk.
YO YO .... IN THE SAME BOAT... :pakistan:

The only difference being, I have prepared a execution list FOR attest 50,000+ members of various fundamentalist religious organizations! :D

You guys can't be serious. There is no way a man like Ataturk can "storm the presidency" in Islamabad. Even if by some luck he gets elected he would probably be downed within a week if he tries to secularize Pakistan. Remove the Salafi elements from Pakistan and there would be no need to secularize.
No it's not.. yara, is thread main gand na dalo.. baqi jahan bhi kaho gai, I'm with you!

I judge people on an individual basis. Being xenophobic is not going to solve our problems.
Thread is now going into a downward spiral.
Sorry bro , that is the truth of it ... Learn to face it ... If you want me , I can post with proof how much do these Islam contractors have harmed the interest of Ummah whilst Pakistan has literally destroyed itself to help Muslims !
But you can't take chances buddy. They might end up giving full on support to anti-Pakistan factions. I know this is difficult, but last thing you need is GCC as enemies especially now.

A wise man once said to me that, if you can't be friend to someone any longer, don't make him enemy, maintain diplomatic relations.

Its upto your policy makers, how they handle this delicate situation. Its a mine field, better check your steps rather than running to the goal. Any rush to change the situation will be a great risk.

Pakistan cannot be timid in its approach in protecting its interests. Intelligence of Pakistan must move forward with the belief that any support to anti-Pakistan elements is equivalent to full support for anti-Pakistan elements.
YO YO .... IN THE SAME BOAT... :pakistan:

The only difference being, I have prepared a execution list FOR attest 50,000+ members of various fundamentalist religious organizations! :D

May I suggest some extra names?

@KingMamba Maybe. You in USA and me in UK.
May I suggest some extra names?

@KingMamba Maybe. You in USA and me in UK.

It is a good thought but impossible not in Pakistan. I have always been of the opinion that Pakistan doesn't need to secularize in order to save itself. It is the direct consequence of Salafi Islam which has led to the downward spiral of Pakistan and needless to say we all know who introduced these elements which has became a threat to the very existence of Pakistan.
Calling Arab people as two face is racist. I don't like it, and I'm sure they wouldn't either.
Why are you in this mess in the first place ? Why have you fought for the " Ummah " since '80s ? Who has exported you rigid unislamic interpretation of the Islam , radicalizing the Pakistani society whilst spending lavishly and remaining in bed with Zionists ? Ask yourself this :azn: ...

P.S A wise guy once asked the nation to put Pakistan first ... Please pay heed to his advice ...
Calling Arab people as two face is racist. I don't like it, and I'm sure they wouldn't either.

RazPak Yaar, if it is a racist slur, let it be. The current Arabs deserve it beyond any rapprochement.
May I suggest some extra names?

@KingMamba Maybe. You in USA and me in UK.

OK, personal observation.. In addition to the Salafi elements, the best bet for executions would be a reverse check on "Al-Huda" foundation. I'll name hundreds more, but their databases are of prime importance!

All the data is already there, relationships, addresses...... pick them up and squash them like pesky flies.... :D
Pakistan cannot be timid in its approach in protecting its interests. Intelligence of Pakistan must move forward with the belief that any support to anti-Pakistan elements is equivalent to full support for anti-Pakistan elements.
Its not about being timid. Emotions have no place when you are talking about national interest. You weed out and clear the field systematically.

Try to crack their terror network, money flow and if possible give little support to faction that are against current ruling people. Make it a bargaining chip.

I accept your perception but as I said, do not rush. Take calculated risk.
RazPak Yaar, if it is a racist slur, let it be. The current Arabs deserve it beyond any rapprochement.
My fellow countrymen is merely proving what I wrote in my previous posts , we have been taught to almost workship Arabs and most of us blindly and gladly do that :azn:
RazPak Yaar, if it is a racist slur, let it be. The current Arabs deserve it beyond any rapprochement.

They don't deserve it. When they practice their version of Islam they are not committing bombings and murders.

It's Pakistanis fault for the way we follow it.

People like to blame Wahabi this Wahabi that. What a load of crap.

Pakistani extremists are almost all primarily Deobandi. Thank India for that. Not GCC countries.
It is a good thought but impossible not in Pakistan. I have always been of the opinion that Pakistan doesn't need to secularize in order to save itself. It is the direct consequence of Salafi Islam which has led to the downward spiral of Pakistan and needless to say we all know who introduced these elements which has became a threat to the very existence of Pakistan.

Maybe you have a point but such is my abhorrence with the deleterious effects of imported Salafism that I feel only a Ataturk style purge might deliver us from the ignorant, evil, plaque that has afflicted Pakistan.
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