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How to counter Gulf threat to Pakistan's integrity ?

It is a good thought but impossible not in Pakistan. I have always been of the opinion that Pakistan doesn't need to secularize in order to save itself. It is the direct consequence of Salafi Islam which has led to the downward spiral of Pakistan and needless to say we all know who introduced these elements which has became a threat to the very existence of Pakistan.

I would agree with you if it were 1997... At the moment, nothing short of EXTREME measures will work, if you will, call it a last ditch life saving drug to be taken up the a**!

Maybe you have a point but such is my abhorrence with the deleterious effects of imported Salafism that I feel only a Ataturk style purge might deliver us from the ignorant, evil, plaque that has afflicted Pakistan.

If you were a girl, I would immediately propose :toast_sign:

Emotions have no place when you are talking about national interest.


If my countrymen could just understand and learn from that simple statement, we would need nothing more!
You guys can't be serious. There is no way a man like Ataturk can "storm the presidency" in Islamabad. Even if by some luck he gets elected he would probably be downed within a week if he tries to secularize Pakistan. Remove the Salafi elements from Pakistan and there would be no need to secularize.

We don't need an Ataturk. We just need good leadership and that's all.

Ataturk did some good things and did some bad things as well. One of the worst things he did was to change the way Turkish language was written. He changed it to Latin form. Current Turks can't read the way Turkish was written for hundreds of years. Though I praise the fact that he converted the whole schmuck in just six months which his own educationists told him would take many many years, but still something that has been my own for centuries was murdered in a jiffy. That was pathetic.

But then strong leaders emerging out of the state Turkey was in at that time, do some stupid things as well.

We need our own with our own brand and not Ataturk, though he was a great Turk indeed.
Pakistani extremists are almost all primarily Deobandi. Thank India for that. Not GCC countries.

Deobandi's existed since the creation of Pakistan ... Are you really implying that we were radicalized as a nation since then ? :what: Or was it after the arrival of rigidly interpreted totally unIslamic Wahabi Islam in '80s that turned sects against each other , killing the other person just because he didn't agreed to our views , extremism and whatnot , resorting to violence to enforce views ? :azn: Food for thought it is ...
We don't need an Ataturk. We just need good leadership and that's all.

Ataturk did some good things and did some bad things as well. One of the worst things he did was to change the way Turkish language was written. He changed it to Latin form. Current Turks can't read the way Turkish was written for hundreds of years. Though I praise the fact that he converted the whole schmuck in just six months which his own educationists told him would take many many years, but still something that has been my own for centuries was murdered in a jiffy. That was pathetic.

But then strong leaders emerging out of the state Turkey was in at that time, do some stupid things as well.

We need our own with our own brand and not Ataturk, though he was a great Turk indeed.

Do you know why the arabic character was changed over night? <<< FIRST OF ALL IT WAS CHANGED WITHIN A WEEK!

Behold now the answer, I bet NO ONE EVER EVER told you about this fact:

Ataturk had to take the drastic step of getting rid of the Arabic character, because EVERY CORNER of Turkey was full of anti state propaganda pamphlets written in ARABIC and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF books to EVERY FU*** sect of Islam that there could be fueling hatred ALL IN ARABIC <<< GUESS WHO SPONSORED THIS MATERIAL? >>>>HRH THE GREAT SAUD HIMSELF


I think Pakistan should definitely think on the same lines as above... Ban all channels preaching anything but the love of Pakistan... Burn every book and material with Arabic character in it...

Na rahay ga bans, na bajay go bansri!
India uses UAE as a staging ground for meeting and supporting BLA.
They don't deserve it. When they practice their version of Islam they are not committing bombings and murders.

It's Pakistanis fault for the way we follow it.

People like to blame Wahabi this Wahabi that. What a load of crap.

Pakistani extremists are almost all primarily Deobandi. Thank India for that. Not GCC countries.

Yaar, the linkages are there and are visible. Deobandis are being supported not only from the Indian side but also by some Arab nations as well. And this is a fact.

GCC countries are involved in some anti-Pakistan activities and it is known. So, being a Pakistani, I need to protect myself from their shenanigans. And they are Arabs - so be it. When they do things which are against my country, I am just a Pakistani and nothing more - period.

If they behave as good Muslim neighbours, whichever maslak they come from, it doesn't matter to me and I will respect them. But if they treat me bad, I am the biggest S O B for them, this side of Suez Canal.

So, get it over with :)
India uses UAE as a staging ground for meeting and supporting BLA.
OHHHHHH PLEASE...... Can't take another conspiracy theory!

Why would India need the cover of a small ANT, India can do whatever it very well pleases, all by itself! It doesn't need the support or help of anyone.

Gulf is nothing but a spec on the map, considering India. Wake up, the Indians have grown-up, we need to the same. They are a force, all by themselves to be reckoned with. They certainly don't need the help of Gulfees. Mark my words, give india 30 more years and you'll see Gulfee taxi drivers on the streets of Bombay!
I feel most of the people commenting here don't have a reasonable grasp,on the Islamic schools of thought that are.being followed in Pakistan today.

OHHHHHH PLEASE...... Can't take another conspiracy theory!

Why would India need the cover of a small ANT, India can do whatever it very well pleases, all by itself! It doesn't need the support or help of anyone.

Gulf is nothing but a spec on the map, considering India. Wake up, the Indians have grown-up, we need to the same. They are a force, all by themselves to be reckoned with. They certainly don't need the help of Gulfees. Mark my words, give india 30 more years and you'll see Gulfee taxi drivers on the streets of Bombay!

Can't you understand that the deobandis and jamaatis were strongly against the creation of Pakistan?
By the way.... we're commenting here Arabs again and again...

Please note: WE ARE DISCUSSING Dubai + Qatar = Gulfees != (not equal to Arabs)

Respects to all the other pure Arab races, who can play a constructive role in bettering our geographical security...

I feel most of the people commenting here don't have a reasonable grasp,on the Islamic schools of thought that are.being followed in Pakistan today.

Precisely, so what is your solution, more ambiguity..... Or, maybe even a ****-fight to see who is right?

Or our solution: Remove the religious virus once from your soul, and think for Pakistan for a change!
India uses UAE as a staging ground for meeting and supporting BLA.
Nope, we use our Afghanistan consulates and linkage with BLA. RAW has been pretty much active since India got a chance to get a foot hold in Afghanistan when WoT was going on (still is) by putting ts humanitarian side first.
Do you know why the arabic character was changed over night? <<< FIRST OF ALL IT WAS CHANGED WITHIN A WEEK!

Behold now the answer, I bet NO ONE EVER EVER told you about this fact:

Ataturk had to take the drastic step of getting rid of the Arabic character, because EVERY CORNER of Turkey was full of anti state propaganda pamphlets written in ARABIC and HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF books to EVERY FU*** sect of Islam that there could be fueling hatred ALL IN ARABIC <<< GUESS WHO SPONSORED THIS MATERIAL? >>>>HRH THE GREAT SAUD HIMSELF


I think Pakistan should definitely think on the same lines as above... Ban all channels preaching anything but the love of Pakistan... Burn every book and material with Arabic character in it...

Na rahay ga bans, na bajay go bansri!

Cok guzel effendim! ama .....

All this still doesn't mean that you burn it all. The aim is to get rid of the the evil, not to burn yourself. He followed the easiest part because he could. In my opinion, we should not resort to this kind of thing, as this is the same thing the other guy does - kill, burn, destroy. Where lies the difference.

I am proud of my ancestors, my pedigree, my country, my nationalism - and I should not destroy what is and has been mine for centuries. I, instead should destroy those who are attempting to impose something I don't want and never will and will never become.

This resolve to fight those who want to enforce upon me something I can't bear, is necessary, rather than changing the way of my life, as lived for centuries. They want to change the way I live - I will not allow them to. At the same time, I will not do what they do to enforce their will on others.

I have studied Ataturculuk in some detail. I like the Ba$tard for what he did for his country. I will follow his aim but not his methodology. :)
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