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How to counter Gulf threat to Pakistan's integrity ?

Aeronaut, you're thinking too small. When, after 9/11, Americans tried to discuss Pakistani educational reform lo and behold it was the Arab sheikhs in the room who were part of the conversation while the hosting Pakistani could only glower in a corner and say nothing. The gulf sheikh's became a threat to Pakistan's integrity over a generation ago when Zia let them take over the much of your education system; after that Pakistanis were taught to be Muslims first and Pakistanis afterward. That's because Zia believed in "Islamization" and the elimination of liberalism while the sheikhs primarily see Pakistanis as a breeding ground for mercenary armies.
Aeronaut, you're thinking too small. When, after 9/11, Americans tried to discuss Pakistani educational reform lo and behold it was the Arab sheikhs in the room who were part of the conversation while the hosting Pakistani could only glower in a corner and say nothing. The gulf sheikh's became a threat to Pakistan's integrity over a generation ago when Zia let them take over the much of your education system; after that Pakistanis were taught to be Muslims first and Pakistanis afterward. That's because Zia believed in "Islamization" and the elimination of liberalism while the sheikhs primarily see Pakistanis as a breeding ground for mercenary armies.

We regret that , Zia also screwed up plan drawn by Bhutto to give transit to Russians to Karachi port. We were stupid not to be friends with soviets , we should have done that and therefore kept our national interests. Pakistani text books have not contained material in such explicit detail which may have implications of kinds you re thinking of. I know because i went through the entire educational system in that time period. However all of the textbooks have been changed in early 2000s by Musharraf.
Aeronaut, you're thinking too small. When, after 9/11, Americans tried to discuss Pakistani educational reform lo and behold it was the Arab sheikhs in the room who were part of the conversation while the hosting Pakistani could only glower in a corner and say nothing. The gulf sheikh's became a threat to Pakistan's integrity over a generation ago when Zia let them take over the much of your education system; after that Pakistanis were taught to be Muslims first and Pakistanis afterward. That's because Zia believed in "Islamization" and the elimination of liberalism while the sheikhs primarily see Pakistanis as a breeding ground for mercenary armies.

Solomon, we're taking it back. One by one..... :)
Actually, I don't know why, but it was Qatar that was leading!

Well , to say the least , I am really surprised hearing this news ... I never thought that Arab countries would try to harm Pakistan's interests that too by funding terrorist in Baluchistan ... But really what is the motive behind all the funding and how can we deal with that ? :what:
Well , to say the least , I am really surprised hearing this news ... I never thought that Arab countries would try to harm Pakistan's interests that too by funding terrorist in Baluchistan ... But really what is the motive behind all the funding and how can we deal with that ? :what:
You have absolutely no idea why I'm so pissed off and I joined this forum in the first place :D
Place C-602 - C-802A - Babur & DH-10A batteries on the coast facing Dubai , Doha , Manama , send the payload description to the kings. If the diplomacy doesn't work , my logic might be wrong but when it comes to survival from 3 dimensional geographic threat environment the only sensible way to live becomes to live without rules.

Gunboat diplomacy isn't going to work here , Aeronaut ... Think of that , they have major bases in the country and US CBG's stationed nearby ... I cant think of anything that can be done except tightening the security in Baluchistan and crushing the feudal lords ...
Well , to say the least , I am really surprised hearing this news ... I never thought that Arab countries would try to harm Pakistan's interests that too by funding terrorist in Baluchistan ... But really what is the motive behind all the funding and how can we deal with that ? :what:

This is why i created this thread , PDF in a way represents intelligent Pakistani's online around the world , they need to know the ball game being played. Let me assure you its us and God , we have no other friend this time , it will get dirty so we need to be prepared as i don't see these kings backing out , specially when they will go to any limit to appease the Almighty US to even slightly postpone their ultimate demise from power in the gulf.
Very interesting topic.

Some of the aspects which directly or indirectly impinge on the environment are:

Increased US presence in the GCC. Which may have implications on Pakistani involvement in GCC.

Keeping peaceful environment in GCC is in US interest.

However, Pakistan does have certain amount of leverage in GCC which the US cannot ignore.

Bahrain has 60-70 % Shia population, which can be influenced by Iran. This can play both-ways. During Shia uprising in Bahrain, the Headquarters of US 5th Fleet, many Pakistani workers were killed by the Shia population for alleged support to Bahraini rulers.

Qatar has become the base of almost all major US covert/overt operations in middle east. Sensitive location for the US.

Moving of BB from Afghanistan, in all probability was on Pakistan’s insistence. Apparently, his move to Europe may also have been part of an agreed solution.

GCC’s major concern is a fully functional Gawadar port. Currently Gawadar is a shallow water port and can not accommodate large ships. So is Chahbahar, an Iranian port not far up north from Gawadar, built with Indian assistance. Therefore, understanding one aspect of Indian interest in undermining Gawadar in addition to many other which can be quoted.

US interest may hinge on what if Pakistan completely goes to the other camp and how would they approach not only Afghanistan, but also the CARs. Therefore, keeping their influence with secessionist Baloch elements becomes visible.

Indian interest is nothing more than attempting to create environment which keep elements of Pak Army involved and therefore unavailable for Indian front. And in case of war, create rear area security problems. This can last only as long as the situation in Afghanistan does not stabilize – and it may take a while for this to happen.

The secessionist Balochi elements themselves do not have the capability to capture areas and declare independence. Infact, interestingly the Baloch are lesser in number than the Brauhis. Then the element of Pushto speaking population of Balochistan, which does not see eye to eye with secessionist Balochis. The fundamentalist elements also may not have many common grounds with these Balochis and may be tolerating each other by keeping a shut eye.

The internal Balochi feelings and environment may be aggressive towards Pakistan, but not all want secession. Adding the Pushtun and Brauhi and other ethnic mix, it is likely that this armed movement may remain a par below the capability to declare themselves independent and then sustain the independence. The chances are that if they do it at this stage or in a future identical environment, they will be mauled to the extent that they may not regain such a power for a long time, if at all.

Therefore, Pakistan needs to keep a manageable environment in Balochistan till it can bring the situation along Afghan front to an amenable end. If this happens, the roll on affect will help to bring problems in Balochistan also to an amenable environment.

I have deliberately not talked about the political, administrative and economic improvements needed to improve the living standards inside Balochistan. Needless to say that these would have to continue inspite of the situation and would definitely help bring normalcy back to this area.
Gunboat diplomacy isn't going to work here , Aeronaut ... Think of that , they have major bases in the country and US CBG's stationed nearby ... I cant think of anything that can be done except tightening the security in Baluchistan and crushing the feudal lords ...

Plenty can be done , they would project US against Pakistan , China will get involved. It ain't happening , they will start farting when they will see Pakistan going into a wolf survival mentality , they will back down. Also , they know that the US will not be there for ever but they Geographically are there and the last country they want to screw with is Pakistan.
You have absolutely no idea why I'm so pissed off and I joined this forum in the first place :D

Well , after seeing the true faces of the Arabs , besides this new astonishing thing which I have heard just now from some of respected members here , I can understand what are you pissed at , I have always frowned upon their lavish spending and indulgence in prostitution , booze and other vices whilst preaching and exporting radical Islam to the world over not to mention their role in the creation of the state of Israel , betrayal against Ottoman Turks and harming Muslim interests around the world !
For the VERY FIRST TIME - a topic worth discussing... Keep it going guys... I'll go pickup Chinese! Back in 30...


Please, make this topic sticky, as topics such as these can be the EXACT reason why this board should exist in the first place.
This is why i created this thread , PDF in a way represents intelligent Pakistani's online around the world , they need to know the ball game being played. Let me assure you its us and God , we have no other friend this time , it will get dirty so we need to be prepared as i don't see these kings backing out , specially when they will go to any limit to appease the Almighty US to even slightly postpone their ultimate demise from power in the gulf.

Let us accept that we were deluded since '47 and there's no such thing - by God absolutely none as Ummah ! Yes , they need to be informed , prepared , see the true faces of the people they respect most and take action ... Yes , the King's wont , remember it is the gifted kingdoms by the British for betraying Ottoman Turks so they really do not care about anything but the safety of their throne and money ... King Fahd once said " After Allah , we trust in USA " ... People didn't understand back then , possibly they may have figured it out by now ...
Hasn't it been obvious by the biased reporting done by Al Jazeera regarding the situation in Baluchistan??

Brutus, you on our side this time? How refreshing... 'der aye, durust aye!' Welcome brother... Now just one request, don't derail the thread by chatting with Armstrong :D
I , must stress not to use term "Arabs" as its to general and takes our focus away from "Kings with interests" and also represents our Arab friends in a suspicious light. In a time when Pakistan is low on friends , we must preserve whatever is left and not make new enemies if we cant make new friends.
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