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How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

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There are many ways to answer SU30MKI today (you dont have to wait for FIFTH gen fighters which are not here for 20 more years)

IF any other nation wanted to answer SU30MKI threat they would go out and acquire

F18 super hornets F16/52 F15silent eagle Typhoon or Rafael...

Any one of those 4++ GEN FIGHTERS insufficient nos would be the ideal answer (suffient nos means 150+)

YOUR LEFT with JF17 & maybe small nos J10 in the future.

PAF has attempted to counter SU30MKI with their one and only option chinease fighters

The five 4++ fighters i mentioned HAVE OBSTACLES that PAF cannot overcome...

is this also on some one said?great logic?:rofl:

open up your eyes & see this

thats the answer PAF, can give any time soon they want, with a few modifications?

J-16 Red Eagle (Jianjiji-16 Fighter aircraft 16)

The J-16, built by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC), is reportedly a stealthy dedicated attack version of the J-11B (Su-27) multirole fighter featuring active electronically scanned array [AESA] radar and an internal weapons bay. Chinese authorities have not formally released informtion on these developments. It was rumored in November 2010 that SAC was developing a 4.5th generation heavy multi-role fighter with a conventional layout based on J-11B. First flight of this reportedly "Silent Flanker" was rumored at that time to be within 2011.

According to Hui Tong, the J-16 is a version of the J-11BS comparable to American F-15E. Sort of a 'strike flanker'. "The aircraft can be viewed as an upgraded version of Su-30MKK based on its mission and capability, which is comparable to American F-15E. First flight was rumored to be between 2011-2012. J-16 has tandem seats with a WSO sitting in the backseat. It features an enhanced fire-control system with additional AG modes. Besides PL-8 and PL-12 AAMs, it could also carry the same precision guided weapons being carried by JH-7A, such as KD-88 ASM and LS-500J LGB. Compared to JH-7A, J-16 is expected to have a more powerful radar, a greater weapon load (8t) and a longer range (4,000km). "

In May 2011 China Military Report stated that "China's new 4.5 generation heavy fighter (Chinese name "Red Eagle"). August 2008 has been officially off the assembly line in Shenyang Aircraft Factory, in October 2008 in Beijing, an Air Force base in the outskirts of the first flight, October 12, 2009 conducted a second test, a complete success. J-18 is the 4.5 generation fighter aircraft are air superiority fighter heavy. Forward-swept wing fighter design using ultra-stealth characteristics, and install a laser active phased array radar, built-in weapons bay and two large thrust-vectoring engines. Service time is expected around 2015.


i never denied your IAF ACs arent from russia, france, or from a place called MARS?

Thats okey, but....
The topic is?
How PAF should counter su- 30...
India has it, while pakistan does not have it yet....
You are just banking on the future..
And then...
India would hv had raffale down the road...
Got it...

Countering the VERY LARGE FLEET of SU30 MKI FLEET.

Your only options are


J11/J16 being the same model as the SU30MKI without TVC engines israeli jammers & french avionics

** Personally i think PAF has laid its bed with the 63 F16s & JF17 Thunders

I think PAF will not BUY FC20/ and even less likely J11/J16 especially if THE IAF MMRCA deal is cancelled
I thnk India is overhyper of MKI, j10b will be enough to handle it. China should provide enough quantity of J10b to safeguard Pakistan's sky. Damn why not give 50for free? Why the hell china need so many USD reserves? China shall make it sure Pakistan has enough firepower to protect it from potential India threat. I understand the financial predicament PAF face, hope it will be better off in the future. China is always willing to extend necessary help any time any where. My solution is the biggest counter to MKI is China itself.
India should figure way out to make peace with China and Pakistan, not try to bully Pakistan.

India should figure way out to make peace with China and Pakistan, not try to bully Pakistan.
India should figure way out to make peace with China and Pakistan, not try to bully Pakistan.

India should figure way out to make peace with China and Pakistan, not try to bully Pakistan.

I agree. Peace is the only solution to the India-Pakistan situation. Bully has never and will not work. With the intro of nukes, the bully part's out of question. Both need to sit down and start talking their issues out and find mutual resolutions.
Bullying in fact, might get everyone into a nuclear war causing hundreds of millions of people to suffer. At the end, there won't be anyone saying 'hey, look, I WON'. So make peace between the two and let people prosper in both countries. Friendly ties will increase economic activity that will help millions of people on each side and will help better people's lives!!!
I agree. Peace is the only solution to the India-Pakistan situation.

We have peace now. Anyone fighting ? What you are suggesting probably is the resolution of issues between the countries. That is a tougher job. When Pakistan learns to live with the status quo, peace will follow. No other solution.

Countering the VERY LARGE FLEET of SU30 MKI FLEET.

Your only options are


J11/J16 being the same model as the SU30MKI without TVC engines israeli jammers & french avionics

** Personally i think PAF has laid its bed with the 63 F16s & JF17 Thunders

I think PAF will not BUY FC20/ and even less likely J11/J16 especially if THE IAF MMRCA deal is cancelled

Its all based on gusses, IAF future inventory & same goes to PAF, but let make clear next shopping center for PAF is certnly is CHINA.
& what you guys think china can't get its hands on israeli & EU tech? Even when they knew IAF,s super flanker,s configrations?lol
Come on guys,CHINA is producing them now & you guys just have strted asembling them?
J-16s with more advance tech,specially designed on the weaknesses of MKI of IAF is the right answer, & its quite advanced already as a concept in the air?

We have peace now. Anyone fighting ? What you are suggesting probably is the resolution of issues between the countries. That is a tougher job. When Pakistan learns to live with the status quo, peace will follow. No other solution.

& the fight goes on! Lol
I thnk India is overhyper of MKI, j10b will be enough to handle it. China should provide enough quantity of J10b to safeguard Pakistan's sky. Damn why not give 50for free? Why the hell china need so many USD reserves? China shall make it sure Pakistan has enough firepower to protect it from potential India threat. I understand the financial predicament PAF face, hope it will be better off in the future. China is always willing to extend necessary help any time any where. My solution is the biggest counter to MKI is China itself.

What you think freind, if you compare J-16 vs SU30 mki of IAF?
How much & what advancment need tobe done on a J-16 to make it up to the level of MKIs?
Waiting for your detail reply!
Good luck commrade!
I agree. Peace is the only solution to the India-Pakistan situation. Bully has never and will not work. With the intro of nukes, the bully part's out of question. Both need to sit down and start talking their issues out and find mutual resolutions.
Bullying in fact, might get everyone into a nuclear war causing hundreds of millions of people to suffer. At the end, there won't be anyone saying 'hey, look, I WON'. So make peace between the two and let people prosper in both countries. Friendly ties will increase economic activity that will help millions of people on each side and will help better people's lives!!!

As a matter of fact, the rising disparity between India and Pakistan is forcing Pakistan to agree to more and more on what India wants. Part of the coercive strategy is to keep increasing the difference in the size of the gun and the body/economy to sustain it. Working brilliantly for the last decade. Why should there be peace on equal terms between two highly unequal countries especially when both have committed the same kinds of wrongs.
What you think freind, if you compare J-16 vs SU30 mki of IAF?
How much & what advancment need tobe done on a J-16 to make it up to the level of MKIs?
Waiting for your detail reply!
Good luck commrade!
Actually J16 will give pakistan the ability to take down MKI, with mucher lower RCS with intake shape redesign and using new composite material,EOTS,FLIR, AESA radar, with a combat radius of 1500km with fullload of 12 tons, DUO WS10A engine with 132KN each(duo WS15 with 160KN power per after 2015). Actually J-16 has surpaseed existing IAF MKI fleet, except for the TV engine. PLA will handle those MKI with Superior BVR capable J16.
So no need worry my freind, India will keep peace with Pakistan as long as we stick together. Peace!
Mostly importantly, J16 could be packed with China weapon suite, YJ-62,YJ83, SD10A,PL-9, PL12, PL21 and CM-400AKG. I thought its a overkill for IAF to take.
To batmannow bhaiya, J31 STEALTHY one is a better choice for PAF to go for cause it will provide PAF Asymmetric advantage toward IAF. My sugestion to PAF:
a feet consist of large number of JF17 block 2, and 5 squadrons of J10b with existing F16 block 50, and go for J31 directly. Know why India bring in Rafale so hurry, 2 reason:
1. China knows SU30mk SERIES so deep, no secret of MKI before PLA(especially the case when PLA induct SU35 super flanker)
2. PAF WILL get FC20.
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