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How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

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Induction of stealthy J31 fighters will help in some way...........

Will IAF remain dependent on sukhois only when neighbors will be inducting STEALTH fighters??? NO, Su-30MKIs are only a start, Rafale, FGFA, AMCA will follow.

SU30MKI is not a proven jet yet, ecessive fear is not neccessary at all.

No one is fearing it, it's part of the job of world AFs to assess the capabilities of it's enemies & find solutions for it.
SU30MKI is not a proven jet yet, ecessive fear is not neccessary at all.

do you know which is the most proven fighter? US navy F6F Hellcat. so lets buy a ton of them. just 50,000$ each


why spend 180,000,000$ for a single unproven F22?
do you know which is the most proven fighter? US navy F6F Hellcat. so lets buy a ton of them. just 50,000$ each


why spend 180,000,000$ for a single unproven F22?

it's generation difference buddy...
if someone wanna buy planes of that generation they surely slect F6 hellcat
well F-22 is most proven comparing to planes in its generation.... i really doubt if there are any expect twice or thrice....
if u want a 5th gen fighter than u will have to slect one.....
surely i hope SU 30 will be an alternate to F-22 at some extent.....
do you know which is the most proven fighter? US navy F6F Hellcat. so lets buy a ton of them. just 50,000$ each


why spend 180,000,000$ for a single unproven F22?

Indeed a very good point ...

Guess that clears the other half of "unproven" rants from our indian counterparts about JF-17's,J-11's,J-31's,J-20's,J-10B's and J-15's basically the "unproven" Chinese tech..

Thank you for clearing that out once and for all :toast_sign:
Indeed a very good point ...

Guess that clears the other half of "unproven" rants from our indian counterparts about JF-17's,J-11's,J-31's,J-20's,J-10B's and J-15's basically the "unproven" Chinese tech..

Thank you for clearing that out once and for all :toast_sign:

Nope. aircrafts dont matter in bieng proven or not. what matters is the capability/history of its makers.
Unproven chinese tech makes a big deal, especially when compared to proven US/Russian/french tech.

it's generation difference buddy...
if someone wanna buy planes of that generation they surely slect F6 hellcat
well F-22 is most proven comparing to planes in its generation.... i really doubt if there are any expect twice or thrice....
if u want a 5th gen fighter than u will have to slect one.....
surely i hope SU 30 will be an alternate to F-22 at some extent.....

i was being sarcastic :lol:
Nope. aircrafts dont matter in bieng proven or not. what matters is the capability/history of its makers.
Unproven chinese tech makes a big deal, especially when compared to proven US/Russian/french tech.

Great ... but how would you assess Chinese getting to the 5th generation mark earlier than the "PROVEN" France and European technological bases...

Or maybe the PLAAF getting multiple locks on the proven Russian technology incorporated in amongst the most successful of its export fighters the SU-30, the jf-17 hammering the proven F-16 (both aircraft and technology)

The point im trying to make is, If y'all wanna stick to a standard for one thing (unproven being meaningless for platforms like SU-30) dont go and develop another standard for your adversaries (unproven being very meaningful when it comes to technology and history of the developer... which is funny because the last time I checked Indian friends mostly implied that China copies the "proven Russian technology" and J-10 has so much to do with the "proven Israeli technologies" ....

But if you wanna get this standard for history etc of the developer than why dont you criticize LCA and HAL on the same level as many Indian friends do on "unproven" chinese technologies ...

Just wanna get the story from your side straightened out as I always find it hard to understand ... Your input will mean alot ... thanx for replyin the first time too :)
Great ... but how would you assess Chinese getting to the 5th generation mark earlier than the "PROVEN" France and European technological bases...

Or maybe the PLAAF getting multiple locks on the proven Russian technology incorporated in amongst the most successful of its export fighters the SU-30, the jf-17 hammering the proven F-16 (both aircraft and technology)

The point im trying to make is, If y'all wanna stick to a standard for one thing (unproven being meaningless for platforms like SU-30) dont go and develop another standard for your adversaries (unproven being very meaningful when it comes to technology and history of the developer... which is funny because the last time I checked Indian friends mostly implied that China copies the "proven Russian technology" and J-10 has so much to do with the "proven Israeli technologies" ....

But if you wanna get this standard for history etc of the developer than why dont you criticize LCA and HAL on the same level as many Indian friends do on "unproven" chinese technologies ...

Just wanna get the story from your side straightened out as I always find it hard to understand ... Your input will mean alot ... thanx for replyin the first time too :)

every new thing is unproven...
u hav to take risk to generate something..
there are equal chances of sucess and failure.
Thumbs up for all un proven tech as they r made up of many ideas and alot of hardwork. .:)
PAKISTANIS ask how can the SU30MKI be countered. ????????


USA weapons are risk of sanctions !!!!!!! rules out F16 IN LARGE NOS especially now that INDIA is a very important ally of USA

Euro weapons like rafale & typhoon are simply too expensive for PAF (and no body has embargoed you people like i keep hearing)

Russian Flankers are never gonna happen india main ally.


affordable. sanction free. and close ally

NOW THE QUESTION which chinease fighter will answer 270 su30mki by 2016 (15 sqds)

JF17 avialable now and affordable BUT how many AND can they be a realistic answer

J10/FC20 = WHAT you waiting for the SU30MKI is here and nos are already 150+

SOME ONE SAID J31 = get real like 2025-2030
PAKISTANIS ask how can the SU30MKI be countered. ????????


USA weapons are risk of sanctions !!!!!!! rules out F16 IN LARGE NOS especially now that INDIA is a very important ally of USA

Euro weapons like rafale & typhoon are simply too expensive for PAF (and no body has embargoed you people like i keep hearing)

Russian Flankers are never gonna happen india main ally.


affordable. sanction free. and close ally

NOW THE QUESTION which chinease fighter will answer 270 su30mki by 2016 (15 sqds)

JF17 avialable now and affordable BUT how many AND can they be a realistic answer

J10/FC20 = WHAT you waiting for the SU30MKI is here and nos are already 150+

SOME ONE SAID J31 = get real like 2025-2030

so your post is bassed on some one said?:disagree::lol:

There are many ways to answer SU30MKI today (you dont have to wait for FIFTH gen fighters which are not here for 20 more years)

IF any other nation wanted to answer SU30MKI threat they would go out and acquire

F18 super hornets F16/52 F15silent eagle Typhoon or Rafael...

Any one of those 4++ GEN FIGHTERS insufficient nos would be the ideal answer (suffient nos means 150+)

YOUR LEFT with JF17 & maybe small nos J10 in the future.

PAF has attempted to counter SU30MKI with their one and only option chinease fighters

The five 4++ fighters i mentioned HAVE OBSTACLES that PAF cannot overcome...

There are many ways to answer SU30MKI today (you dont have to wait for FIFTH gen fighters which are not here for 20 more years)

IF any other nation wanted to answer SU30MKI threat they would go out and acquire

F18 super hornets F16/52 F15silent eagle Typhoon or Rafael...

Any one of those 4++ GEN FIGHTERS insufficient nos would be the ideal answer (suffient nos means 150+)

YOUR LEFT with JF17 & maybe small nos J10 in the future.

PAF has attempted to counter SU30MKI with their one and only option chinease fighters

The five 4++ fighters i mentioned HAVE OBSTACLES that PAF cannot overcome...

F-16 BLK 70 will be enough pro only until the MKIs are upgraded to Super std Blk52 is not good enough for a 1:1'fight
USA weapons are risk of sanctions !!!!!!! rules out F16 IN LARGE NOS especially now that INDIA is a very important ally of USA

India and USA are not technically allies. Try not to use the term too loosely.

And yes, US weapons are sanction-prone. That is why you lot rejected the F-16 and F-18.

F16/60 with AESA radar could take out su30mki imo ie better much faster radar and better BVR missle

F16/52 would lose out on inferior radar, smaller jammers and SMALLER less powerful EW suites but only MARGINALLY.

for PAF it has to be a AESA radar equipped FC20/J10 but can they get the finances in place to get 100+

India and USA are not technically allies. Try not to use the term too loosely.

And yes, US weapons are sanction-prone. That is why you lot rejected the F-16 and F-18.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...hould-counter-su-30-mki-46.html#ixzz2F8vreIvR

You clearly have not followed the last 10 years and the massive strategic shift in india usa relations. NOR do you understand the huge influence of the USA indian businessman LOBBY in washington or the help the israelis have given in forging the indo /usa strategic cliche.

civilian nuclear deal. C17 globemaster, C130 , p8 posedions, FDI deals and 5 day STATE VISITS for both barak obama and GEORGE BUSH

After Japan INDIA is the most important nation in ASIA to the USA as they see things
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