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How Muslims were massacred in Gujrat

@HeadHunter You are right. Hindus have always been like this. I explain this so many times and yet nobody listens. The books you read should be taught in India as well.

Indians - why are you hell bent on explaining Hinduism to Pakistanis? What good do you think you are doing? Do you seriously believe anyone interested in inter faith dialogue will chose this forum of all other places? Please abstain for such discussions, they are ALWAYS futile. Just a few lines to state the overall picture wrt Hinduism should be fine. No point defending, counter defending and arguing.

So spread a lie and then maintain a vow of silence, you evil pandit. :lol:
Thread title(Highlighted only Muslims) is meant to pacify someone ego by bringing religion into it whereas entire sub continent has a history of riots for centuries n even if you see that rioting history(from some 300 yrs back if I am recollecting correctly) of Godhra you would blame Muslim community for that however there are many Bohra Muslim community have been living n doing business in Gujarat without any trouble.
See I don't believe in tit for tat but certainly believe in self introspection before you point fingers at others.....
For babri plz check my below post where I condemned the way it was demolished rest you might find harsh ....
Secularism is now a National Security Threat | Page 7
That is also 1 of the things I said in this thread...When one picks up Gujarat Massacre then other sides picks up Ghodra massacre and then the first side can pick up babri masjid and so one...When will it stop?
@HeadHunter You are right. Hindus have always been like this. I explain this so many times and yet nobody listens. The books you read should be taught in India as well.

Indians - why are you hell bent on explaining Hinduism to Pakistanis? What good do you think you are doing? Do you seriously believe anyone interested in inter faith dialogue will chose this forum of all other places? Please abstain for such discussions, they are ALWAYS futile. Just a few lines to state the overall picture wrt Hinduism should be fine. No point defending, counter defending and arguing.
Ahh desi mentality at it again?
If the supreme GOD is the same one residing in the GODs he created and living things, The prayers will reach him anywhere , any time. So one can call him with any name, pray him in various ways and also can reach him through various practices in accordance with the Dharma. Cosmic soul is the one which is taking these forms.
My question why do we need to have soo many and confuse people? Coz exactly how many ACTUALLY believe in the 1? I mean if you only need one exam to enter Harvard why the heck are you going to give every single exam on the planet? Why exhaust yourself instead of concentrating on the main thing?

Regarding GOD coming down as a man. It appeals to mankind in a wonderful way if GOD shows the right way in human form by living a human life.
You see when god comes as a man he tends to have man characteristics like need to eat, go toilet, sleep and stuff...In the Quran it says GOD is above everything and doesnt need Humanistic things...Otherwise he is not god but a human

Times change and laws change, there is no law that works for all the times at all the places, I believe reason why GOD is siding with Science and Reason in present day, both combined is like a modern religion.
There is a law that works for all times...How wrong is the basic law in every religion not to tell lies, love thy neighbours, dont steal - how are these not stable throughout time and palce?

Wow did God said he is siding with science? What if we are heading in the opposite direction and getting excited over nothing?

The experiments are happening to prove that the 5 th dimension and higher dimensions exists, they are smashing the particles and are searching for the traces of Gravitons(Gravitons are the reason for gravity). Gravitons can travel from one brane to another brane proving the existence of higher dimensions.
So gravity moves? Now god is like gravity? then how is he like human? human cant control gravity...

There is a new theory called String theory which claims that it can explain every thing from celestial bodies , the laws associated with them down to the level of atoms and energy.
It is not new and is unfortunately still standing in the realm of theories :D
For long scientists are trying to find a bridge between Quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of relativity, space time etc..etc...
Yup been a while!

The holy grail is to explain every phenomena happening in this universe in a single equation. That is like decoding the cosmos.
What will happen after that? Will we run out of questions? I believe not!

I believe every thing that exists is a relative, if develop a program, you are like god to this code, you can enhance,introduce virus, develop anti virus etc..etc....
Yes since you developed it you would know what it is like and hence you dont need to become a code to know the know abouts of coding...even without being a code you can control and adjust your programs

After achieving Niravana Buddha started his teachings. After his death he integrated himself with the cosmic soul.
So if he didnt reach Niravana he wouldnt integrate? So pure bodies dont have life die and rebirth? only bad people are reborn?

What I have told is Vedic knowledge.

Vedas ---> Upanishads ----> Bhagawad Gita.

Vedas are divine revelations ---> Upanishads are the synthesis of Vedas ----> Bhagawad gita is the synthesis of Upanishads and Vedas.

But one needs some basic vedic knowledge to read them. Unfortunately I have to read them in English some of the important versus and I also received some guidance. [/quote]why is gaining spiritual knowledge so tough and deterring?

In Vedas there are various hyms related to pleasing nature and its forces. But the core and important thing is "Aranyaka", this chapter is all about Rishis meditating in Forest and receiving divine revelations, the hyms about Atman and Brahman.
Not very natural to be cut off from everything...So the religion is not practical for everyone coz if everyone goes and lives in the forest and concentrates and lives for years to reach a level .....and then leaves their marital life and all humans will cease to exist if everyone is hindus, right? :unsure:

Surrender to GOD and accept what he says do not think beyond is the Abrahamic motto. Dharnmic philosophy is liberal from the beginning.
Yup lawless :p:

Right and wrong is not always believers vs non believers.

The only fight prescribed in the Quran FOR human is strive for good

There is always Good which stands against bad, reason why we exist.
restating what I said served no purpose :unsure:
That is also 1 of the things I said in this thread...When one picks up Gujarat Massacre then other sides picks up Ghodra massacre and then the first side can pick up babri masjid and so one...When will it stop?
Unfortunately I have no answer for this but until we(Hindus or Muslim or any other religions) ourselves don't introspect our acts(Past n Present) honestly, we cannot hope for permanent peace n harmony.......
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My question why do we need to have soo many and confuse people? Coz exactly how many ACTUALLY believe in the 1? I mean if you only need one exam to enter Harvard why the heck are you going to give every single exam on the planet? Why exhaust yourself instead of concentrating on the main thing?

The diety worship and some confusion associated with it is to do with Brahmins :D

Plus ancient India used to have lot of gods and goddesses specific to a particular place, as vedic philosophy expanded some of the practices are integrated, unlike Abrahamic religions Dhamic religions show some tolerance, reason why people worship Vedic gods and also local gods. But most of them believe in supreme GOD.

You see when god comes as a man he tends to have man characteristics like need to eat, go toilet, sleep and stuff...In the Quran it says GOD is above everything and doesnt need Humanistic things...Otherwise he is not god but a human

The Holy texts that came before Islam contradicts this , Jesus is seen as a son of GOD. There is a divinity angle associated with the human identity of Jesus.

Same applies to Ram, Krishna and others in Hinduism.

There is a law that works for all times...How wrong is the basic law in every religion not to tell lies, love thy neighbours, dont steal - how are these not stable throughout time and palce?

Every religion teaches these things, But some of the teachings and laws are not applicable to all times. Ideologies, practices will change based on time.

Wow did God said he is siding with science? What if we are heading in the opposite direction and getting excited over nothing?

Today the ones who are having the technology are dominating the earth.

So gravity moves? Now god is like gravity? then how is he like human? human cant control gravity...

Gravitons move and are seen as the proof of existence of higher dimensions, the existence of higher dimensions supports String theory.

It is not new and is unfortunately still standing in the realm of theories :D

I think it was proposed in 1960's.

What will happen after that? Will we run out of questions? I believe not!

If Humans find the secrets of cosmic soul that is taking every form of life and non living things, that implies they are decoding the GOD. In Vedas after Brahman there is nothing --- Katha Upanishad

Yes since you developed it you would know what it is like and hence you dont need to become a code to know the know abouts of coding...even without being a code you can control and adjust your programs

We are humans so we try to debug using computers, But GOD can take any form since he is the Laptop, he is the electronics , He is the code. So he will take the form of code to debug or enhance the system.

So if he didnt reach Niravana he wouldnt integrate? So pure bodies dont have life die and rebirth? only bad people are reborn?

Bodies die but Atman never dies, Buddha got his enlightenment he started his teachings, after his body died he integrated himself into Cosmic soul, He will not have rebirth since he attained Moksha.

why is gaining spiritual knowledge so tough and deterring?

The practices are there, Will answer later, after I have some discussion and study on this topic :D

Not very natural to be cut off from everything...So the religion is not practical for everyone coz if everyone goes and lives in the forest and concentrates and lives for years to reach a level .....and then leaves their marital life and all humans will cease to exist if everyone is hindus, right? :unsure:

Reason why Sanathan Dharma says live the life according to Dharma and after fulfilling the family duties, then go for spirituality.

Yup lawless :p:

Liberal since most of people have awareness and educated .

Right and wrong is not always believers vs non believers.
There is always Good which stands against bad, reason why we exist.

I edited the post !!
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This is done because of Bharti's holier-than-thou attitude. Bhartis are no better than us when it comes to the mistreatment of the minorities. In fact worst because in Pakistan at-least organized large-scale riots don't take place.
Some points on the trajectory of % of minorities in Pakistan vs India since 1947 already posted, so no need to repeat

Pakistan tops worst list for religious freedom - Washington Times
Pakistan represents the worst situation in the world for religious freedom for countries not currently designated as ‘countries of particular concern’ by the U.S. government,” the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom said in its annual report. “The government of Pakistan continues to engage in and tolerate systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of freedom of religion or belief.”

The report found that violations reached unprecedented levels because of growing incidents of sectarian violence against Shiite Muslims. The government also failed to protect Christians, Ahmadis and Hindus, it said.

Secondly, Bhartis consider it their national duty to poke their snouts in just about every thread, related or unrelated, and let go no chance, in-fact create ones to sling mud on Pakistan in particular and Muslims and Islam in general.

OK, so you were more concerned with of what was flung at you & hence hurt. While Indians might say things about Pakistan on this forum & vice-versa, Please also read what the rest of the world says on Pakistan.

Extremism is an issue in Pakistan and we are battling dearly to curb it, but then it is not specific to Pakistan.
Proof will be in the Pudding[i.e. the laws and constitution of Pakistan which officially discriminate against minorities, blasphemy law when they get changed]

Extremisms is also on the rise in Bharat and now even Hindus have started to admit that.
Most in India do not want any kind of extremism. There are always extremists in every country including the west. We in India need all kinds of extremism to reduce.

Electing a RSS activist as the PM of the country is nothing but an indication that majority of Indian are happy with extremism.
Please educate yourself on what issues the 2014 Lok Sabha elections were fought on.

So long Bhartis will keep slinging mud on Pakistan/Muslims/Islam and refused to admit their own shortcomings, their inclination towards Hindutva extremism, their apologistic behavior towards Hindutva terrorism, the filth in their own backyard, I'll keep posting threads such as these.
You have full freedom to do that. People who point out things about Pakistan will also continue to do so.

How many Pakistani members here support Al-Qaeda? How many of us are IS apologists?
I guess you are implying very few Pakistanis support that. But then there are good and bad terrorists used for strategic goals by Pakistani establishment.

How many want to see Indian-backed TTP ruling Pakistan?

Except for very few, a majority of Indian members have supported the 2002 riots and lied that Godhra train incident triggered all this. These Hindutva terrorist apologists conveniently ignored the Babri mosque incident, which happened before Godhra and resulted in the loss of thousands of Muslim lives.
Now, go back and read the comments of your countrymen and see that an overwhelming Bhartis have shamelessly supported the 2002 anti-Muslim riots.
Both Babri mosque incident and the subsequent train burning was wrong. I'm a newbie here , but I would think most Indians would condemn the riots. Some of them might have pointed out why they think the riots started "with the train burnings". But then some posters including you might think that "this started with Babri Masjid demolition". Then there will be another group which will say "this started when Babur built a Mosque on a temple". I will say, at this point, the case is in the court and let it come out with a decision.

This is the difference between us and you. We know there is a problem of extremism and we need to address that,
The trajectory of religious extremism in Pakistan hasn't been coming down. There are certain fundamental things that Pakistan needs to do to get there, & needs a lot of work. Better late than never in recognizing the issues in Pakistan.

whereas you Bhartis are not willing to accept that Hindutva terrorism is on the rise or even exist in your country, and you will never accept it because you are part of it. If most of you are not Hindutva terrorists, you surely are Hindutva terrorist apologists and supporters.
There are more people fighting against extremism in India than for it.
. .
Have been hearing that for ages. Why don't you? I'll tell you why. Because these are all Indian lies/propaganda to feel great.
LOL i personally know one bangladeshi living here illegally and he is muslim.
The diety worship and some confusion associated with it is to do with Brahmins :D

Plus ancient India used to have lot of gods and goddesses specific to a particular place, as vedic philosophy expanded some of the practices are integrated, unlike Abrahamic religions Dhamic religions show some tolerance, reason why people worship Vedic gods and also local gods. But most of them believe in supreme GOD.
Its not about tolerance ...Its like the West now, the parents are not allowed to discipline their kids right from wrong instead they have to tolerate the child's tantrums :p:

The Holy texts that came before Islam contradicts this , Jesus is seen as a son of GOD. There is a divinity angle associated with the human identity of Jesus. S
ame applies to Ram, Krishna and others in Hinduism.
Though some branches of Christianity do not really consider him the son some consider him as god himself.....and my guess is just like you said corruption disguised as tolerance...coz in those parts of the world like ROME they had Zeus as a human looking figure as a god, Norsk also had human as gods.and so Christianity had to change in order to be accepted at large scale!

Every religion teaches these things, But some of the teachings and laws are not applicable to all times. Ideologies, practices will change based on time.
Thats my question why wasnt god far sighted?

Today the ones who are having the technology are dominating the earth.
Are they dominating? Or leading it to destruction with their experiments esp in the weapons field?

Gravitons move and are seen as the proof of existence of higher dimensions, the existence of higher dimensions supports String theory.
There is more than gravitons in the higher dimension

I think it was proposed in 1960's.

If Humans find the secrets of cosmic soul that is taking every form of life and non living things, that implies they are decoding the GOD. In Vedas after Brahman there is nothing --- Katha Upanishad
What if it is not the cosmic soul they have wondered off to search and instead found the opposite say satan? :p: Just a thought...

We are humans so we try to debug using computers, But GOD can take any form since he is the Laptop, he is the electronics , He is the code. So he will take the form of code to debug or enhance the system.
For a creator to become his creation is kind of downgrading....

Bodies die but Atman never dies, Buddha got his enlightenment he started his teachings, after his body died he integrated himself into Cosmic soul, He will not have rebirth since he attained Moksha.
So good devotees dont get rebirth no wonder the world is full of evil people!

The practices are there, Will answer later, after I have some discussion and study on this topic :D
Sure :)

Reason why Sanathan Dharma says live the life according to Dharma and after fulfilling the family duties, then go for spirituality.
So when you have kids who want a daddy figure in their life...daddy is too busy trying to connect with god and ignoring his kids? Or when the kids are older and all...well if that is the case do all the bad in the world and then go for it right? ;)

Liberal since most of people have awareness and educated .
You sure?
@levina - There might still be time. With jamahir's help along with the world powers India should be invaded, de-Hinduised (extermination/conversion/enslaved). :D @DRAY We need you support too.
Okay now whats going on here???
Was that some kind of SOS??
jamahir said:
let it be said once for all about the godhra train-burning incident ( gujarat 2002 )...

1. it was an accident.
Nope it wasnt.
jamahir said:
2. the train's passengers were not innocents returning from a picnic... this was a "special" train returning from ayodhya where a decade ago, maddened crowds had demolished babri mosque and initiated riots in india... i am not even talking of the threats the crowds had issued to the female journalists covering the mosque demolishing... the train's passengers were "pilgrims" who had gone to ayodhya to perform rituals at the temple built on the site of the demolished mosque... so, the passengers were indirect criminals, including the females.
You call the victims "indirect criminals"???
And why? because they went to visit Ram janm bhoomi?? You do know that the temple existed even before the mosque was built there.
Babri Masjid was built in Ayodhya naming it after Emperor Babur, after destroying a pre-existing temple of Lord Rama at the site.
Infact there is no reference to the new mosque in Babur's diary, the Baburnama. The contemporary Tarikh-i-Babari records that Babur's troops "demolished many Hindu temples at Chanderi.
http://books.google.ae/books?id=wVr_f_gXOX4C&pg=PA52&lpg=PA53&ots=_TuYAM7vax&dq="demolished many Hindu temples at Chanderi"&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q="demolished many Hindu temples at Chanderi"&f=false

jamahir said:
3. at godhra train station, during this train's short halt, some of these hinduvaadi passengers had misbehaved with a muslim lady which led to anger among godhra's muslims.
Do you burn the whole train and kill all passengers (including the children) for punishing one guy???

jamahir said:
5. the fire that burnt the train started on the inside... it is very possible that these hinduvaadi passenger families were carrying fuel for cooking food within the train during the long journey from ayodhya.
The doors were locked from outside.
The vacuum pipe between coaches S-6 and S-7 was cut, thereby preventing any further movement of the train. The doors were locked from outside. A fire started in coach S-7, which the passengers were able to extinguish. But the attack intensified and coach S-6 caught fire and minutes later, was in flames. Passengers who managed to get out of the burning compartment were attacked with sharp weapons, and stoned.
Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine
Godhra: The True Story, Nicole Elfi

Personally I dont support those who killed hindus nor those who killed the muslims.
It was a sad incident and I hope such incidents dont happen in the future.
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I saved the video to expose that terrorist modhi. The man openly claimed that modi saved hindutva terrorists after hindutva terrorists massacred Muslims.

@Yzd Khalifa @rmi5 @al-Hasani @JUBA @Arabian Legend @Bubblegum Crisis @Sinan @atatwolf @T-123456 @Sher Malang @SOHEIL @Hazzy997 @Malik Alashter @Syrian Lion @haman10 @kollang @kalu_miah @Al-zakir @idune @BLACKEAGLE @Serpentine @Loki @Neptune @cabatli_53 @Luffy 500 @ResurgentIran @Hakan @Nihonjin1051 @Mahmoud_EGY @Alshawi1234

I think you guys need to check this video too, it have English subtitles.
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