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How much money is enough for you?

99% agree. 1% is me buying an 800 horsepower hellcat redeye xD it is an investment though since dodge is turning to battery
If you are car enthusiast and you are rich enough to afford hellcat easily then it is perfectly fine. I respect muscle cars but I am definitely not into them. I like JDM supercars, tuner cars and offroaders, I am simply a JDM fanboy.
Well, i have modest amount in mind. To tune to serveral hundred trillion. Enough to solely control destiny of mankind. Enough to be a goverment of world in one person.
Either your house is covered in marble and gold bathroom fixtures or someone is taking you for a ride bro.

My uncle (through marriage) recently (within the last 5 years) bought a plot, and built a villa on it from scratch. He must have spent £40-50K, maybe 60 tops. He built it in Chakswari, AJK. Sure the land is cheaper than Jehlum maybe, but we pay extra for all materials. The cost of transport into our hills is ridiculous.

At that price though i bet your house is beautiful.

Bhai ji - only the likes of Nawaz Sharif can afford to live in London now. it's a rich mans game.

100% agree with this bit. In my first job after graduation i was saving 75-80% of my salary. A few years later that dropped to 50% even though i had the exact same expenses.

I live in the suburb of London, cannot afford to live like Nawaz in central London, that is way way too expensive for me.
Even though on income and assets , I am certainly .01% in the UK.
I live in the suburb of London, cannot afford to live like Nawaz in central London, that is way way too expensive for me.
Even though on income and assets , I am certainly .01% in the UK.
London's real estate is extremely expensive. Even absolutely pathetic houses with even more pathetic roads are being sold at crazy rates. I think at this point one can hardly find a house for sale. Am I wrong?
@Indus Pakistan @waz @PAKISTANFOREVER @313ghazi @doorstar
Exactly. When all needs and most wants are met, one is likely in a good spot.

Well sir... 'wants' are hard to meet! I don't know how many Pakistanis remember the old days Urdu text book story titled 'Insaan Kisi Haal mey khush nahi rehta'? (Humans Beings are never happy in any circumstance). But one has to curb them--keep trying to.

Anyway, here is my breakdown as to how wife/I could live off $2000/month total household income:

1) Property Taxes to the Govt: $100/month
2) Power+Water utilities: $150/month
3) Home Hazard Insurance: $55/month
5) Vehicle Insurance Total for the two vehicles: $80/month
6) Amazon/Netflix subscriptions: $35/month
7) Home internet: $50/month
8) Petrol/Gasoline for the two vehicles: $40/month
9) Groceries/Food: $150/month
10) Garbage Pickup: $25/month
Subtotal (1-10): $685 / month. (These are average numbers but I'd say over 95% accurate!)

So the above was 'the basics' of life: Roti, Kapra aur Makan (Food, shelter, and clothes). We don't have any kids or have home mortgage and live in rural area and our work places are very close/work from home.

So that leaves about $1315/month for any home repairs and maintenance,, occasional nights out, clothes...

BUT the biggest challenge would be health insurance costs! Even then, if one falls in some 'sweet spot' of income for Obama Care then that can also be pretty much managed.

I will add to the 1-10 expenses as things come to mind.

Edit #1: Added Item #10 for $25/month for garbage pickup.
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Edited my post (#128).
Thread has a taken a left turn to Hippiesville just off Hermit junction.

Look up 'Intentional Communities'. Big thing. Also I am sure you have heard of millions of people quitting their jobs during the Covid pandemic for not wanting to work like slaves.
Look up 'Intentional Communities'. Big thing. Also I am sure you have heard of millions of people quitting their jobs during the Covid pandemic for not wanting to work like slaves.

They would be back. No worries.
If I could consistently passively earn my present income ~100k I'd quit my job immediately no questions asked. I wonder what some members want 500k for. It's all about your standard of living I guess. The dream would be quitting everything go to the middle of nowhere in the North, a comfy cabin with solar power supply, satellite internet, a hunting dog, a shot gun to hunt and not a soul in sight.
The pursuit of wealth is endless, as we all know we need to pay our bills but at the same time, we are spending way too much time and resources on our daily jobs. In all this, we forget to spend the best time of our lives (Youth) just simply pursuing wealth (career).

I'd wanted to know how much money if you had, you'd quit your day job and go out for months on camping to explore the world or at least try to work for yourself?

How much money would be enough for you to enjoy your life? Kindly only mention the amount in the United States Dollar $ as a benchmark.
I don't know too.

I come from a family where my father was the only child of my grandparents who survived to adulthood. 2 more children died young. Grandparents never spoke of it, and they were getting tearful every time I asked, but neighbours told of starvation in Meizhou, which was what pushed so many people to HK in seventies, and before that in forties-fifties.

I myself remember millet, and congee being the only meal in my earliest days, and that we were getting garments from older kids in the the village, later passing them on to younger ones. Textbooks were shared, and passed on too.

At around 1995-1996, food was no longer a problem; Father brought the first radio, and a bicycles for me, mom, and himself. Just a year later he was able to afford to take us for a trip to Hongkong from earnings from his first business importing, and selling instant noodles.

Another year later, and we were owners of one of few first private cars in Guangzhou, a crappy Toyota Corolla which was falling apart as you drive.

A one more year later, and it was our first trip to the Western world, which was mindblowing. We already had distant relatives from Meizhou, and Xian who settled in HK, and further abroad. We were very surprised to reach them in US, UK, and see them doing less well than we did in Guangzhou.

And so it went on, and on exponentially. The more money you get, the more you know how to spend them. Literally, a whole new reality opens for you with each new income level.

You will know such things you couldn't have imagined to exist, before you had enough of money to care about them.

When you had 1 mao a day, you cared only about a bow of congee, and never knew anything more.

When you had 5 mao a day, you cared about clothing you wear

When you had 1 yuan a day, you started to think of saving for something other than immediate life's necessities

When you had 10 yuan a day, you might have actually bought that something just for the sake of having fun, for the first time, and you already want more

When you had 100 yuan a day, you might first realise you don't know what else you know what you can buy

When you had 500 yuan a day, you may have finally thought out that something you could've not ever imagined to be able to own before, and you bought it

When you passed 1000 yuan a day, you really started to think if there are even more such things you never knew.

When you passed 2000 yuan a day, you think you have for the first time found one of such things out.

And so on, ad infinitum.

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