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How India left Pakistan behind

lol just simply say you cant answer. acceptance is first step towards winning. dont be so hopeless like 70% of indian who dont have access to toilets :dance3:
stop farting words.

True, I don't have an answer for whatever you have typed earlier. I guess my English standards are too low to comprehend the high levels of your communication. LOL :p:
5)muslims in india cant buy flats in mumbai and cant slaughter cows.

Enough of this nonsensical BS that you guys keep spewing whenever you feel like you need to unhinge your oral orifices.

Just like how a Muslim “cannot” buy a flat in a “Hindu area”, a Hindu, for example, cannot buy a flat in a Muslim-dominated area (not that they’d ever want to). A meat-eating Hindu cannot buy a flat in a predominantly vegetarian area; non-Jains cannot buy flats in Jain-dominated areas. These are restricted to a handful of areas and aren’t government mandated in any way FYI. In the majority of the city and the country, it doesn’t matter which man/woman in the sky you bow down to, for as long as you’ve got the dough, you can buy whatever you like, wherever you like. The poorer Muslims love to live in ghettos, doing backward things and dressing up like they would in Saudi Arabia, and in doing so, shut themselves out from the outside world, making their areas look like mogadishu.
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IMO, Pakistan should be kicking arse in most categories apart from the size of GDP due to apparent size difference. These are main reasons:
  • Arguably possess one of most fertile lands in the world aka Punjab so its HDI index should be way higher than India. I'm Sikh Punjabi and we always been richest state in India for majority of period since independence. The irrigation system poms left in 1947 would have been envy of the world.
  • Homogeneous society as compared to India, thus would be easier to implement/convince masses for policy changes etc
  • Been darling of west until very recent time, so had access to better technology in general
  • Lower population thus per capita income should be much higher
  • Coming from a lower base economic base for its population size, GDP growth rate should be higher than India. From comparative purposes growth rate of less than 9% for India and 12-14% for Pakistan is lost opportunity in my opinion.
In terms of answering the question, Pakistan went away from who it was. What I mean is, it was land of sufis which is very different side of Islam, it touched people’s hearts and they converted in masses.

Doing the dirty work of CIA in 80s against Soviets, brought in very different version of Islamic ideology to Pakistan and never fully recovered from it. South Punjab should be producing very high quality cotton not Wahabi hardliners.

I also agree with other posters media always portray extreme version of events anywhere in the world for ratings and reality is always in between. In short, things are never that rosy or that bad no matter which country we are talking about.

tbh only reason Pakistan did well and have less poverty and more numbers of middle class people % wise compared to India is because of punjab. Otherwise numbers don't look good in other provinces. In fact if we compare on regional basis then must of India is doing better, even poorest Indian states are better then some of Pakistan regions like interior Sindh, FATA, KP etc I have to check UN report which compare provinces poverty rates.

Is just that large chunk of Pakistan population live in punjab but that's decreasing with time. Now punjab population make up only 52% of Pakistan, before it used to be 60%.
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It should have been if it wasn't stuck with neighbors like India and Afghanistan. Pakistan would most probably be a developed country by now if it was either an Island nation or have neighbors like France, Germany etc.
Does not matter you still have to earn it.
Pakistan's GDP Per Capita growth began to stagnate after 2008 and even saw a decrease in 2009. During this time, India's GDP Per Capita managed to surpass us.

I don't know the exact reasons, but during this time;

- Benazir Bhutto was assassinated and elections were delayed.
- Terrorism peaked, thousands dead.
- Asif Ali Zardari and Gilani take power
- Political unrest due to failure in restoring judges.
- Avalanches and Flooding kills over 1700
- Disease epidemic in flood-hit areas
- Mass-riots in Karachi by MQM

and so much more... Probably the toughest times faced by us since the refugee crisis of 1947.
Enough of this nonsensical BS that you guys keep spewing whenever you feel like you need to unhinge your oral orifices.

Just like how a Muslim “cannot” buy a flat in a “Hindu area”, a Hindu, for example, cannot buy a flat in a Muslim-dominated area (not that they’d ever want to). A meat-eating Hindu cannot buy a flat in a predominantly vegetarian area; non-Jains cannot buy flats in Jain-dominated areas. These are restricted to a handful of areas and aren’t government mandated in any way FYI. In the majority of the city and the country, it doesn’t matter which man/woman in the sky you bow down to, for as long as you’ve got the dough, you can buy whatever you like, wherever you like. The poorer Muslims love to live in ghettos, doing backward things and dressing up like they would in Saudi Arabia, and in doing so, shut themselves out from the outside world, making their areas look like mogadishu.
yeah yeah i see cultural annihilation, whether in the case of babri masjid , or whether ethnic cleansing specific to any minority in your country , you people are ok with people who suits you ,but than radical organisations even normal civilians threatens them to go to pakistan , why only "pakistan??" isnt there any other country, from sania mirza to shahrukh khan from salman khan to amir khan even zakir naik, and for FYi any man (apart from religion and race) who is poor in this world doesnt prefer slums or being conservative for a life time ,but its how the circumstances of the one forced them to live this way whether a hindu or a muslim. yeah if u live naturally like wise in pakistan church is near by my house, unlike the case which i am referring about your country "your country suppress minorities" whether is it a hidden law (not a part of your constitution) or a part of your evil, inferiority complex agenda of being slaves for 200 hundred years under muslims , its a fear that muslims in their religion and some of them do more than one marriage might increase the muslim population more rapidly than the hindus in india, thats why you people blackmailed them to be kicked out to pakistan. you people are living in the world of bollywood and behind that there is evil and inferiority complex .your country is just a gimmick.
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yeah yeah i see cultural annihilation, whether in the case of babri masjid , or whether ethnic cleansing specific to any minority in your country , you people are ok with people who suits you ,but than radical organisations even normal civilians threatens them to go to pakistan , why only "pakistan??" isnt there any other country, from sania mirza to shahrukh khan from salman khan to amir khan even zakir naik, and for FYi any man (apart from religion and race) who is poor in this world doesnt prefer slums or being conservative for a life time ,but its how the circumstances of the one forced them to live this way whether a hindu or a muslim. yeah if u live naturally like wise in pakistan church is near by my house, unlike the case which i am referring about your country "your country suppress minorities" whether is it a hidden law (not a part of your constitution) or a part of your evil, inferiority complex agenda of being slaves for 200 hundred years under muslims , its a fear that muslims in their religion and some of them do more than one marriage might increase the muslim population more rapidly than the hindus in india, thats why you people blackmailed them to be kicked out to pakistan. you people are living in the world of bollywood and behind that there is evil and inferiority complex .your country is just a gimmick.

I’m sorry but can you say that again in English, please? Many thanks.

yeah yeah i see cultural annihilation, whether in the case of babri masjid , or whether ethnic cleansing specific to any minority in your country , you people are ok with people who suits you ,but than radical organisations even normal civilians threatens them to go to pakistan , why only "pakistan??" isnt there any other country, from sania mirza to shahrukh khan from salman khan to amir khan even zakir naik, and for FYi any man (apart from religion and race) who is poor in this world doesnt prefer slums or being conservative for a life time ,but its how the circumstances of the one forced them to live this way whether a hindu or a muslim. yeah if u live naturally like wise in pakistan church is near by my house, unlike the case which i am referring about your country "your country suppress minorities" whether is it a hidden law (not a part of your constitution) or a part of your evil, inferiority complex agenda of being slaves for 200 hundred years under muslims , its a fear that muslims in their religion and some of them do more than one marriage might increase the muslim population more rapidly than the hindus in india, thats why you people blackmailed them to be kicked out to pakistan. you people are living in the world of bollywood and behind that there is evil and inferiority complex .your country is just a gimmick.

who is talking about inferiority complex ?
I’m sorry but can you say that again in English, please? Many thanks.
inferiority complex again :partay: are you a grammer teacher ? or a spell or text corrector? british colonial rule still prevails on you people , have you seen a reply from your fellow indian below your comment? yeah he understood what i have just written:cheesy:..the thing is i left you pointless by telling the facts ...no need to worry u can divert ...you should take part in spelling bee competition , i am sure they will ask you whether you took your daily dose of medicines or not , cz its simple english(with some slang terms:P) u moron,put your contacts on jerk.
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inferiority complex again :partay: are you a grammer teacher ? or a spell or text corrector? british colonial rule still prevails on you people , have you seen a reply from your fellow indian below your comment? yeah he understood what i have just written:cheesy:..the thing is i left you pointless by telling the facts ...no need to worry u can divert ...you should take part in spelling bee competition , i am sure they will ask you whether you took your daily dose of medicines or not , cz its simple english(with some slang terms:P) u moron,put your contacts on jerk.

LOL @ ‘facts’. Coming from a Pakistani, that’s hilarious.

Seriously though, I’m not sure whether to laugh or feel bad for the likes of you.

Oh, and it’s spelt, ‘grammar’. :P

I’m not sure whether to laugh or feel bad for the likes of you.

Oh, and it’s spelt, ‘grammar’. :P
i think you should indicate 'typos' from now on' apart from your stupid analysis on a particular topic. The reply below your comment is from elite member of india of this forum.Better make english your mother language because india grew licking thier a**es.
Enough of this nonsensical BS that you guys keep spewing whenever you feel like you need to unhinge your oral orifices.

Just like how a Muslim “cannot” buy a flat in a “Hindu area”, a Hindu, for example, cannot buy a flat in a Muslim-dominated area (not that they’d ever want to). A meat-eating Hindu cannot buy a flat in a predominantly vegetarian area; non-Jains cannot buy flats in Jain-dominated areas. These are restricted to a handful of areas and aren’t government mandated in any way FYI. In the majority of the city and the country, it doesn’t matter which man/woman in the sky you bow down to, for as long as you’ve got the dough, you can buy whatever you like, wherever you like. The poorer Muslims love to live in ghettos, doing backward things and dressing up like they would in Saudi Arabia, and in doing so, shut themselves out from the outside world, making their areas look like mogadishu.
the capital of a specific country should start with a capital letter whether in the beginning of a sentence or at the last.; Mogadishu..you fool.

LOL @ ‘facts’. Coming from a Pakistani, that’s hilarious.
'Pakistan' is a fact , and its existence gives you heartache every second.:pakistan:
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Haha the madrasah-educated, tactless waste of space is TRIGGERED!

Scatterbrain, please gather your thoughts in a single quote to start with; we can work on your poor sentence construction and awful diction later.
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