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How India left Pakistan behind

Pakistan still have less poverty rate then India some how.
I won't be so sure about that! Pakistan didn't even know the correct demographics till last year. The estimated population was around 191-193M but the real results from census showed it to be around 212M. All your earlier claims of wealth and income and poverty will need to be re-calibrated with new population data. There are 20 million more of you folks than you thought there were.
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Over 99% of terrorists captured or KIA in Pakistan are your own citizens. Now if anyone is using them against your country as alleged, its hard time you introspect, why your citizens are so cheaply and easily available to be killed or kill their own people. :disagree::disagree::disagree:

can you please provide me the source of this information?
I won't be so sure about that! Pakistan didn't even know the correct demographics till last year. The estimated population was around 191-193M but the real results from census showed it to be around 212M. All your earlier claims of wealth and income and poverty will need to be re-calibrated with new population data. There are 20 million more of you folks than you thought there were.

Remember 207m figure include millions of refugees like afghanis, bengalis, rohingas etc There are only 2-3m people more then previously though. Estimated population was 200m. Where did you get 20m more people?
There is just one difference
and that are the land reforms introduced by Nehru.

No....not that much.

One word that separates India from Pakistan is education.

It's the state's emphasis on modern EDUCATION (not madrasa ones) which is the difference...... this is the root cause. With education came skills, skilled manpower attracted foreign investments/brought multi-national companies to India...this helped in getting more employment and increasing Per-Capita income of the nation besides building the brand India abroad...with more income came power to spend more..hence the development (infrastructure/defense/medical etc etc).....and over the years as India grows, it's people/talent got more accepted internationally and its' clout increased.

Who does not agree?
The article is bullcrap.

There are many sectors that Pakistan is doing better than India in.

Pakistan has a lower poverty rate than India has.

India has the most poor in the world. lol.

The reason India has a larger reputation than Pakistan, is because it is a much larger country with a much larger population.

Plus bollywood helps India's soft power.

We Pakistanis need to reconsider our soft power image.
200000000 indians signed up and joined PDF in past one month.
You got it! In Math and other STEM areas we have left you so behind and your estimation skills just told us why..

The article is bullcrap.

There are many sectors that Pakistan is doing better than India in.

Pakistan has a lower poverty rate than India has.

India has the most poor in the world. lol.

The reason India has a larger reputation than Pakistan, is because it is a much larger country with a much larger population.

Plus bollywood helps India's soft power.

We Pakistanis need to reconsider our soft power image.
You may also look at intellect. Compare patents, Journal Papers, Institutions, Businesses, CEO's, etc.
India does have a lot of poor but when you compare the rates at which we are bringing it down when compared to Pakistan, It's far better.
You got it! In Math and other STEM areas we have left you so behind and your estimation skills just told us why..

You may also look at intellect. Compare patents, Journal Papers, Institutions, Businesses, CEO's, etc.
India does have a lot of poor but when you compare the rates at which we are bringing it down when compared to Pakistan, It's far better.
lol don't give me that intellect bullshit.

Pakistanis have a higher IQ than Indians do.
lol don't give me that intellect bullshit.

Pakistanis have a higher IQ than Indians do.
Yet you have not achieved anything similar to what our intellect has allowed us to do. Why don't we run the numbers for comparison? What is the use of a higher IQ when you are left to eat our dust..

Furthermore, we are far more athletic when compared to Pakistan. Overall we suck when we compare to other countries, but we definitely beat Pakistan when it comes to athletic ability. Anybody is free to look at our medals.
Once we can get more people out of poverty and provide more balanced, nutritious food, it will get much better since we already have the natural ability.

Our all around ability is quite impressive within S Asia. Look at the number of people titled most beautiful and the number of titles. Again, no comparisons here too.
Most posters have either expectedly either shot the messenger or attempted to obfuscate by quoting a variety of figures.

While it is ‘ their country, their rules ‘ so far as I am concerned but since this subject has been thrown up in a public forum my views are as follows.

The wisest thing that happened in India was the abolition of Zamindari & land reforms act which removed the bottom of petty groups led and controlled by outdated & out of place Zamindars who could have formed power groups. We saw erstwhile rulers of princely states contesting elections & those who were worthwhile even became ( and are) CMs of states ensuring a level playing field for all. Pak has yet to shed the Waderas & make a clean break from the past.

The five year plans in India laid foundations of the nation & remained unbroken. This gave consistency.

Since Pak has been ruled ( not led ) by its army & when not ruled , definitively controlled by the army , I will take the liberty of quoting from a tactical handbook which I am sure is taught to Pak officers too at least in the MC course.

‘Selection & maintenance of aim ‘ is critical to a tactical plan. Deviation leads to a diluted result.

Here is where the PA has faulted repeatedly. Ayub wanted to make his nation an economic powerhouse through development. He began well but by mid 60s began to falter , allowing opposition to gain strength. Thus compelling handing over to Yahya whose act led to the dismemberment of his nation.

Zia having lost sight of what Jinnah has espoused took a 180 degree turn towards fundamentalist religion , the mess remains to the day.

Mush began well for his nation but violated the first rule in tactics by the ill fated U Turn he took with his strategic assets leaving an industry open window for them to retaliate

The flaw lies not in what the army did or did not do. It lies in the systematic degradation of national institutions which removed all checks & balances.

Politicians grew from the same mileu, why should they be any different?

In my view it’s the people of the nation who must also share blame in part. Their servile attitude to the army , politicians, religious leaders & fundamentalists lies at the bottom of lack of development & grief.

Till they don’t assert themselves they will remain doormats whose utility remains only at the entrance & for one reason only. Once the user uses them at the ‘entrance’ they remain forgotten without a voice till the next time someone has to enter the corridors of power.

Here lies the difference and vive la difference !
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The article is bullcrap.

There are many sectors that Pakistan is doing better than India in.

Pakistan has a lower poverty rate than India has.

India has the most poor in the world. lol.

The reason India has a larger reputation than Pakistan, is because it is a much larger country with a much larger population.

Plus bollywood helps India's soft power.

We Pakistanis need to reconsider our soft power image.

If being a larger country with larger population is benchmark of success, they Pakistan should be ahead of Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Japan and numerous such first world countries that have area and population much lesser to Pakistan.

"Stop ignoring and start acknowledging". One can grow if he identified his problem and acknowledges his faults.
No....not that much.

One word that separates India from Pakistan is education.

It's the state's emphasis on modern EDUCATION (not madrasa ones) which is the difference...... this is the root cause. With education came skills, skilled manpower attracted foreign investments/brought multi-national companies to India...this helped in getting more employment and increasing Per-Capita income of the nation besides building the brand India abroad...with more income came power to spend more..hence the development (infrastructure/defense/medical etc etc).....and over the years as India grows, it's people/talent got more accepted internationally and its' clout increased.

Who does not agree?

Your state obviously didn't emphasize enough on education then or did you not agree with your state's program ?
Your state obviously didn't emphasize enough on education then or did you not agree with your state's program ?

Very funny Mate....

Is there a comprehension problem with you mate or has your IQ gone for a toss?
Remember 207m figure include millions of refugees like afghanis, bengalis, rohingas etc There are only 2-3m people more then previously though. Estimated population was 200m. Where did you get 20m more people?
Unfortunately, Pakistan does not have a solid control over its national identity system resulting in issuing national identities to these 'immigrants' as well, this has been discussed quite a few times here in PDF. I doubt they are going anywhere anytime soon.

207.7M figure is without AJK and GB. AJK is estimated at 4M people and GB about 900K. So 207 + 4 + 0.9 = 212M total population.

Previously, estimated population of Pakistan as seen in World Bank's data repository (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL?locations=PK) was 193M. This estimate was wrong.

200000000 indians signed up and joined PDF in past one month.
Trust me, this forum software and its DB will have extremely hard time scaling up to that number.
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