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How India left Pakistan behind

Unfortunately, Pakistan does not have a solid control over its national identity system resulting in issuing national identities to these 'immigrants' as well, this has been discussed quite a few times here in PDF. I doubt they are going anywhere anytime soon.

207.7M figure is without AJK and GB. AJK is estimated at 4M people and GB about 900K. So 207 + 4 + 0.9 = 212M total population.

Previously, estimated population of Pakistan as seen in World Bank's data repository (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL?locations=PK) was 193M. This estimate was wrong.

AJK and G-B are not considered part of Pakistan officially hence their population figure are not counted along with rest of Pakistan. Previously estimated population was 200m as of 2017 official report before census. And afghanis etc were counted for the first time in overall population. Hence difference isn't anywhere near 20m more like you claimed.
That's why I told you earlier, you have very Limited chance, else you would have done more. And please don't try to sell the crap its Pakistan who's not doing anything. You are doing whatever you can, and it is the maximum you could at present. LOL :p:

Can you please care to type some meaningful simple sentences so that others can read and understand. :p:
As long as your brain digest it. believe me we havent done anything like india has been doing sending their official terrorist along with unofficial terrorist we have been capturing alot of your monkies your sold what you cud past 15 years but any fals flag would hurt you not us. but ter
That's why I told you earlier, you have very Limited chance, else you would have done more. And please don't try to sell the crap its Pakistan who's not doing anything. You are doing whatever you can, and it is the maximum you could at present. LOL :p:

Can you please care to type some meaningful simple sentences so that others can read and understand. :p:

As long as your brain digest, now you are almost on point you need to look at your home they hit and cry that they are hurt by hitting if you vote us we will hit and dont cry every false flag OPs damage indian position then india hire a terrorist who claim that he will attack on Pakistan and still hes gonna win another election for this slogan.
if you closely look no one really have room to attack. india have been trying thru monkies but fail handsomly :dirol:. where india 1.3 billion and where we are not even quarter of its size :) now in papers and news india can fight China maybe someday once if they get out of Pakistans obsession your politician bark against China cuz its seems like poor will die poor and richer gets richer and you gonna keep coming and cry out loud your delusional thought on PDF.
As long as your brain digest it. believe me we havent done anything like india has been doing sending their official terrorist along with unofficial terrorist we have been capturing alot of your monkies your sold what you cud past 15 years but any fals flag would hurt you not us. but ter

As long as your brain digest, now you are almost on point you need to look at your home they hit and cry that they are hurt by hitting if you vote us we will hit and dont cry every false flag OPs damage indian position then india hire a terrorist who claim that he will attack on Pakistan and still hes gonna win another election for this slogan.
if you closely look no one really have room to attack. india have been trying thru monkies but fail handsomly :dirol:. where india 1.3 billion and where we are not even quarter of its size :) now in papers and news india can fight China maybe someday once if they get out of Pakistans obsession your politician bark against China cuz its seems like poor will die poor and richer gets richer and you gonna keep coming and cry out loud your delusional thought on PDF.

Sorry, I can't read and comprehend your crap. It doesn't make any sense. At-least learn to construct some meaningful sentences that others can read and understand. :p:

So please excuse me. :)
I always give credit to contain bad element into their regional pockets to each government in India except Left. Naxal was raising its head but central and state governments make sure they don't spill over from their pockets. Even state capital city like Raipur which is on edge of Naxal pockets never got affected. Kashmir issue was largely contained in Kashmir. Actually in that time government lifted many tier 2 cities and developed them as Metro cities. In Pakistan due to political and religious factors, things got spread from FATA and tribal areas to a main population center. Even in USA, there are neighborhoods where crime is worse than many third world countries but contain. Take the example of Mexico, outside tourist centers and main cities it is a total mess. but they still go good perception due to contamination. No country will able to resolve all of its conflicts, it is about controlling them and not affecting main business.

These afghani origin jihadis are of different nature. They mostly target children in school, markets, cricket matches etc in big cities of Pakistan. They even killed some mountain climber foreigners in Gilgit. Since these bastards live in caves they also can't see other people enjoying life. Even in Afghanistan they target simple celebration of cultural tradition like Nowruz. Afghanistan government was right in inviting Soviet Union to exterminate them till stupid Zia joined afghani jihad.

While insurgencies in India are limited to specific regions not that important for India's GDP growth and even there their target must of the time is security forces.
Cant compare the two countries. India is much much bigger than Pakistan. The problems in India are also different from Pakistan. Having said that I do believe that economic situation of Pakistan is pathetic and it has nothing to with India.

Poor article on a fascinating topic.
If being a larger country with larger population is benchmark of success, they Pakistan should be ahead of Singapore, Switzerland, Norway, Japan and numerous such first world countries that have area and population much lesser to Pakistan.

It should have been if it wasn't stuck with neighbors like India and Afghanistan. Pakistan would most probably be a developed country by now if it was either an Island nation or have neighbors like France, Germany etc.
It should have been if it wasn't stuck with neighbors like India and Afghanistan. Pakistan would most probably be a developed country by now if it was either an Island nation or have neighbors like France, Germany etc.

I can understand your complaint about India even though I do not agree

Your troubles in Afghanistan are one of your own making. Afghanistan was hands off your country until 1980. Your army could have shut down the border and said pass to the Afghan war. They had to enjoy the gravy train that came with the Afghan war.
No doubt India has a much better perception than Pakistan internationally in many areas...and this translates into like Pakistan is falling and India is shining...

But perception management is one of the thing which Pakistan lacks, just as it lacks in lobbying, diplomacy, creating a soft image and all that. But again perception can be misleading and skewed, kind of doctored portrayal of Pakistan in the international media. The reality on the ground is totally opposite to the created perception.

What is more important perception or reality.

There are dozens of areas where Pakistan has done better than its neighbors, notwithstanding the war on terror, one reason Pakistan was falling behind, now recovering, will take some time, some years, some decades...

For almost 60 years after independence Pakistan HDI indices was better than all its neighbors, this was when Pakistan hasn't got anything at independence...only in the last few years due to WOT and law and order problems, other issues Pakistan has fallen behind...it is just a matter of time before it rises.

Pakistan Middle Class Bigger and Richer Than Indian Middle Class

Pakistan’s middle class consists of over 6.27 million adults, according to wealth criteria used by Credit Suisse in its Global Wealth Report 2015. It represents 5.7% share of Pakistan’s total adult population of 111 million, almost twice as large as India’s middle class made up of 3% of its adult population based on the same criteria.

Average ($4,459) and median ($2,216) wealth figures for Pakistani middle class adults are higher than average ($4,352) and median ($868) wealth figures for their Indian middle class counterparts. It's a consequence of lower income wealth inequality in Pakistan compared to its neighbor. For comparison, only 1.1% of Bangladesh adult population qualify as middle class. Their average wealth is $2,201 and median wealth $1,102 per adult.


Credit Suisse's report estimates Pakistan's total private wealth in mid-2015 at $495 billion, Bangladesh's at $237 billion and India's at $3.45 trillion.

Credit Suisse said Pakistan's middle class is the 18th largest and India's 8th largest in the world. The report says 14% of world adults qualify as middle class in 2015 and they own 32% of the world's wealth. 6.7 million Pakistani adults make up 0.9% of the world's middle-class adult population. China tops the list with 108.7 million, followed by the United States 91.8 million and Japan 62 million.

A little more than 90% Pakistani adults had wealth less than $10,000 in 2015. The share of Pakistani adults with wealth between $10,000 and $100,000 in 2015 was 9.8% while only 0.1% adults owned wealth in the range of $100,000 and $1 million, the report revealed.

Other studies based on income criteria of $2 or more per day put Pakistan's middle class at 55% of the population. A 2010 ADB report titled "Asia's Emerging Middle Class: Past, Present and Future" report put Pakistan's middle class growth from 1990 to 2008 at 36.5%, much faster than India's 12.5% growth in the same period. Other reports have indicated Pakistan's median per capita income is higher than both India's and Bangladesh's.

Even though Pakistan's GDP growth has been relatively low compared to India and Bangladesh in recent years, the country's middle class has continued to grow rapidly. It's explained as follows: It's not the overall GDP growth and average per capita income and wealth increases but the median per capita income and wealth growth that tells you how the GDP gains are shared among the population.

Data shows that economic gains in Pakistan are shared better than India and Bangladesh because of lower inequality. Income poverty rate (those below $1.25 per capita per day) in India is 33% and Bangladesh 43% versus 13% in Pakistan, according to WB data on povcalNet. Gini Index for India is 33, Pakistan 29 and Bangladesh 32, indicating that Pakistan has lower inequality.

Great post. I agree that most of this is about "constructing a positive perception". India has succeeded in painting a perception that is far better then what is the reality on the ground. Pakistan on the other hand has succeeded in ending up with a perception that is far worse then the reality on thr ground. As we discuss this Indians or pro India lobbies are busy in rendering brushed up image of India. But despite all that things like millions of Indians pulling rickshaws to earn bread [when this is almost unkown in Pakistan] or India being the pooping capital of the world [notwithstanding the recent claims that Modijee waved his fingers and half a billion Indian's overnight learned toilet manners] expose the sham that is India. Majority of the poor in Pakistan are better then the poor in India.

But and this is something Pakistani's have to take note. India is moving forward fast. Whereas Pakistan is not. That is bad news for the future. Since 1947 India has done wonders. Pakistan has utterly failed. Indeed it is highly probable that if K-Pk, Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan had chosen to integrate with the Indian union in 1947 the locals of these provinces would either have been better of or about the same point they are but minus the religious radicalism that has become a plague in Pakistan.

The fact is in 1947 in the substantive way the region coterminous to Pakistan was far better off then India. Punjab had been recipient of the largest investment by British Raj with huge irrigation works that had created prosperous canal colonies and was the bread basket of the Raj. In addition the huge military related investment in K-Pk, Punjab like rail, cantonments and huge numbers of men in the service of the British Raj armies assured a regular income and injected cash into many of the districts along the GT road axis centred on Rawalpindi. Karachi was the cleanest, most developed city of the Raj and Sindh had great potential as new irrigation works came on stream. Add to this a small population which was barely 30 million spread over such large geography meant a people who were relatively better off. The peoples of this area [far more homogenous then the diverse kalaidascope that is India] living in contigous geographic zone with a long shared history and had the foundation of being turned into a united nation.There was every reason to think this region could be turned into a middle income, high literate, high HDI zone.

Instead the region has been turned into a frothing, fuming, mass of conflicting religious impulses all competing on steriods in trying to outgun each other in false piety. They are literally killing each other over "I am Muslim". The Indus Valley the cradle of civilization is now a furnace that pours out radicals and a testing ground for differant Muslim idelogical forces. Others use this region to fight out their proxy wars. Instead of unity religion has created a fractured broken polity, fake piety under which mask ethnic, sectarian mafia and a corrupt rentier elite that has found the perfect recipe to keep the masses intoxicated while they make pelf, send their children to USA/West, send thier illgotten gains to buy retirement homes in West all the while denouncing the same West to fool the ignorent masses.

Pakistan today is not a nation. It is a refugee camp for some, a religious citadel for some, a place to kill in name of religion for some, a place to profit from religion for some, divided, conflicted mass of over populated 200 million that can't pay for itself without being doled out by outsiders. What a tragedy.
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7 million plus afgjan refugees have caused massive burden on economy and made karachi ,quetta ,kpk locals lives hell also not to mention terrorism broughtin by them. We need to send all afghan refugees to gassing chambers like hitler used for jews plus these afghano tajiko etc etc leeches living in uk etc on pak passport faking as pakistani pushtoons or kpk-iites latching on to ivc history to cover up their hideous afghan roots should also be stripped off all of their pakistani linkages and be sent to the hellhole they belong to- the land of bachabaazi afghanistan.
IMO, Pakistan should be kicking arse in most categories apart from the size of GDP due to apparent size difference. These are main reasons:
  • Arguably possess one of most fertile lands in the world aka Punjab so its HDI index should be way higher than India. I'm Sikh Punjabi and we always been richest state in India for majority of period since independence. The irrigation system poms left in 1947 would have been envy of the world.
  • Homogeneous society as compared to India, thus would be easier to implement/convince masses for policy changes etc
  • Been darling of west until very recent time, so had access to better technology in general
  • Lower population thus per capita income should be much higher
  • Coming from a lower base economic base for its population size, GDP growth rate should be higher than India. From comparative purposes growth rate of less than 9% for India and 12-14% for Pakistan is lost opportunity in my opinion.
In terms of answering the question, Pakistan went away from who it was. What I mean is, it was land of sufis which is very different side of Islam, it touched people’s hearts and they converted in masses.

Doing the dirty work of CIA in 80s against Soviets, brought in very different version of Islamic ideology to Pakistan and never fully recovered from it. South Punjab should be producing very high quality cotton not Wahabi hardliners.

I also agree with other posters media always portray extreme version of events anywhere in the world for ratings and reality is always in between. In short, things are never that rosy or that bad no matter which country we are talking about.
IMO, Pakistan should be kicking arse in most categories apart from the size of GDP due to apparent size difference. These are main reasons:
  • Arguably possess one of most fertile lands in the world aka Punjab so its HDI index should be way higher than India. I'm Sikh Punjabi and we always been richest state in India for majority of period since independence. The irrigation system poms left in 1947 would have been envy of the world.
As far as agriculture land goes not all of punjab is similar to indian punjab
. Very little agriculture in production in potohar, cholistan and thal region.

its visible here, area between indus and jhelum starting from Mianwali is semi desert. It was supposed to be irrigated after building Kalabagh dam which was not allowed. Not much ground water there. In south east punjab there is Cholistan desert, not sure if it can be irrigated. But this huge area almost as big as Indian punjab have little agriculture production.


Article starts with a premise but goes haywire mid way through it and ends abruptly. I think author should give up writing.

In the entire article he just quotes one statistic about GDP growth. How can you conclude anything from that info???
IMO, Pakistan should be kicking arse in most categories apart from the size of GDP due to apparent size difference. These are main reasons:
  • Arguably possess one of most fertile lands in the world aka Punjab so its HDI index should be way higher than India. I'm Sikh Punjabi and we always been richest state in India for majority of period since independence. The irrigation system poms left in 1947 would have been envy of the world.
  • Homogeneous society as compared to India, thus would be easier to implement/convince masses for policy changes etc
  • Been darling of west until very recent time, so had access to better technology in general
  • Lower population thus per capita income should be much higher
  • Coming from a lower base economic base for its population size, GDP growth rate should be higher than India. From comparative purposes growth rate of less than 9% for India and 12-14% for Pakistan is lost opportunity in my opinion.
In terms of answering the question, Pakistan went away from who it was. What I mean is, it was land of sufis which is very different side of Islam, it touched people’s hearts and they converted in masses.

Doing the dirty work of CIA in 80s against Soviets, brought in very different version of Islamic ideology to Pakistan and never fully recovered from it. South Punjab should be producing very high quality cotton not Wahabi hardliners.

I also agree with other posters media always portray extreme version of events anywhere in the world for ratings and reality is always in between. In short, things are never that rosy or that bad no matter which country we are talking about.

IMO Pakistan got lucky in the short to intermediate term after independence. Pakistan had a better start in spite of poorer leadership.

The turning point was 1971 and Arab oil boom which convinced a portion of Pakistani leadership that conservative Islam was the answer to their problems.

The IT boom of the 1990s ended the rivalry between India and Pakistan. Pakistan lost the ability to put any kind of pressure on India.
Sorry, I can't read and comprehend your crap. It doesn't make any sense. At-least learn to construct some meaningful sentences that others can read and understand. :p:

So please excuse me. :)
lol just simply say you cant answer. acceptance is first step towards winning. dont be so hopeless like 70% of indian who dont have access to toilets :dance3:
stop farting words.
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