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How India left Pakistan behind

For Pakistan, there is a much bigger problem lurking. Illiteracy. I guess its the only nation in the subcontinent which has seen decline in literacy rate! Devil knows what is the current stats after census. Without literacy, forget about any growth. There is a reason China grew so fast. By '79 their literacy rate was touching 70s% even though they started from 20s% in 1950s.

It is the only country in the area where there was a bomb blast going almost daily and if there wasn't a bomb blast and a terror act...people started to thanks the heavens....without going into the useless debate of what is the reason for all this and why did Pakistan got sucked into the war on terror...been there and done that. It is like saying why India has a much slower growth rate than Pakistan in the 60's and 70's...known as Hindu rate of growth, half that of Pakistan. There will always be reasons for some events, and there will always be some repercussions for some actions, that cannot be undone, done and dusted.

Present become past as one moves along towards the future...Pakistan was barely surviving in the past 13 years of WOT, forget development, increase in literacy rate, it survived and didn't turned into Syria or Afghanistan is more important, survive and then thrive...

Also when all your resources are geared towards anti terror actions...the money and a bigger chunk of your income you just cannot expect to have an across the board development. It is only in the last 3 years law and order situation has improved, getting better by the day, development and improvement comes later.
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India had good politicians who really did good job for their country in past
It is the only country in the area where there was a bomb blast going almost daily and if there wasn't a bomb blast and a terror act...people started to thanks the heavens....without going into the useless debate of what is the reason for all this and why did Pakistan got sucked into the war on terror...been there and done that. It is like saying why India has a much slower growth rate than Pakistan in the 60's and 70's...known a Hindu rate of growth, half that of Pakistan. There will always be reasons for some events, and there will always be some repercussions for some actions, that cannot be undone, done and dusted.

Present become past as one moves along towards the future...Pakistan was barely surviving in the past 13 years of WOT, forget development, increase in literacy rate, it survived and didn't turned into Syria or Afghanistan is more important, survive and then thrive...

Also when all your resources are geared towards anti terror actions...the money and a bigger chunk of your income you just cannot expect to have an across the board development. It is only in the last 3 years law and order situation has improved, getting better by the day, development and improvement comes later.
You know, China went through much worse turmoil then both India Pakistan combined did. China lost about 60 million people owing to poor policies of Mao. China underwent a bloody civil war while it was recouping from devestation of world war 2. All of those things apart, Mao and his communists did two thing right. Firstly was education. And second was public health. Pakistan and to a lesser extent India as well failed at both of these strategic goals. The war on terror within Pakistan is nothing but a minor jolt. Its the strategic mistake of neglecting human capital that is going to hold Pakistan back.
1) military rules
2) terrorism for the past 15 years
3) earthquake (2005)
4) floods (2008)
5) weak law and order situations
6) fluctuating economy
pakistanis are most happiest among his neighbours check UN report. pakistan is the most resilient nation on this map of the world.

the crybaby oof "biggest democracy"does many worse things in thier history ,as compare to military coups in pakistan..e.g

1) atrocites in kashmir
2) genocide of gujarat
3) operation blue star
4) unable to control rape in their country
5)muslims in india cant buy flats in mumbai and cant slaughter cows.
6) everybody who shows his freedom of expression and praise pakistan whether a normal civilian or a bollywood celebrity has to face taunts and threats to be kicked to pakistan.

to hell with such a least secular country religion wise, or inter-religion wise, to hell with such democracy who kills sikhs and muslims by doing operation...pakistan is way better than you despite military rules and etc.
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You know, China went through much worse turmoil then both India Pakistan combined did. China lost about 60 million people owing to poor policies of Mao. China underwent a bloody civil war while it was recouping from devestation of world war 2. All of those things apart, Mao and his communists did two thing right. Firstly was education. And second was public health. Pakistan and to a lesser extent India as well failed at both of these strategic goals. The war on terror within Pakistan is nothing but a minor jolt. Its the strategic mistake of neglecting human capital that is going to hold Pakistan back.

Yes true...China did very well, was reading about 700 million people was driven out of the below poverty lines in the last 40 years or so.

Pakistan neglecting to invest in human capital in the Nawaz and Zardari era is a major huge hindsight, this has been reversed in KPK province where there is a PTI govt...

Hope to see this trend in all of Pakistan...
we have been dealing terrorism from india from 15 years just have this terrorism for 1 full year and see how far india go. All their bull crap will go to hell with in a year.

If you could, you would have done it long back. The matter of fact is Pakistan can't do much against India since you have limited opportunity to exploit our own people to act against us. You will have to either push in your own citizens aka non-state actors or simply sit back and hope for something worst to happen within India. LOL :p:

Whatever you are facing is of your own making. Over 99% of terrorists captured or KIA in Pakistan are your own citizens. Now if anyone is using them against your country as alleged, its hard time you introspect, why your citizens are so cheaply and easily available to be killed or kill their own people. :disagree::disagree::disagree:
If you could, you would have done it long back. The matter of fact is Pakistan can't do much against India since you have limited opportunity to exploit our own people to act against us. You will have to either push in your own citizens aka non-state actors or simply sit back and hope for something worst to happen within India. LOL :p:

Whatever you are facing is of your own making. Over 99% of terrorists captured or KIA in Pakistan are your own citizens. Now if anyone is using them against your country as alleged, its hard time you introspect, why your citizens are so cheaply and easily available to be killed or kill their own people. :disagree::disagree::disagree:

you answer your own question you cudnt hold on into Dawood :) how easy is it to make few more to have somthing like diwali every now and then but its Pakistan whos not doing anything other wise your foundations are shaking from mizoram to punjab kashmir muslim hindus love we all know :smitten:.

i wonder why your mantries cry over and over again to attack 1.3 billion people world poorest hug biggest slum can be easily available for ISIS 5th biggest military power and just letting Pakistan fingering you :agree::agree::agree: sounds fun isnt it.

we will be doing whats needs to be done time to time you cant hide your shaking legs :sarcastic: please tell mody to do what he promised next time you vote that Terrorist Leader of India.
you answer your own question you cudnt hold on into Dawood :) how easy is it to make few more to have somthing like diwali every now and then but its Pakistan whos not doing anything other wise your foundations are shaking from mizoram to punjab kashmir muslim hindus love we all know :smitten:.

That's why I told you earlier, you have very Limited chance, else you would have done more. And please don't try to sell the crap its Pakistan who's not doing anything. You are doing whatever you can, and it is the maximum you could at present. LOL :p:

i wonder why your mantries cry over and over again to attack 1.3 billion people world poorest hug biggest slum can be easily available for ISIS 5th biggest military power and just letting Pakistan fingering you :agree::agree::agree: sounds fun isnt it.

we will be doing whats needs to be done time to time you cant hide your shaking legs :sarcastic: please tell mody to do what he promised next time you vote that Terrorist Leader of India.

Can you please care to type some meaningful simple sentences so that others can read and understand. :p:
yeah if modi makes us ullo we can remove him during next elections but what choice do you have? whoever gets elected you have , deep state keeps pulling the strings all the time.

Pakistan army pulling the strings? Our establishment is just like all others ones...

They used to take over but not anymore...
Pakistan still have less poverty rate then India some how. But what really hampered Pakistan growth was army dictators and being American proxy against Soviets in Afghanistan. Imposing afghani terrorism on Pakistan in the name of islamic brotherhood.

Imagine India’s financial hub Bombay going though hell in last 30 years, thats what happened to Karachi.

Indian insurgencies from north east to IoK don’t effect mainland India, especially big cities who drive growth. While Pakistan dinasour like shape mean terrorists heavens in east Afghanistan are only some hundred KM away from Islamabad and open borders on top.
Give Pakistan 10 years of honest, dedicated leadership and we will leave India far behind.

Keep in mind we are 1/6th of the population and hence can achieve first world status alot faster than India (due to lesser mouths to feed etc)
The gap is still 1:7 but mere fact is that India has done well from 2000 to 2015 where as in Pakistan we were experimenting the same old 70 year formula call the shorts from behind and circus continues
Pakistan still have less poverty rate then India some how. But what really hampered Pakistan growth was army dictators and being American proxy against Soviets in Afghanistan. Imposing afghani terrorism on Pakistan in the name of islamic brotherhood.

Imagine India’s financial hub Bombay going though hell in last 30 years, thats what happened to Karachi.

Indian insurgencies from north east to IoK don’t effect mainland India, especially big cities who drive growth. While Pakistan dinasour like shape mean terrorists heavens in east Afghanistan are only some hundred KM away from Islamabad and open borders on top.
I always give credit to contain bad element into their regional pockets to each government in India except Left. Naxal was raising its head but central and state governments make sure they don't spill over from their pockets. Even state capital city like Raipur which is on edge of Naxal pockets never got affected. Kashmir issue was largely contained in Kashmir. Actually in that time government lifted many tier 2 cities and developed them as Metro cities. In Pakistan due to political and religious factors, things got spread from FATA and tribal areas to a main population center. Even in USA, there are neighborhoods where crime is worse than many third world countries but contain. Take the example of Mexico, outside tourist centers and main cities it is a total mess. but they still go good perception due to contamination. No country will able to resolve all of its conflicts, it is about controlling them and not affecting main business.

Give Pakistan 10 years of honest, dedicated leadership and we will leave India far behind.

Keep in mind we are 1/6th of the population and hence can achieve first world status alot faster than India (due to lesser mouths to feed etc)
Agree about progressing fast due to size. But it will more than 10 years. Honest leaders come from people of the country for that people has to change.
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