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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

You know @Roybot

I need to add something here. Please allow me on a slightly personal level.

You joined in 2010.

From what I have seen of that batch of Indians, compared to the general trend of the later ones from 2012-13 through to 2015 (2016 on were of course mostly reruns), you are somewhat of an outlier.

Not saying good or bad.

Just .... different.

I'm surprised you do not see the way things are moving. Even sitting there.

Trust me I am quite aware of the ground situation. I am also from Uttar Pradesh, and I am pretty up-to-date with whatever is going on over there, and the situation is nowhere as bad as it is being made out to be in the media. In fact things are much better than they were under UPA in India, or SP in UP.

I can understand why certain groups of people are feeling threatened and are panicking though, but there is solution for that. Win the elections, and if you can't win the elections, then join the BJP and make them accountable. By calling for civil wars, and predicting dooms day scenarios like balkanization of India is not only foolish, but also playing into the hands of ultra right wingers, who have always considered certain minority groups a threat to India.

Whether you like it or now,India is a Hindu majority country, and Hindu rights will need to be addressed and taken care of, as long as its not infringing on any other religion's rights
So for you Gau-rakshaks are a bigger threat than IS? :rofl: How many such attacks happened, 3-4? There have been full blown riots that happened in Bengal but that won't push your buttons. Oh so now conversion is game, so I hope you don't have any problem with Ghar wapsi then? Or me abusing your religion although I am pretty sure they don't do the same in Russia. Also the government is democratically elected RSS controlled or not, you can have all the problem with the same but it doesn't change the fact that people of India has chosen the said government with a thumping majority

Also you conveniently (not surprisingly) ignored the questions I asked, Church interfering in politics? Conversion through fraud means of miracle etc? Preaching of how only my religion is true? Surely these things are not very great for secularism now, isn't it?

hahaha am not living in middle east, IS is a threat, but i am worried about what happening in India... I don't give a shift... lol you just blame without valid proof.. i neversaid preaching your own religion is not, it's good you preach what you believe but you are the one who is taking offensive when others preaching theirown... my point never about Hinduism but vigilant groups, self proclaimed protectors.. There are loads incidents where i argued with pak members and mods, unlike you...
Trust me I am quite aware of the ground situation. I am also from Uttar Pradesh, and I am pretty up-to-date with whatever is going on over there, and the situation is nowhere as bad as it is being made out to be in the media. In fact things are much better than they were under UPA in India, or SP in UP.

I can understand why certain groups of people are feeling threatened and are panicking though, but there is solution for that. Win the elections, and if you can't win the elections, then join the BJP and make them accountable. By calling for civil wars, and predicting dooms day scenarios like balkanization of India is not only foolish, but also playing into the hands of ultra right wingers, who have always considered certain minority groups a threat to India.

Whether you like it or now,India is a Hindu majority country, and Hindu rights will need to be addressed and taken care of, as long as its not infringing on any other religion's rights

"civil war" is just desperate wishful thinking by a bunch of losers who is now living in "post truth" :lol:

What else can they do ? ....... compare to north korea, pakistan, taliban and then cry 'civil war'. LOL...... what a bunch of clowns.
Trust me I am quite aware of the ground situation. I am also from Uttar Pradesh, and I am pretty up-to-date with whatever is going on over there, and the situation is nowhere as bad as it is being made out to be in the media. In fact things are much better than they were under UPA in India, or SP in UP.

I can understand why certain groups of people are feeling threatened and are panicking though, but there is solution for that. Win the elections, and if you can't win the elections, then join the BJP and make them accountable. By calling for civil wars, and predicting dooms day scenarios like balkanization of India is not only foolish, but also playing into the hands of ultra right wingers, who have always considered certain minority groups a threat to India.

Whether you like it or now,India is a Hindu majority country, and Hindu rights will need to be addressed and taken care of, as long as its not infringing on any other religion's rights

This is where there is a fundamental divergence.

India is not a Hindu country. Never has been.

And were it to ever become one, it's not a country me and my family would be living in.
Just a question, why don't you contribute in other threads apart vs Christian threads? though it's funny, one guy posted a grave yard pic with compound wall and graves on both sides... without a clue he said dalit Christians and Christians separate graves... you count banners, rally conducted by Christian... Isn't it funny? I have seen such rally in Russia conducted by Iskon and other org... I never ever think wrong about it.. I only opposed blaming entire religion because of some random people who taking advantage of Religion be it pastors or missionaries... blame such particular person not entire religion.. on other side you are saying i hate Hinduism, Hinduism got nothing to do with vigilante groups... I talk about particular person or org...I don't know, why you don't understand it...
I thought I was on the ignore list.

Idea of India lol? Even the word India is not Indian origin. There were several kingdons in India. British colonized and united South Asia. There was no India or Bharat before.

In present India only the North Indians are considered real citizens. And everyone else is treated as 2nd class citizen. North Hindia is exploitint rest of India.

in that case how is it possible for French East India company or the British East India Company to have been so named in 1600? It was already known as the Indian subcontinent at that time. May be you are referring to the fact that India was splintered into a number of smaller kingdoms before that - that is true but the concept, the culture and the sub-continental name always existed.

But the 2nd sentence about only NI are considered real citizens - that makes no sense. what makes you say that?
hahaha am not living in middle east, IS is a threat, but i am worried about what happening in India... I don't give a shift... lol you just blame without valid proof.. i neversaid preaching your own religion is not, it's good you preach what you believe but you are the one who is taking offensive when others preaching theirown... my point never about Hinduism but vigilant groups, self proclaimed protectors.. There are loads incidents where i argued with pak members and mods, unlike you... View attachment 392086

Do you think I was talking about ME? More than 100 Indian youth have joined IS (many from my neighborhood Kalyan & Mumbra) well educated engineers and doctors but you are stuck with some Gau-rakshaks. I don't take offense when somebody preaches their religion neither should you. then why make a fuss about Ghar wapsi? But yeah I do find it wrong if a religion teaches 'only' my religion is the true religion it is not a healthy practice
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This is where there is a fundamental divergence.

India is not a Hindu country. Never has been.

And were it to ever become one, it's not a country me and my family would be living in.

Have you considered emigration ? Jinnah has already created a separate nation for all those people and their families who could not live in a Hindu Country.

India has always been a Hindu country and will continue to remain so in the future. We may have lost our initial strength and glory, but rest reassured, we will gain it back through sheer determination.

Do not pretend that you are doing anybody any favor by staying back in India.
Do you think I was talking about ME? More than 100 Indian youth have joined IS (many from my neighborhood Kalyan & Mumbra) well educated engineers and doctors but you are stuck with some Gau-rakshaks. I don't take offense when somebody preaches their religion neither should you. then why make a fuss about Ghar wapsi? But yeah I do find it wrong if a religion teaches 'only' my religion is the true religion it is not a healthy practice

Muslims are far from perfect. That said, they are not the ones going amok around the country now, fingering everyone.

Sanghi are. Erupting and spreading like a rash everywhere.

It's giving me a serious headache just listening to their non stop moaning about how phucked they've been all these centuries.

It reeks of weakness, insecurity and narrow mindedness.

The minorities of India did not sign up with India to be left high and dry in a Hindu fundamentalist country 70 years down the line.

India was created for all Indians. And there is no way you are going to Saffronize it that easy.
Muslims are far from perfect. That said, they are not the ones going amok around the country now, fingering everyone.

Sanghi are. Erupting and spreading like a rash everywhere.

It's giving me a serious headache just listening to their non stop moaning about how phucked they've been all these centuries.

It reeks of weakness, insecurity and narrow mindedness.

The minorities of India did not sign up with India to be left high and dry in a Hindu fundamentalist country 70 years down the line.

India was created for all Indians. And there is no way you are going to Saffronize it that easy.

The "minorities" of India did not even sign up for India. 90% of them voted for Pakistan. And YES, this included the christians And Anglo Indians.

Only the parsis chose India over pakistan.

LOL at the lies that they ever chose India, it was always their last choice. Even maulana azad choose to be buried in Jerusalem and not India. Khan Abdul jaffar khan chose to be buried in Afghanistan.

Lets the Muslims first release their hold on Ram janmabhoomi , krishna bhoomi and Kashi viswanath temple, THEN we can decide how they can stop running amok and accept Uniform Civil code.

Till that happens Hindus better be in Eternal vigilance.

Nobody "Created" India, India has always existed and it was always Saffron. There is no way you can deny the Saffron while continue to live in India.

If you have such a bad head ache, Jinnah has already created a nation for all those who cannot live in a Hindu country. And don't you ever forget it.
Muslims are far from perfect. That said, they are not the ones going amok around the country now, fingering everyone.

Sanghi are. Erupting and spreading like a rash everywhere.

It's giving me a serious headache just listening to their non stop moaning about how phucked they've been all these centuries.

It reeks of weakness, insecurity and narrow mindedness.

The minorities of India did not sign up with India to be left high and dry in a Hindu fundamentalist country 70 years down the line.

India was created for all Indians. And there is no way you are going to Saffronize it that easy.

As danger007 said earlier, you only see what you want to see. I see the best performing and hardest working PM and government ever. As I said earlier whoever shows a mirror to people like you becomes a Sanghi, Chaddi and Bhakt. When did the minorities of India sign up with India? and did they do a freaking favor to India or us? It is because of the country you are and not the vice versa. Yes India belongs to all Indians and everybody has to follow the law of the land no exceptions and appeasement be it playing the loudspeaker, running slaughter house, practicing personal laws or anything else
I know POV. What's the FOE anagram?

Freedom of expression !!

Respect needs to be earned Pandey ji. Woh kisi ki bapauti nahin hoti.

Samajh gaye na?

Never asked you to respect me. . . both were your own quotes about me which i highlighted just to show how fast you roll your opinion :D:D:D

BTW doc, i know you are a sanghi . . i know why you pretest to be anti Hindu . . especially here.

just have a little doubt . .whether its just and just to poke fun or its about polarizing others opinion as well for a greater cause ???
Well crap in Hinduism is getting cleaned be it Sati, Caste discrimination etc. But what about crap of Abrahamic religion, its been 2000 years and somehow the crap is considered divine. What you have to say about the corner stone of Abrahamic religion, my faith is the only true faith your's is worshiping the devil? Sounds pretty cocky and anti-secular to me? :rofl::rofl: So before giving lectures to other about their faith and secularism look within and clean the crap

If you are cleaning your crap, you're doing no one any favours. Huge amount of crap still there. Which the country is having to pay for.

What other religions do is not really your business.

Your religion is 5000 years old. Are you that insecure as to feel threatened by what others say?

Sorry to say but you guys have lost your balls over a thousand years.

Freedom of expression !!

Never asked you to respect me. . . both were your own quotes about me which i highlighted just to show how fast you roll your opinion :D:D:D

BTW doc, i know you are a sanghi . . i know why you pretest to be anti Hindu . . especially here.

just have a little doubt . .whether its just and just to poke fun or its about polarizing others opinion as well for a greater cause ???

I honestly do not understand why you keep insisting on calling me doc.

I do like you. Though we have not interacted much. And I do think you lost a bit of my respect recently, whether it means something to you or not.

I love Hindus.

I am not a sanghi.

And I love my country above all else.

Which makes me a pretty genuinely pissed man right now.

Hope that clears your confusion and that of other reverse polarization spin gurus out there.
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