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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

Oh look at the speed with which this evangelical scum who was asking Hindus to reform and crying his croc tears for the "oppressed" among the Hindus is now bristling with contempt for the "oppressed" dalits and the Hindu societies attempt to provide them a level playing field. Nice try @Spectre.

Dalit Chu.

I am neither evangelical nor spectre.
I am asking you point blank.

Why should the rest of India pay for Hinduism's crap?

If the dalits have been humped, they have been humped by the brother Hindus. Let Hindus sort out the mess.

What does the rest of non Hindu India have to do with it? And why should they suffer?

The problem is that this is not "Hinduism crap". Hindus have Jaathi's and Varna.

Caste is a unique British Christian creation and IMPOSED on Hindu India by a Mixture of Varna + Jaathi. It was the very anti thesis of Varna which was created to dilute the hold of Jaathis.

The very creation of "Dalits" were due to the Islamic invasion.

So I am telling you POINT BLANK, why should Hinduism pay for the Crap that Non Hindus created in India ?
The problem is that this is not "Hinduism crap". Hindus have Jaathi's and Varna.

Caste is a unique British Christian creation and IMPOSED on Hindu India by a Mixture of Varna + Jaathi. It was the very anti thesis of Varna which was created to dilute the hold of Jaathis.

The very creation of "Dalits" were due to the Islamic invasion.

So I am telling you POINT BLANK, why should Hinduism pay for the Crap that Non Hindus created in India ?

Don't talk nonsense.
Christian ruling class :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Man, British have left long back they aren't ruling you anymore, your country is in your hands now do as you wish

Considering the Christian hold on Education, Media, Health care, Land and Global Economy, I do not think that is true.

Still we will try to do as we wish, just don't' whine and moan when Modi and Yogi Adityanath does what we desire.

Don't talk nonsense.

Very eloquent. Clearly you are not at a loss for words. :tup:
Christian ruling class :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Man, British have left long back they aren't ruling you anymore, your country is in your hands now do as you wish

70 years is nothing when It comes to social standing- See the example of Brahmins- when was the last time they ruled ? Rarely- How are they generally at the top- Because they formed most of the bureaucracy- Under various rulers- from Islamic to Christians- certain groups among them like Kashmiri pandits are even more empowered- Just look at the names of top diplomats, Judges, etc-
Oh look at the speed with which this evangelical scum who was asking Hindus to reform and crying his croc tears for the "oppressed" among the Hindus is now bristling with contempt for the "oppressed" dalits and the Hindu societies attempt to provide them a level playing field. Nice try @Spectre.

I am pretty sure he is not spectre.
All their mask about social Justice and equality is falling easily- their throne is shaking hence they are loosing their minds-

Its difficult when one's core beliefs are questioned and debated. Give him time to adapt. Osmosis is a slow process. Its pointless to get personal until they throw the first stone.
The problem is that this is not "Hinduism crap". Hindus have Jaathi's and Varna.

Caste is a unique British Christian creation and IMPOSED on Hindu India by a Mixture of Varna + Jaathi. It was the very anti thesis of Varna which was created to dilute the hold of Jaathis.

The very creation of "Dalits" were due to the Islamic invasion.

So I am telling you POINT BLANK, why should Hinduism pay for the Crap that Non Hindus created in India ?
What is this :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Casteism is a racial segregation system developed by Aryans to prevent admixture with Dravidians who inhabited the subcontinent before Aryans came through the Hindu Kush. Dalits are former Dravidians who adopted Aryan language but never got accepted to the Aryan noble hierarchy. Shift occurred and Aryans ended up following up some mish mash Aryo-Dravidian religion ( you can see it even today lol ). Compare yourselves with your Avestan cousins, they were pure unmixed real Aryan religion followers not like you. Know your history before spouting hoobla hoobla
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