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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

Same leftist leaning and pretension of being an intellectual of some sort. Same defensiveness about Christians and belonging to Joe's mutual admiration society.

Which is why I call Joe by his real name, "Ellsworth Monkton Toohey". :angel:

Most people from an army background have lived in a cocoon which teaches that that all religions are equal and they treat each other with respect. Its important to create that illusion to ensure less clashes in their regiments.

They continue to carry those same values even when they step outside that cocoon. Its painful and hard for them to realize that all that they believed is not true. Try being in his shoes.
Its difficult when one's core beliefs are questioned and debated. Give him time to adapt. Osmosis is a slow process. Its pointless to get personal until they throw the first stone.

I don't have patience with his sorts. These issues have been debated ad nauseum and I think any more debate is waste of time. It is better to just spit on their faces than debate them where there is no meeting point or no shame even in defeat.
What is this :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Casteism is a racial segregation system developed by Aryans to prevent admixture with Dravidians who inhabited the subcontinent before Aryans came through the Hindu Kush. Dalits are former Dravidians who adopted Aryan language but never got accepted to the Aryan noble hierarchy. Shift occurred and Aryans ended up following up some mish mash Aryo-Dravidian religion ( you can see it even today lol ). Compare yourselves with your Avestan cousins, they were pure unmixed real Aryan religion followers not like you. Know your history before spouting hoobla hoobla

And the earth is flat and mountains were dropped on this flat thing so that It doesn't fly- Please continue- :tup:
What is this :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Casteism is a racial segregation system developed by Aryans to prevent admixture with Dravidians who inhabited the subcontinent before Aryans came through the Hindu Kush. Dalits are former Dravidians who adopted Aryan language but never got accepted to the Aryan noble hierarchy. Shift occurred and Aryans ended up following up some mish mash Aryo-Dravidian religion ( you can see it even today lol ). Compare yourselves with your Avestan cousins, they were pure unmixed real Aryan religion followers not like you. Know your history before spouting hoobla hoobla


Now show me ANY ONE HINDU Scripture which has the words "CASTE" in it :lol:
I don't have patience with his sorts. These issues have been debated ad nauseum and I think any more debate is waste of time. It is better to just spit on their faces than debate them where there is no meeting point or no shame even in defeat.

Sorry Bitter. I feel bad about the post above, for an Indian. I'm sure you are a smart young girl and will do well in life. All the best. My apologies once more.
Nothing against here personally. Was just replying to her in the same tone she was employing.

But really, what's there to be proud about being a Dalit?

Can you name some.

Or do I have to watch reruns of Jai Bheem Baba ji making blood curdling cries sitting 3 and 4 abreast on a 100 cc motorbike ripping like retards in the middle of the night as some form of catharsis on Jayanti day and thereabouts?

Not forgetting the profuse garlands, raucous music, and highly embarrassing hip gyrations on every town square with a statue or bust.

And the dark beauties strutting their stuff with 2 kilo pancake on their face and their really inhumanly tight new jeans with prominent cameltoes in abundance.

Who are you to question her source of pride ?

I am proud that she continued to be a Hindu despite being a Dalit and facing discrimination. That is why I respect her FAR more than I respect fools in pdf who claim to be "brahmins".

That is what makes her belief in Hindutva that much more powerful.

Its foolish and Narrow minded and Bigoted to type caste a dalit as a Mayawaiti or a Ambedkar or any other stereotype.

You are just making a fool of yourself.
Which is why I call Joe by his real name, "Ellsworth Monkton Toohey". :angel:

Most people from an army background have lived in a cocoon which teaches that that all religions are equal and they treat each other with respect. Its important to create that illusion to ensure less clashes in their regiments.

They continue to carry those same values even when they step outside that cocoon. Its painful and hard for them to realize that all that they believed is not true. Try being in his shoes.

I don't know if he has any army background and your theory does not hold since most people with army background are BJP supporters and not secular in any sense. Respecting people from other religions is something every common Hindu did naturally, that is before they got exposed to social media and all the secreted information.
I don't have patience with his sorts. These issues have been debated ad nauseum and I think any more debate is waste of time. It is better to just spit on their faces than debate them where there is no meeting point or no shame even in defeat.

I would not waste my time if I felt he was beyond hope.
I recall his post that spoke of him growing up in a muslim majority neighborhood. You can imagine the kind of parents who would choose such a neighborhood and the compromises one makes to survive in such a neighborhood. Which is why I said a Dhimmi.


You just crossed a line there.

And showed your class.
I don't think manusmirti was written in English language :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha: Now go read it

but ...but ....but ..... I HAVE Read it :lol:.......... in the original Sanskrit too. A language I am VERY well versed in.

Now tell me, Have YOU read it ? :azn:


You just crossed a line there.

And showed your class.

Just my honest POV. What "class" does one have in a anonymous internet forum ?

Best one can aspire to be is HONEST.

I will swap Honesty and Integrity for "class" any day and twice on Sundays.

Besides why would you assume that anything I have said is offensive. You can also take it in a very positive way. Gandhi would have lived in a muslim majority neighborhood. Don't you agree ? (though he never did in real life)
but ...but ....but ..... I HAVE Read it :lol:.......... in the original Sanskrit too. A language I am VERY well versed in.

Now tell me, Have YOU read it ? :azn:
Yea I have read its English translation,not very flattering lol. I guess you are in shock after realizing that you left your original Aryan religion and instead been following a Dravido mish mash all this time :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Yea I have read its English translation,not very flattering lol. I guess you are in shock after realizing that you left your original Aryan religion and instead been following a Dravido mish mash all this time :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Let me guess, that English translation was written by a British Christian ? :lol:

How exiting to learn about Hinduism from a christian.

I am not seeking your approval for my "religion". .......... so your views on it is really a joke. I am glad you could laugh at your own ignorance. Saves me the trouble.
Who are you to question her source of pride ?

I am proud that she continued to be a Hindu despite being a Dalit and facing discrimination. That is why I respect her FAR more than I respect fools in pdf who claim to be "brahmins".

That is what makes her belief in Hindutva that much more powerful.

Its foolish and Narrow minded and Bigoted to type caste a dalit as a Mayawaiti or a Ambedkar or any other stereotype.

You are just making a fool of yourself.

Tell you the truth I have never in my life faced discrimination. I have never had any reason to feel aggrieved about Hinduism. I have seen Muslims and Christians talk crap about Dalits but rarely seen a Hindu talk shit about us. I have never seen a Muslim or a Christian display even a fraction of the sensitivity that a Hindu displays in normal everyday life. My only information on those so called atrocities on SC/ST/Dalit communities have come from media and leftists. These are nothing but vile propaganda atrocity literature is proved by the stats on crimes committed on Dalits by the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.

Sorry Bitter. I feel bad about the post above, for an Indian. I'm sure you are a smart young girl and will do well in life. All the best. My apologies once more.

You can take your apologies and stuff it where the sun does not shine.
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