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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

Anglo Indians have enjoyed the cream for long without doing any thing to achieve that- Their reservation was the most oppressive thing done by Independent India- It like reserving permanent berths for various princess to continue ruing their respective states- Some times I think Indians were to docile- they should have dragged these people to the guillotine like the French-

We are still too Docile.

They day we stop being so Docile, is the day these "secular" will really start respecting the Hindus.

This is the news from a few days back, (2nd april 2017)

Rape and murder of a 5-year-old daughter of a Hindu priest by a Muslim mason "Afroz" (who is still absconding), in Indirapuram area of Ghaziabad. As per this Times of India report –

“The family members of the girl, along with over 200 more villagers, demand the arrest of the accused and raised accusations against Ghaziabad police of concealing the girl’s body after its recovery and not handing it over to the family members for its last rites, rather performing them in anonymity. Speaking to TOI, the girl’s father said, ” They did not let us bring the body home and the SP (Salman Taj Patil) tried hiding the matter from the media persons. He said that this matter can strike communal tensions, and hence this action is necessary.

What bs. I studied in Saifee Hall, comprising mostly Muslims and Christians, in my school years. Now I am studying in a reputed Christian college in Central Calcutta and let me tell you, no one is discriminated there on the basis of religion of any sort. There are 5% or something quota for Christian students, that's about it. Its funny how you badmouth the Christian missionaries who have helped you guys so much

He is correct- Christians do get priority in Jobs and admissions in Missionary institutions- However that is their right-
What bs. I studied in Saifee Hall, comprising mostly Muslims and Christians, in my school years. Now I am studying in a reputed Christian college in Central Calcutta and let me tell you, no one is discriminated there on the basis of religion of any sort. There are 5% or something quota for Christian students, that's about it. Its funny how you badmouth the Christian missionaries who have helped you guys so much

LOL..... Next time Wait till somebody invites you to "help them". Now who do I thank for the "railways" and the "tandoori chicken" ?
Well then that's bad

Its not fair. But reservation of any form rarely is. I've gone through life GENERAL, while my friends around me used the caste or religion card. Even changed their names just before their 10th. Got Pastor certificates. etc.
Its not fair. But reservation of any form rarely is. I've gone through life GENERAL, while my friends around me used the caste or religion card. Even changed their names just before their 10th. Got Pastor certificates. etc.
Its affects people during competitive exams.....well no use crying gotta do what we gotta do
Since when did Discrimination on the Basis of Religion become a "right" ?

Only in India. :disagree:

I assume you meant religion.

If so, why not?

We GENERAL category students struggle to get seats because subpar SC/ST dalits like @Bitter Melon get reservations as high as 70-80% is some states.

Why should the rest of India suffer for Hinduism's crap?
Of course its a minority institution meant for empowerment of minorities so its their choice

Where did minority come into this ? Remember they were the ruling class not long time back- Hence their educational, social and economic back ground is usually good- not talking about newly converted Dalits-
I assume you meant religion.

If so, why not?

We GENERAL category students struggle to get seats because subpar SC/ST dalits like @Bitter Melon get reservations as high as 70-80% is some states.

Why should the rest of India suffer for Hinduism's crap?

Its one thing to have reservation for those who has been historically discriminated, its quite another to have reservation for those who actually ruled over Hindus.

In British India, All jobs in the Railways, Customs, Post office etc were RESERVED for Anglo Indians. Not to mention reservation for them in Educational institutes.

India has been under Islamic rule for 700 years, and under Christian rule for 200 years and you want reservation for them?

In that case, why not reservation for Kshtiryas and Brahmins too ?
Its one thing to have reservation for those who has been historically discriminated, its quite another to have reservation for those who actually ruled over Hindus.

In British India, All jobs in the Railways, Customs, Post office etc were RESERVED for Anglo Indians. Not to mention reservation for them in Educational institutes.

India has been under Islamic rule for 700 years, and under Christian rule for 200 years and you want reservation for them?

In that case, why not reservation for Kshtiryas and Brahmins too ?

I am asking you point blank.

Why should the rest of India pay for Hinduism's crap?

If the dalits have been humped, they have been humped by their "brother" Hindus. Let Hindus sort out the mess.

What does the rest of non Hindu India have to do with it? And why should they suffer?
I assume you meant religion.

If so, why not?

We GENERAL category students struggle to get seats because subpar SC/ST dalits like @Bitter Melon get reservations as high as 70-80% is some states.

Why should the rest of India suffer for Hinduism's crap?

Oh look at the speed with which this evangelical scum who was asking Hindus to reform and crying his croc tears for the "oppressed" among the Hindus is now bristling with contempt for the "oppressed" dalits and the Hindu societies attempt to provide them a level playing field. Nice try @Spectre.
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