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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

I don't get affected by what people say, so feel free to keep you post.

I was just pointing out the Double Standard that seems to be the rule rather than the exception. It shows a deep malaise against the "special ppl".

I was making a fair comparison / analogy between the Non reserved and reserved caste in India AND the comparision between Hindus vs the Christians in the global context.

What is good for the goose, should be good for the gander.

In the global context, the Hindus are as disadvantaged as the "Dalits" when it comes to competing with the Christians in "conversion". There is no level playing field, even in our Home Ground. I am not even going to speak about foreign soil.

Hindus ARE the "Dalits" of the Global world order run by Christians and Muslims. Nobody wants to acknowledge it.

Sigh stop moaning and whining man.

You guys are friggin a billion strong.

Talking crap all the time.

You never set foot out of your land. Islam and Christianity did. With swords and lance.

Thats why they are 2.2 and 1.8 billion. And you are 1 billion because you phuck a lot. And have been phucking a lot, in various nifty positions, on very fertile soil you have been blessed with, for a very long time.

Be happy. Stop moaning.
These groups have full backing from churches from across the world.

The Influence of the Christian Missionaries and the Western countries

NDFB, being strongly backed by Christian missionaries of the west carried out large scale religious conversion of the Bodos, to the extent that the rich culture of the Bodos was threatened. The Hindu Bodos were isolated and some even forcefully converted under the influence of the Missionary backed NDFB. Due to such activity, NDFB was able to attract so many sources of funds from the west and pleased missionaries that they had M-16 guns with them. Even the ULFA who raised much more funds from Assam never had M-16 guns till very recent days.

Free nagaland with Baptism as religion.

'Church backing Tripura rebels'

Close association with NSNC IM.
well, u r right on most counts. rest i am too uninformed to comment on.
However, u still did not reply my query about ULFA. they r neither muslim nor christian.
Sigh stop moaning and whining man.

You guys are friggin a billion strong.

Talking crap all the time.

The truth hurts, but its better to suck up and face the reality than live in denial.

I do pretty well for myself, so I do not need to moan and whine. Just showing you the ugly truth.
And this is what the Compass of a Hard core "Sanghi" / "Hindutva" looks like,


Your Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -4.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.82

Hi @Bitter Melon

What does your political compass look like ? It would be an interesting experiment.

Your Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -0.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.36

Your Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -0.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 2.36


Nice! Our first fascist. :tup:

The truth hurts, but its better to suck up and face the reality than live in denial.

I do pretty well for myself, so I do not need to moan and whine. Just showing you the ugly truth.

Added a bit more of the truth ... lots more moaning.
You never set foot out of your land. Islam and Christianity did. With swords and lance.

Thats why they are 2.2 and 1.8 billion. And you are 1 billion because you phuck a lot. And have been phucking a lot, in various nifty positions, on very fertile soil you have been blessed with, for a very long time.

Be happy. Stop moaning.

And now they are setting foot in India AGAIN , this time with Dollars and a Bible and a powerful Media behind them.

And all we can do is bend over AGAIN while the cheer leaders do what they did the last thousand years. Line up and sign up to be Sepoy's.
Why don't you try and see the result more objectively ?

I am more in center than you are.

Which means I am less "radical" than you are.

You are more Extreme than a Hardcore Sanghi.

Now revise all your posts in view of this reality.

He is that Christian convert chaddi friend of Joe. I forgot his previous screen ID. Same lack of common sense and huge hatred of Hindus.
And now they are setting foot in India AGAIN , this time with Dollars and a Bible and a powerful Media behind them.

And all we can do is bend over AGAIN while the cheer leaders do what they did the last thousand years. Line up and sign up to be Sepoy's.

You and your sepoy fetish.

Do you keep a uniform tucked away for role play?
The most dangerous fact is number 8, Which i'm afraid unfortunately the current BJP regime seems to be headed towards

View attachment 391785

@baajey @Joe Shearer
somehow my gut tells that these ultra rightists wont be able to take over.
but its not just #8, there are others as well where we are headed to.
BJP came to power on the promise of development, not hindutva. to keep his chair, he needs to develop lots of things on ground (in books, he is a rockstar), which will decrease the no of illiterate jobless morons required for the path towards anarchy. so u see, whatever way the wind blows, he cannot let the situation slip away, or he will get kicked up the next election.
now my concern rests on the last point.
You and your sepoy fetish.

Do you keep a uniform tucked away for role play?

Between the two of us only one has fought in a uniform, while the other fights without a uniform and any back up or support.

So trust me when I tell you, I have more respect for fighters without a uniform.

Did you know that even at the peak of their power, the british had only 66,000 European soldiers to run the entire India with a population of 300 Million ? :azn: That is some amazing feat of propaganda and Media might.

My fetish with Sepoys is grounded in reality, and history. Just so that history do not repeat itself.

@jbgt90 ?

He'll whip your behind all shades of the rainbow in real life. :enjoy:

I do not think so. His only claim to fame is that he went to an IIT quarter of a century ago and has now faded into oblivion in his current choice of career.

Did you know that in Karnataka, There are 30 seats in MBA, 20 in MCA and 16 in Pharmacy RESERVED for Anglo Indians ? :cheesy:

That is reservations made for them just because their grand father or grand mother fcuked a white man and became christians.

How cools is that ? :azn:
I do not think so. His only claim to fame is that he went to an IIT quarter of a century ago and has now faded into oblivion in his current choice of career.

Did you know that in Karnataka, There are 30 seats in MBA, 20 in MCA and 16 in Pharmacy RESERVED for Anglo Indians ? :cheesy:

That is reservations made for them just because their grand father or grand mother fcuked a white man and became christians.

How cools is that ? :azn:

Him whipping a sanghi punk's behind has nothing to do with him also going to IIT.
My dear chinese friend. Brahmanism is totaly opposite of communism. Acc to Manu the brahman law giver. Brahamins are like the brain of a body. And the lowest castes Anus. Only Brahmins can intrepet the scriptures. So in short they have the monopoly and power to do anything. For instance Brahmins used to run a whorehouse in temples (devdasis). Little girls were sexually exploited in temples itself by the bramans. This practise continues even today in some parts of India.
Capitalist are the burgeoisie according to communist. In India it has been the brahmin scum for about 5000 years. The British gifted power to Bramans (Nehru) and their baniya Henchmen (Gandhi). There has been no proletariat(lower caste) revolution against them. Karl Marx needs to reincarnated and be born in India.

Nowadays Brahmins have the power to do anything. Lower caste people are being killed for just looking at daughters of Brahman.

Gai Chaap bhaiya. I am not a Muslim. And I am pretty sure the school I went to was named after Swami vivekanand.

Why dont you get yourself sterilized and do the world a favor.

You bimaru pea brain. Ltte was created by GOI. Even the great economist Amartya Sen said TN would be more prosperous if it seperates from India.

You know I am not a tamil. I never claimed to be one.

No more replies to you smelly gai gobbar chaap bhaiya.

Dear BlackIndian,

Thank you for your feedback. It does help indeed to gain a bigger picture of rise and motives of fascism in india.

Monopoly power structures are always resilient and will go to any length to keep the power and privilige. The expolitation of masses in the name of religion, glory or development is the same old wine in the same old bottles.

Proletariat or the masses are always in survival mode and neither have will or existential certainty to think. Thinking analytically is a luxury.

Capital always seek rent. Be it material or religious/mental capital. This the nature of the system. Also the reason of Human Condition as we find it today and in the past.

We see so called educated class but it is mere trained class to 'work' for the capitalist class. It is the same everywhere be it West or East.

I do suspect that apart from brahmins there must be an business oligarchy that benefits with the current trends in india.

What is your take on this?

As the fascism enters in more robustness or forward thrust in india we shall see more violence not only physcial but also business wise. Consolidation phase.

The lure of powerful and authortarian 'leaders' always is blinding. As you can see here at PDF even the persumed educated indians are vouching for more maleness of india. This psyche is the one which feeds entitelment and epidemic of rape.

Anyhow, as the global power shift is accelerating this offers indian fascist forces a window of opportunity to gain Total Power.

Ever wondered why the book written by a monster who gassed humans is still popular in india?

These educated indian admire a monster for his 'leadership'.

Looking forward to your insights.

You can choose to call me Dutchman.

I am not ethno-nationalist. I am first and far most a human and then I am Dutch. I am NOT Chinese. Though a dedicated, life long student of China and Chinese Civlisation. Let there be no misunderstanding!



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