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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

I am admittedly behind the times on this.

Can you show me this law please?

Chief Justice of India A.N. Ray, heading a five-judge Bench, in Rev. Stainislaus vs. State of Madhya Pradesh, upheld the validity of two regional anti-conversion laws of the 1960s — the Madhya Pradesh Dharma Swatantraya Adhiniyam and the Orissa Freedom of Religion Act.

The court dissected Article 25 to hold that “the Article does not grant the right to convert other persons to one’s own religion but to transmit or spread one’s religion by an exposition of its tenets.”

“What is freedom for one is freedom for the other in equal measure and there can, therefore, be no such thing as a fundamental right to convert any person to one’s own religion,” the court interpreted.

PS: I am unable to post links.
What is your problem if they are ALL Christian, to the last man and woman, Ranjeet bhai?

Tumhare thali se bhojan ccheen rahe hain?

Bhaisaab I don't have a problem with the conversion but the whining of evangelists over Ghar Wapsi. There shouldn't be no monopoly over selling religion. Period. Let the better salesmen please their Gods in this d**k measuring.
Yes, I cam quivering in my boots.

What happens when all those dalits/SCs/STs pick up arms against the Christians and Muslims ? will you still be cheering for them ? :coffee:

Just curious to find how deep your love for them goes.
i will die of disgust if such level of violence happens, whether between castes or religions or regions or languages.
i would not recommend any type of violence, esp with my own countrymen
Bhaisaab I don't have a problem with the conversion but the whining of evangelists over Ghar Wapsi. There shouldn't be no monopoly over selling religion. Period. Let the better salesmen please their Gods in this d**k measuring.

Yes, Like East Timore , let India break up again so that the New East India compnay can take over our lives again. :coffee:
in that case, an evangelical who lures me into Christianity in return for food and education is far better than the lathi wielding, illiterate ghar wapsi hoodlums, no ?
u can make a "mahal" out of ur culture and your values, I give more priority to my economics and children's future.
Heard about Swami Laxmanananda?
Bhaisaab I don't have a problem with the conversion but the whining of evangelists over Ghar Wapsi. There shouldn't be no monopoly over selling religion. Period. Let the better salesmen please their Gods in this d**k measuring.


Personally I have no place in my life for conversion.

I think it's an absurd concept.

But to each his own ...
i will die of disgust if such level of violence happens, whether between castes or religions or regions or languages.
i would not recommend any type of violence, esp with my own countrymen

Yet you had no disgust when threatening me that I will have no fingers left if they take up arms against Me or my kind.


but Not surprising.


Personally I have no place in my life for conversion.

I think it's an absurd concept.

But to each his own ...

I strongly suggest you read this book,


I hope reading such books is not against your value systems.
True, that is how the British mastered India.

They payed the Sepoys much better than the Islamic kings.

Like I have said before, Fight can be only between EQUALS. First prepare a Level Playing Field. Hindus are THE poorest people in the World, Hindus are Politically the WEAKEST people in the world. Christians are the RICHEST people in the world, they are also Politically the MOST POWERFUL in the world.

The fight is not a fair one.

Forcing a man to choose between his Culture/Values OR an better economical future for his children is an UNFAIR, UNETHICAL and an IMMORAL act. Can you not see that ?

Or do you think such things are irrelevant ? they become relevat only when "sanghis" become hoodlums ?
u forgot a crucial link in between sepoys and independence .... the unwavering loyalty of RSS to the British.
@ranjeet, brother, you very well know that not all of them NGOs are hired to pick on the central govt , some are genuinely doing their work and even putting their lives at risk while doing that.
I didn't say all of them are but a huge chunk is involved. Even UPA asked IB to probe role of Foreign funded NGOs.
Heard about Swami Laxmanananda?

That is old news,


u forgot a crucial link in between sepoys and independence .... the unwavering loyalty of RSS to the British.

Only the RSS was formed by DR. Hegdewar , who was a staunch disciple of Veer Savarkar. The same savarkar who was sentenced to Kaala Pani though no court could find him gulity, while Nehru and gandhi took a comfortable private jail time with the british.

I forget nothing, probably because unlike most Indians, I actually do know my history. Not the one's that the british taught us or which the CONgress tried to teach us.
In western countries people are leaving Christianity in droves, 20-30% of people in US, UK, Australia etc terms themselves as Atheists or people with no religion now. Thus these missionaries are desperate to expand in places like India, China and Africa. No muslim or christian has been able to explain how the 'Ours is the only true religion, yours is worshiping the satan' concept is compatible with secularism and thus good for India or the world. The Universe is 6000 years old, yeah right!
Heard about Swami Laxmanananda?
can u enlighten me ?

That is old news,


Only the RSS was formed by DR. Hegdewar , who was a staunch disciple of Veer Savarkar. The same savarkar who was sentenced to Kaala Pani though no court could find him gulity, while Nehru and gandhi took a comfortable private jail time with the british.

I forget nothing, probably because unlike most Indians, I actually do know my history. Not the one's that the british taught us or which the CONgress tried to teach us.
nice diversion.
more disdainful and painful than the one we have in NH8, eh @ranjeet bhai
In places where there is a sizable Christian population the Church shamelessly interferes and plays Politics and endorses Political parties and candidates who are Christian-friendly meaning who will help them with their conversion-agenda in future when they win and that is the whole plan of these missionaries to yield power and further push their conversion-agenda

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