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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

they are NOT religious groups, they are regional groups.
i was wondering why you left the largest one, ULFA, unmentioned ?
These groups have full backing from churches from across the world.

The Influence of the Christian Missionaries and the Western countries

NDFB, being strongly backed by Christian missionaries of the west carried out large scale religious conversion of the Bodos, to the extent that the rich culture of the Bodos was threatened. The Hindu Bodos were isolated and some even forcefully converted under the influence of the Missionary backed NDFB. Due to such activity, NDFB was able to attract so many sources of funds from the west and pleased missionaries that they had M-16 guns with them. Even the ULFA who raised much more funds from Assam never had M-16 guns till very recent days.

Free nagaland with Baptism as religion.

'Church backing Tripura rebels'

Close association with NSNC IM.
can u enlighten me ?

nice diversion.
more disdainful and painful than the one we have in NH8, eh @ranjeet bhai

Leave them, they are crying on population less than 3%.. Tthey artificially introduce boogeman to create panic... perfect example for the topic...

Last time there was a guy who show off in Tirumala with bible.. I condemned such act, so are the Christian groups..

no one said a word on people like them... Their sole motive is disrupt prayers and create drama... none condemned..
Chief Justice of India A.N. Ray, heading a five-judge Bench, in Rev. Stainislaus vs. State of Madhya Pradesh, upheld the validity of two regional anti-conversion laws of the 1960s — the Madhya Pradesh Dharma Swatantraya Adhiniyam and the Orissa Freedom of Religion Act.

The court dissected Article 25 to hold that “the Article does not grant the right to convert other persons to one’s own religion but to transmit or spread one’s religion by an exposition of its tenets.”

“What is freedom for one is freedom for the other in equal measure and there can, therefore, be no such thing as a fundamental right to convert any person to one’s own religion,” the court interpreted.

PS: I am unable to post links.

It's crystal clear.

The right to convert is not a fundamental right.

The right to proselytize IS.

You may want to revisit your earlier post thus.
Leave them, they are crying on population less than 3%.. Tthey artificially introduce boogeman to create panic... perfect example for the topic...

Last time there was a guy who show off in Tirumala with bible.. I condemned such act, so are the Christian groups..

no one said a word on people like them... Their sole motive is disrupt prayers and create drama... none condemned..

Yes, your crocodile tears are touching.

It's crystal clear.

The right to convert is not a fundamental right.

The right to proselytize IS.

You may want to revisit your earlier post thus.

Hit google with the search,

"Propagation without proselytisation: what the law says"

It will Throw up the Hindu article with this title.
Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel - Dr. Samuel Johnson

“Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it.” George Bernard Shaw

Patriotism should come from your own thoughts, conscious & mind.
But Modi is feeding it (patriotism) to Indians.
Wrong way of handling things.

The most dangerous fact is number 8, Which i'm afraid unfortunately the current BJP regime seems to be headed towards


@baajey @Joe Shearer
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Malappuram, Kerala – Construction of Masjid on Hindu temple land

Photographs of under-construction mosque


Village Records

The village records clearly prove that the land belongs to Annara Ayyapan temple. But Malappuram is a place where the laws of the land are seldom enforced on the Muslim community and their sympathisers.



Village records showing land where mosque is being illegally constructed is owned by Annara Ayyapan temple
The shops of these Christian missionaries ran amok in places like India, China and Africa where they abuse the native religion call them false and preach how there religion is the 'only' true religion and if they don't accept they will burn in hell yadla yadla. Add to that offering of money, food, job etc to fool poor people. The keyword here being 'blasphemy law' if these Christian missionaries try and run their fraud shops in Islamic countries and abuse the native religion, they will be hanged in no time by the state itself and here they jump up and down about some prayer meet aka conversion fair being disrupted.
you are right. justice shouldnt be hostage to one's religion.


Gadanath Chalanseth, Bijaya Kumar Shyamseth, Buddha Nayak, Sanatan Badamajhi, Duryadhan Sunamajhi, Bhaskar Sunamajhi and Munda Badamajhi.

ALL CHRISTIANS. (don't be fooled by the Name)
saala one of those aholes have my name (not the gadhanath thoh, lol)
good that our judiciary functions, sometimes.
You bimaru pea brain. Ltte was created by GOI. Even the great economist Amartya Sen said TN would be more prosperous if it seperates from India.

You know I am not a tamil. I never claimed to be one.

No more replies to you smelly gai gobbar chaap bhaiya.

Is this Tamil Nadu prosperity ?


Bhayya state UP waived loans of farmers- What did the rich Tamil Nadu do- You should stop reading Amartya Sen too much- If you do you will only get this result-

And now why are you ashamed of your Tamil Nadu roots- Is that how you plan a separate Tamil Nadu- by Inferiority complex from Bhayyas ?
By these criteria, we are around halfway there to becoming a fascist state.

1, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13.

Pity, For all it's multitude of societal short comings one thing India stood aloft among it's peers in the region is the secular democracy and a deeply religious society, But that faith remained strongly personal.. In order to survive it needs to uphold it, It's not a homogeneous nation to have one religio/ethnicity dominate its ethos
Yet you had no disgust when threatening me that I will have no fingers left if they take up arms against Me or my kind.
some ppl are special you know, hence they need special treatment. u didnt mince your words disregarding (in fact made a mockery) the state of disadvantaged ppl ie SC/STs while replying to one of the blokes here. you didnt stand in ur "values" then. why ??

however, if you found my post offensive, i apologize and will delete the post if u wish.
some ppl are special you know, hence they need special treatment. u didnt mince your words disregarding (in fact made a mockery) the state of disadvantaged ppl ie SC/STs while replying to one of the blokes here. you didnt stand in ur "values" then. why ??

however, if you found my post offensive, i apologize and will delete the post if u wish.

I don't get affected by what people say, so feel free to keep you post.

I was just pointing out the Double Standard that seems to be the rule rather than the exception. It shows a deep malaise against the "special ppl".

I was making a fair comparison / analogy between the Non reserved and reserved caste in India AND the comparision between Hindus vs the Christians in the global context.

What is good for the goose, should be good for the gander.

In the global context, the Hindus are as disadvantaged as the "Dalits" when it comes to competing with the Christians in "conversion". There is no level playing field, even in our Home Ground. I am not even going to speak about foreign soil.

Hindus ARE the "Dalits" of the Global world order run by Christians and Muslims. Nobody wants to acknowledge it.

One only needs to visit the M.E to see this world order spelled out clearly. I would recommend Saudi Arabia where they are pretty blunt in their assessment and treatment. Its refreshingly Honest and hence not very appetizing.
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