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How Hindutva agents have shattered their own dreams

I don't get affected by what people say, so feel free to keep you post.

I was just pointing out the Double Standard that seems to be the rule rather than the exception. It shows a deep malaise against the "special ppl".

I was making a fair comparison / analogy between the Non reserved and reserved caste in India AND the comparision between Hindus vs the Christians in the global context.

What is good for the goose, should be good for the gander.

In the global context, the Hindus are as disadvantaged as the "Dalits" when it comes to competing with the Christians in "conversion". There is no level playing field, even in our Home Ground. I am not even going to speak about foreign soil.

Hindus ARE the "Dalits" of the Global world order run by Christians and Muslims. Nobody wants to acknowledge it.

One only needs to visit the M.E to see this world order spelled out clearly. I would recommend Saudi Arabia where they are pretty blunt in their assessment and treatment. Its refreshingly Honest and hence not very appetizing.
cant say i disagree with ur post. at least much of it.
but unlike dalits, hindus (lets not feel that the two are different or something) have a level playing field. you have 80% hindus against maybe 3% christians. with all the NGO/vatican/hollywood wealth being allegedly dispersed amongst the poor, they are still at 3%.
while dalits have no such luxury. they (majority country wise) are shunned from mainstream neighbourhoods (esp in villages) to some rotten end where nobody bothers to go, including urself.
so the analogy you were speaking of, doesnt hold its ground.

I am a dalit and I can bet more Dalits/SCs/STs will point their guns at you than at Vishwabalas.
ok. i will die for your amusement, just this once ..... :suicide:
cant say i disagree with ur post. at least much of it.
but unlike dalits, hindus (lets not feel that the two are different or something) have a level playing field. you have 80% hindus against maybe 3% christians. with all the NGO/vatican/hollywood wealth being allegedly dispersed amongst the poor, they are still at 3%.
while dalits have no such luxury. they (majority country wise) are shunned from mainstream neighbourhoods (esp in villages) to some rotten end where nobody bothers to go, including urself.
so the analogy you were speaking of, doesnt hold its ground.

You are looking at it all wrong.

Consider the Christian a Global MNC, the 2-3 % Indians are only their Indian franchises like McDonalds.

PS: BTW Indians love McDonalds even if what they serve is really really bad for you. :P

An attack on a nondescript church makes it to the Media Headlines, while an attack on a 350 year old temple does not even make it to the Media (happened yesterday). Ever wonder WHY ?

Ever wonder why a Hindu India is not allowed to Make Nuclear bombs ?

Even today, we are not part of the Designated Nuclear power state. This is despite having an impeccable record, while the US turned a blind eye on Pakistani bomb and non proliferation and Chinese help.

Indians WERE shunned by the global community and we were under Global sanctions for daring to stand up on our own feet. Just review the visa rules of any western nations between 1947 till 1998. You will see the blatant discrimination against Indians.

Even in the Middle East, what kind of social standing does an Indian have Compared to a Arab or a European ?

Osho Rajneesh was poisoned by the CIA and was forced to come back to India. Swami Prakashanand Saraswati was put to trial and sentenced to imprisonment on a absurd charge and a shamelessly biased trial that shocked even the Americans.

Consider the attack on Hindu gurus in India, Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Nityananda, Sri Ravi Shankar, Satguru Vasudev, Swami lakshmanananda, Assaram bapu.........EVERYONE of them have been attacked and slandered. Every wonder WHY ?

If you go to any christian run School, College, Hospitals in India you will always find a majority of Christians employed there. The christian students gets first preference, the hindu students gets last preference. A second class citizen in his own country.
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I am a dalit and I can bet more Dalits/SCs/STs will point their guns at you than at Vishwabalas.

The problem with these people is that- the new Batch of University graduates belonging to OBC and SC/ST community from small towns are rising to bust their theories in a grand way- In spite of all the measures put by them to educate them according to their twisted theories about their origins and what ideology they should follow-

The next shock would be in coming 5 years when the girls belonging to backward communities too come and challenge their throne with their brothers- Their days of self delusional twisted ideology is numbered- It will be a flood-

cant say i disagree with ur post. at least much of it.
but unlike dalits, hindus (lets not feel that the two are different or something) have a level playing field. you have 80% hindus against maybe 3% christians. with all the NGO/vatican/hollywood wealth being allegedly dispersed amongst the poor, they are still at 3%.
while dalits have no such luxury. they (majority country wise) are shunned from mainstream neighbourhoods (esp in villages) to some rotten end where nobody bothers to go, including urself.
so the analogy you were speaking of, doesnt hold its ground.

Who shunned them there- Don't say Sanghis were ruling this country for centuries-

That is reservations made for them just because their grand father or grand mother fcuked a white man and became christians.

Anglo Indians have enjoyed the cream for long without doing any thing to achieve that- Their reservation was the most oppressive thing done by Independent India- It like reserving permanent berths for various princess to continue ruing their respective states- Some times I think Indians were to docile- they should have dragged these people to the guillotine like the French-
The problem with these people is that- the new Batch of University graduates belonging to OBC and SC/ST community from small towns are rising to bust their theories in a grand way- In spite of all the measures put by them to educate them according to their twisted theories about their origins and what ideology they should follow-

The next shock would be in coming 5 years when the girls belonging to backward communities too come and challenge their throne with their brothers- Their days of self delusional twisted ideology is numbered- It will be a flood-
Not just here in India, they are going to get their *** whooped all over the world. People are done with these cultural marxists and their manufactured venomous theories.

This is Berkeley :D
Dear BlackIndian,

Thank you for your feedback. It does help indeed to gain a bigger picture of rise and motives of fascism in india.

Monopoly power structures are always resilient and will go to any length to keep the power and privilige. The expolitation of masses in the name of religion, glory or development is the same old wine in the same old bottles.

Proletariat or the masses are always in survival mode and neither have will or existential certainty to think. Thinking analytically is a luxury.

Capital always seek rent. Be it material or religious/mental capital. This the nature of the system. Also the reason of Human Condition as we find it today and in the past.

We see so called educated class but it is mere trained class to 'work' for the capitalist class. It is the same everywhere be it West or East.

I do suspect that apart from brahmins there must be an business oligarchy that benefits with the current trends in india.

What is your take on this?

As the fascism enters in more robustness or forward thrust in india we shall see more violence not only physcial but also business wise. Consolidation phase.

The lure of powerful and authortarian 'leaders' always is blinding. As you can see here at PDF even the persumed educated indians are vouching for more maleness of india. This psyche is the one which feeds entitelment and epidemic of rape.

Anyhow, as the global power shift is accelerating this offers indian fascist forces a window of opportunity to gain Total Power.

Ever wondered why the book written by a monster who gassed humans is still popular in india?

These educated indian admire a monster for his 'leadership'.

Looking forward to your insights.

You can choose to call me Dutchman.

I am not ethno-nationalist. I am first and far most a human and then I am Dutch. I am NOT Chinese. Though a dedicated, life long student of China and Chinese Civlisation. Let there be no misunderstanding!


Brahmans are the fascists. Baniya caste (trader and businessmen) are the capitalists. Brahmans are the mastermind. Baniyas are the financiers.

Brahmans consider themselves to be white so they admire hitler. When a white supremacists kills them for being brown. They get a reality check.
Not just here in India, they are going to get their *** whooped all over the world. People are done with these cultural marxists and their manufactured venomous theories.

This is Berkeley :D

In India they are even better- they are willing to wipe all Hindi speaking people for their slice of steak- Why are we even tolerating this shit- :disagree:
If you go to any christian run School, College, Hospitals in India you will always find a majority of Christians employed there. The christian students gets first preference, the hindu students gets last preference. A second class citizen in his own country.
What bs. I studied in Saifee Hall, comprising mostly Muslims and Christians, in my school years. Now I am studying in a reputed Christian college in Central Calcutta and let me tell you, no one is discriminated there on the basis of religion of any sort. There are 5% or something quota for Christian students, that's about it. Its funny how you badmouth the Christian missionaries who have helped you guys so much
What bs. I studied in Saifee Hall, comprising mostly Muslims and Christians, in my school years. Now I am studying in a reputed Christian college in Central Calcutta and let me tell you, no one is discriminated there on the basis of religion of any sort. There are 5% or something quota for Christian students, that's about it. Its funny how you badmouth the Christian missionaries who have helped you guys so much

That's not entirely the whole picture though.

Professional colleges run by Christians, I know of two top ones in Bangalore and Vellore, take almost all Christians.

A non Christian has to be in the top 5% to have a chance of getting in. If at all.
That's not entirely the whole picture though.

Professional colleges run by Christians, I know of two top ones in Bangalore and Vellore, take almost all Christians.

A non Christian has to be in the top 5% to have a chance of getting in. If at all.
Well then that's bad

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