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How do you Chinese view the rapid development of the past 35 years?

Whether one party or multiple party is good, I stick to Maoism. Mao advocate multi-party elections, press freedom and independence judiciary and economic socialism.

How many Mao's works did PDF people read. Lux read a lot. I swallow up many of the Mao collection, 毛主席选集, and that is the reaason, Lux is able to put forward ideas that most are not able to.

During the civil war period, some Mao's ideology during that time is not only the treasure for China, but also for the entire mankind and it is time to rediscover them.






In PDF,LUX is the ONLY supporter on Mao's ideology.

Chairman Mao's thinking is treasure for people, but it's not suitable for current time, he looked too far.
Ningbo? Welcome neighbor, I am from Shanghai, we are connected by the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, the 2nd longest sea bridge in the world! (1st being Jiaozhou Bay Bridge in Qingdao).

Hangzhou Bay Bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Is this the observation platform of the bridge?
Last time I took a bus from Shanghai to Zhoushan, but encountered a terrible traffic jam on the bridge, it took about six hours to Zhoushan. I think they should consider a railway tunnel in the next 5-year plan.
Three only in NanChang city :pop::D

1. “南昌之星 / NanChang Star” :smitten:
only in Nanchang.jpg


2. "秋水广场 / Music Fountain of QiuShui Square" :woot:




3. “滕王阁 / Pavilion of Prince Teng” :coffee:

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Is this the observation platform of the bridge?
Last time I took a bus from Shanghai to Zhoushan, but encountered a terrible traffic jam on the bridge, it took about six hours to Zhoushan. I think they should consider a railway tunnel in the next 5-year plan.

Yes, it one of the observation platforms. Since the bridge is over 36 km long, facilities like observation platform, gas station, emergency rescue station, marine traffic control tower, helicopter pad, etc., are necessary.

About rail, I need to check. There is a second bridge already under construction.
I've been to this pavilion in 2008, one of the three major pavilions in Jiangnan(south to Yangtze river), the other two in my city Wuhan and Yueyang.
屏幕快照 2015-04-03 13.32.54.png

@BoQ77 find one in Nanchang, u seem to quite like this sort of malls recently:-)
Let me help you bro, @cnleio I don't know why a Walmart is located in a Wanda Plaza, do you have your own local supermarkets?:o:
屏幕快照 2015-04-03 13.39.47.png

@cnleio I like the countryside of Jiangxi Province!!!
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More cars, more highways; more highways, more cars ... sell more cheaper, more ppl buy cars ... more companies building automobiles,more ppl work ... GDP Up ↑

not cheap at all, the Buick I bought 5 years ago cost me more than 45,000 usd including a Shanghai car license plate. yes the same model car price is lower today, but the damn iron plate also double it's price now, about 17,000 usd. :o::woot:
not cheap at all, the Buick I bought 5 years ago cost me more than 45,000 usd including a Shanghai car license plate. yes the same model car price is lower today, but the damn iron plate also double it's price now, about 17,000 usd. :o::woot:
Car will selling more cheaper like cellphone in future China, "Made in China" brand automobile is cheap but foreign brand car not cheap coz higher import tax. The car license plate will be expensive in the city coz many China big cities r limiting new cars, car license <<< cars.

Currently 50,000~150,000RMB price car for most Chinese family.
This is disgusting!
One of the worst things has happened which comes along with fast develpment during the time

Shanghai Dance Theatre

@Keel , bro, are you in Greece ? I saw from internet that Greece government is considering use bit coin as their currency, what a incredible country ! :rofl::omghaha:

Looks like ChongQing city, only in ChongQing city their skyscrapers & urban rails built on the mountains.

I believe the most special developed city in South-west China is the ChongQing, a mountain city building many skyscrapers u never saw that in other place of this world, really amazing ~!:woot:

A COOL mountain city: ChongQing/重庆

I've been to San francisco, US, it's somewhat similar to Chongqing, but not that many high buildings.
Alibaba to Apply Facial Recognition to Mobile Payment

China's e-commerce giant Alibaba has revealed a facial recognition technology which makes mobile payment as easy as taking a selfie.

The new payment method, called "Smile to Pay", was first demonstrated by Alibaba's founder Jack Ma at the 2015 CeBit technology trade fair held in Hanover, Germany on March 15. He used the method to purchase a souvenir stamp from Alibaba's website.

The payment procedure only takes two steps. The first is to collect a user's facial information and the second is to scan the user's face for payment.

After the user's identity is verified, a transaction will be acknowledged through a notification.

The new method simplifies payment procedures by replacing password for identity verification.

As security concern has long been a major barrier for online transactions, Alibaba said that its facial recognition payment system has an accuracy of above 99 percent.

The method is currently in beta mode.

Chen Jidong, technical director of the Ant Financial, an Alibaba's affiliate, said technologies are needed to be developed to prevent fake identity attacks before it is put into use.
Apparently, you have no ideas about the internal conflicts...I think the current situation is very critical, Xi has clearly done a lot to prevent this tendency, but his biggest enemy is his fellow "comrades" in the politburo.


I read a recent article, it's interesting,

@ChineseTiger1986 ,

I would caution you to read more into actual academic sources properly before you make a judgment, as you have to understand that Xi's policies as per the Plenum, have actually endorsed a growing sense of privatization in the sense of empowering more SOE shareholding in resources. It is all part of Xi's visage of having a more macroeconomic policy.

While Xi proposes that the government retreat from its role in manipulating the prices of key inputs, it is quite clear that the government’s large role as the direct owner of key economic assets will remain. While the Decision contains a number of specific SOE reform proposals (such as raising their dividend payout ratio from the current 10-15% to 30%, and an encouragement of private participation in state-sector investment projects), it retains a commitment to a very large SOE role in economic development.

Subjecting SOEs to much more intense competition and tighter regulation appears to be a big part of Xi’s agenda. In his interview, the Plenum decision recognizes the equal importance of both state and non-state ownership – a shift from previous formulations which always gave primacy to the state sector.

Please review:

[1] “Decision of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee on Several Major Questions About Deepening Reform” (中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定),available in Chinese at 授权发布:中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定-新华网

[2]“Communiqué of the Third Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee” (中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第三次全体会议公报), available in Chinese at 授权发布:中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第三次全体会议公报-高层动态-新华网

[3] Xi Jinping, “An Explanation of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Decision on Several Major Questions About Deepening Reform”( 习近平:关于《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》的说明), available in Chinese at 习近平:关于《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》的说明-高层动态-新华网

Wow, are you really a Japaness? can you read Chinese? :o:
LOL ... im just a fan of Harbin Beer, my favorite ... i can taste the Harbin fashion even in South China.:lol:

Best beer made by best North-East China wheat ... very popular, bro !
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yes, Harbin beer and Qingdao beer are my favorites. :cheers: :smitten::cheers::smitten:

Yeah NE trolls LOL!

Great to have another inland bro here, even better a Hui (Muslim)! Let's have some pics from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region (宁夏) and its capital Yingchuan city (银川). Gonna love the unique landscape and Muslim architecture there (I have suggested this tour destination to a few Pakistani, Indonesian and Malaysian members here on PDF)! Keep up the development and beat the coastal trolls, we Shanghainese can only envy your balanced harmony between economy and natural beauty!

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NingXia is so beautiful :smitten:

I think China success could be its property law (I'm not sure how it works, i'm hoping some of you can cover this).
Jarkata or Delhi for example have narrow roads and crippling traffic jams (pre-colonial planning). But in China, they seem to be able to evict homeowners for complete rebuilding of the city.
In Malaysia, some parts of the old town are deserted, with little commercial interest. Plus property owner would be heavily compensated making it uneconomical for that to happen.

......evict homeowners for complete rebuilding of the city.....
in most case, the old district are dirty, disorderly and bad area of the city. those houseowners in old district of city are dying to government removing their house, because they can negotiate with real estate developer and get a same size brand new apartment as well as a large amount of cash compensation. in big city, this is a well-known way to get rich quick.

I've been living in Shanghai for 7 years! 100 metres from 淮海中路/陕西南路
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btw, Wanda is wanda-ful!
See 楚河汉街

May I call you GDH? :lol: living in that GaoDaShang area is a sin ! :devil:
China's young generation are more pro-CCP. We all see what a chaos the democratic society is. Taiwan in some means is helping the CCP. A failure example is more persuasive than any anti communism propaganda.

I think most of mainland Chinese don't understand and never know about democracy.

I wonder if your local government listen to the people will? And how you people solve the problem that need government help?

Answer me with real life example.

This is one of the biggest concern by Taiwanese, why we fear of reunification.
I think most of mainland Chinese don't understand and never know about democracy.

I wonder if your local government listen to the people will? And how you people solve the problem that need government help?

Answer me with real life example.

This is one of the biggest concern by Taiwanese, why we fear of reunification.
Are you sure we have no idea about democracy? Is democracy too complicated to understand? We are not living in a closed society as N. Koreans are. Believe it or not, mainland Chinese know the world quite well, even better than your Democratic Taiwanese. You can see this from PDF's Chinese posters.

Of course democracy makes people feel good. No matter how shitty their society is. People still feel good. Because the shits were made by everybody. You have no reason to complain about it.

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