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I personally praise your Obectivity sir @Slav Defence

The point of this problem is The So-Called Professional member in here, e.g gambit.
In most of his post, he always using word "Chinese Member" "PDF Chinese Battalion" and others instead using ID NAME of the poster that he have problem with it.

It's okay if he only an ordinary member, but PDF give him PROFESSIONAL Status and let him hold it until this day. Then it's become Ridiculous, because what he did with insulting Chinese Member Ethnicity is really UN-PROFESSIONAL.

If he keep using generalize word like PDF Chinese Battalion/Chinese Members, others Chinese members who firstly don't bother him will feel they also get Insulted by those Gambit's post. and then will try to attack back with insulting his ethnicity.

and not only that
But Trolling and Insulting Chinese member with saying Chinese members in here don't have any CONTRIBUTIONS to PDF at all, is also really UN-PROFESSIONAL.

Would be nice to hear some opinion from Chinese Ethnic members contributors in PDF
@TaiShang @Kai Liu @AndrewJin

That's a tit for tat case.

I believe with your objectivity.
If you want to solve this problem in PDF, you cannot only clean 'The Smoke' but let 'The Fire' keep going on, trolling and insulting Chinese Member Ethnicity in here.

You need to Clean the smoke and the fire also to really solve this issue, Best Regards from me.

I hope PDF Management can Re-consider his title as PROFESSIONAL to solve this issue properly.
I totally agree with you, Bro. Just check my previous posts about vietnam like post#7 in this thread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/seei...hinese-cities-towns-and-villages-like.524372/ . I definitely had positive views toward vn and vietnamese people. But because of those really annoying trolls like viva_viet, etc., my view has changed...

BTW, I find it so hilarious that a troll named jackdaws is actually here complaining about trolling. WT*...
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I personally praise your Obectivity sir @Slav Defence

The point of this problem is The So-Called Professional member in here, e.g gambit.
In most of his post, he always using word "Chinese Member" "PDF Chinese Battalion" and others instead using ID NAME of the poster that he have problem with it.

It's okay if he only an ordinary member, but PDF give him PROFESSIONAL Status and let him hold it until this day. Then it's become Ridiculous, because what he did with insulting Chinese Member Ethnicity is really UN-PROFESSIONAL.

If he keep using generalize word like PDF Chinese Battalion/Chinese Members, others Chinese members who firstly don't bother him will feel they also get Insulted by those Gambit's post. and then will try to attack back with insulting his ethnicity.

and not only that
But Trolling and Insulting Chinese member with saying Chinese members in here don't have any CONTRIBUTIONS to PDF at all, is also really UN-PROFESSIONAL.

Would be nice to hear some opinion from Chinese Ethnic members contributors in PDF
@TaiShang @Kai Liu @AndrewJin

That's a tit for tat case.

I believe with your objectivity.
If you want to solve this problem in PDF, you cannot only clean 'The Smoke' but let 'The Fire' keep going on, trolling and insulting Chinese Member Ethnicity in here.

You need to Clean the smoke and the fire also to really solve this issue, Best Regards from me.

I hope PDF Management can Re-consider his title as PROFESSIONAL to solve this issue properly.

Best Regards for PDF.

I kind of semi-quit this forum, because of the unfair treatment from those so-called professionals who are encouraged by the PDF team.

Nothing can be done to change this forum.
I agree with what some of the others have already said. The 'China & Far East' is by far the worst section in terms of racism and personal insults. I personally don't browse it much, partly for that reason but it does permeate into other sections of the forum as well.

Maybe people just don't report these posts as there are simply too many or maybe it's the perception that Chinese members are allowed free reign.
I totally agree with you, Bro. Just check my previous posts about vietnam like post#7 in this thread: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/seei...hinese-cities-towns-and-villages-like.524372/ . I definitely had positive views toward vn and vietnamese people. But because of those really annoying trolls like viva_viet, etc., my view has changed...

BTW, I find it so hilarious that a troll named jackdaws is actually here complaining about trolling. WT*...

I kind of semi-quit this forum, because of the unfair treatment from those so-called professionals who are encouraged by the PDF team.

Nothing can be done to change this forum.

Please No bro but if that's your choice, I cannot do anything.

Your Chinese High Speed Train, Chinese Metro Network, and Chinese Train Export thread in "China & far east Section" is Top 3 most Valuable Thread there.
One of the reason for many Members come to PDF is to watching Updates and New Information from those thread (including me).

Kai liu's thread about Chinese Car Production, Chinese Car Brands, and Future of Cars is also very Valuable to this forum.

If those thread dies, then "China & far east" section will lose his charm. and only get fueled by other non valuable threads.

Would be nice to hear your opinion also guys
@Cybernetics @haidian @WebMaster

He mean this one @gambit
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Please No bro but if that's your choice, I cannot do anything.

Your Chinese High Speed Train, Chinese Metro Network, and Chinese Train Export thread in "China & far east Section" is Top 3 most Valuable Thread there.
One of the reason for many Members come to PDF is to watching Updates and New Information from those thread (including me).

Kai liu's thread about Chinese Car Production, Chinese Car Brands, and Future of Cars is also very Valuable to this forum.

If those thread dies, then "China & far east" section will lose his charm. and only get fueled by other non valuable threads.

Would be nice to hear your opinion also guys
@Cybernetics @haidian @WebMaster

He mean this one @gambit
The management team of this forum makes it no meaning for me to update those threads
once I have heavily invested on.

They chose to support trolls to stir up the traffic, then I chose to leave.
Simple + and -
Indians and Americans aren't entirely innocent and they equally target Chinese members. Jhungary and Gambit have a history of confrontation with the Chinese. It would be unfair to accept their narrative, as the Chinese side too has justified grievances.
Where are the Chinese mods? Why aren't they resolving these issues?
Where are the Chinese mods? Why aren't they resolving these issues?
It seems that they quitted long time ago.
They themselves are the targets of abusive powers of PDF-sponsored trolls.

Indians and Americans aren't entirely innocent and they equally target Chinese members. Jhungary and Gambit have a history of confrontation with the Chinese. It would be unfair to accept their narrative, as the Chinese side too has justified grievances.
My 10 negative all came from single abusive "professionals".

When those trolls with PDF-delegated power can get away with their own abusive history and use their power to "revenge", nothing can be done to save this abysmal sub-forum.

So many Chinese members see through this unfair game and have left permanently.

I personally kind of semi-quit, shrinking the number of my contributions to my existing threads to less than 10 comments per week.
Where are the Chinese mods? Why aren't they resolving these issues?

Shotgunner (Chinese Mods) and Ahojunk (Australian Mods) they choose to move away from PDF after they see and realize that "PDF Management" still keep 2 Anti-China the so called professional (Gambit and Jhungray) free to troll and bait Chinese members to troll them back.

After some Chinese members troll them back, then both of them will cry to mods and asking those Chinese members to get banned.

Both Chinese (Shotgunner) and Australian (Ahojunk) mods know the source of this problem is from Flame Bait posts by that 2 "so called Professional members"

For example :
You can see, most of gambit's posts using word "Chinese Members" "PDF Chinese Battalion" instead using ID name of member he has problem with.

That's a bait post for other Chinese members. when some Chinese members troll them back, then they will cry and play as a victim.
and the most ridiculous thing is, they keep protected by PDF management as the so called "professional"

What professional?:lol: that's only dragging down the whole PDF forum

Chinese (Shotgunner) and Australian (Ahojunk) mods tired of this Unfair Condition for Some countries members e.g Chinese members, then they choose to leave and move away from this PDF. They said that in reply email to me, when I'm asking why both of them rarely seen on PDF now.
(it happens long time ago)

That's answer your question, sir?

I hope PDF can become a better forum for all, if I don't care with PDF then I will choose to just move away and never come back to this forum. @WebMaster @Slav Defence

Just look at that 2 "so called Professional" members (gambit and jhungray), see how they bashing Both Chinese and Australian mods (Shotgunner and Ahojunk) for what they have done to keep China & Far East Section keep attractive, full of quality threads and become one of the best informative section in this forum

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It seems that they quitted long time ago.
They themselves are the targets of abusive powers of PDF-sponsored trolls.

My 10 negative all came from single abusive "professionals".

When those trolls with PDF-delegated power can get away with their own abusive history and use their power to "revenge", nothing can be done to save this abysmal sub-forum.

So many Chinese members see through this unfair game and have left permanently.

I personally kind of semi-quit, shrinking the number of my contributions to my existing threads to less than 10 comments per week.
They do gang up on Chinese members and I can attest to this fact. Also admissable to say that there is lack of coherence in forums rules and policy implementation. Everything is subject to admins own bias, you will find many instances where members have been penalised over inane comments and those with serious offences run amok. But thats the story which fits the Internet fora all around.
I agree, abstract titles such as 'Professional', 'Think Tank', 'Analyst' etc. are meaningless. What's worse is when members with such titles abuse their powers, ie. give out negative ratings on posts they don't agree with or make inflammatory posts against entire nationalities/ethnicities for the sake of gathering "thanks". This kind of conduct encourages newbies and trolls to behave in the same manner and the entire forum devolves into a mudslinging contest. Admittedly, mudslinging has always been an issue here but it's gotten much worse as of late. That's just my observation as someone who browses this website sporadically.

Having said all that, the 'China & Far-East' sub-forum is predominantly filled with racist insults such as "monkeys", "slaves", "low IQ" etc. and is still the most disgusting section by a nautical mile.
ban indians they offer nothing to the forum except being trolls
Indians and Americans aren't entirely innocent and they equally target Chinese members. Jhungary and Gambit have a history of confrontation with the Chinese. It would be unfair to accept their narrative, as the Chinese side too has justified grievances.

I didn't just tell my side of the story, I quoted people form any nationality to come testify, and you will all hear the same story.

Did I target the Chinese member? Sure, but that does not mean they are innocents either, in fact, in my post, I urge the moderator NOT TO TAKE MY WORD for it, and go directly to the forum and see for themselves.

And finally there are NO justified grievance, two wrong DOES NOT make one right.

Maybe people just don't report these posts as there are simply too many or maybe it's the perception that Chinese members are allowed free reign.

As far as I see, it was both.

Back in the day when I still believe reporting solve the problem, I reported A LOT of post, I even have moderator said me to he is taking a long time to deal with the post I reported one day (I think it was 50+ a day, I don't quite remember) I did it for 4 years. and see where it get me.

On the other hand, moderator have been giving leeway (especially Chinese mod in Chinese section, they simply not on, or don't care.) to the Chinese member. While time after time the post I or @gambit reply to the insult is deleted and the insult Itself remain. You can still find remnant of these post litter all over the section.

Even now, I can still quote you some post laden with insult in the Chinese member even after this thing exploded.

The amount of cognitive dissonance and stupidity is astounding in the above post.


This fucktard seriously asked for an example which country the US destroyed for refusing to use the USD to trade!

The US has destroyed countries under false accusations who refused to use the USD to trade their commodities and you moron has the cheek to talk about terrorism!

keep writing your fantasy, as matter of fact, your ancestors had such low life by crawling to Chinese imperial palace begging for peace by offer tribute as consider their nation as tributary state of China, I guess the millennium humiliation is still not enough.:laugh:

Vietnam will be split back into two by 2023, probably sooner. Tell that to your fellow monkeys.

There u go, East Asian IQ vs Maritime Austronesian IQ- that's the difference.

You're not even fit to talk about intelligence. Truly smart people dont even realise they are smart most of the time.

Low iq is low IQ. seems like the Dutch should never have left u guys on your own. U guys need others to rule over u all.

China should send the 8th Zhenghe voyage to go colonise Indonesia now and bolster the ranks of the tiny amount of Chinese already there. maybe indonesian's average IQ will increase

go back to farming your fields instead of surfing PDF- heard internets cost a bomb in indonesia lololol.


Just becos I hurt your ego? By pointing indonesia's( rem, u dragged her in) pathetic economic state of affairs?

Face it, U guys don't even manufacture any shit- just keretek cigarettes that Americans don't even bother to smoke( I love them though, though not everyone appreciates it's tropical spicy flavor). Thus selling off your country's natural assets like oil n gas is the only way to earn some export-derived gdp

Being exploited for natural resources. In this manner, indonesia is just like the middle East n africa- no?

U chose to take it personally n defensively n don't even realize all these yourself.

I dont even know why im replying to the same repeititive cow kud that u keep regurgitating.
IQ problem, can't help !

IQ problem, can't help !
and that is just the first 10 thread from the Chinese and Far East section
And finally there are NO justified grievance, two wrong DOES NOT make one right.
Their grievances against partiality are justified, but you are in no position to decide what is right and wrong, when your own stance is already compromised. Chinese members deserve the right to be heard and convey their concerns. It's not that only anti-Chinese members should have their say in every matter.

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