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Please moderate posts that are anti Hindu. Anti-Indian is ok I suppose given the animosity between the two countries. I for one keep screen shots especially when overseas Pakistanis talk about "slaughtering" Hindus causally.

Second. LET is a terrorist organization. Mr Windjammer just opened a thread calling them freedom fighters. Please moderate the title and let this forum not come across as hub of terror sympathizers.

Just a request of course...if this doesn't fit with the new agenda of the forum, please ignore.

Don't waste your time. That ship has sailed.
Add a Bitcoin or Rupee Coin (RUP an Indian ccurrency) tip system.

It will be productive and useful.

Beside thank button, add a tip button for bitcoin tips.

earning and posting together.
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Can someone give me a list of UK moderators? @waz @Jungibaaz who else is one?

Guys I think it’s best if there has to be a form of direct communication required with an individual, the moderator within that region should deal with it. I just feel due to cultural differences - there’s a gap in understanding. Also I don’t understand some of these mods and what exactly they’re trying to communicate. Thanks
Can someone give me a list of UK moderators? @waz @Jungibaaz who else is one?

Guys I think it’s best if there has to be a form of direct communication required with an individual, the moderator within that region should deal with it. I just feel due to cultural differences - there’s a gap in understanding. Also I don’t understand some of these mods and what exactly they’re trying to communicate. Thanks

I think @Zaki is there too, but I have not seen him in some time.
Is there any way to permit longer thread titles? Sometimes the articles we post have titles longer than the Forum permits [example]. This clashes with the requirement that we post the original headline of the article as the thread title.
I just finished thinking about something @The Eagle
wrote in Whatever in an attempt to explain how his
actions as member and as moderator are different.

Being a regular user of colour and style formatting,
it got me thinking to a regular practice on old fora.

What if a given red was chosen for moderating posts?
When any mod intervenes as a mod, he could use a
pre-set format with a colour and why not a font NOT
available to other non-staff members.

That's to say that on viewing, the message appears
clearly as a moderation "suggestion", warning, order.
No confusion is then possible and if both the colour
and the font have to come out of the existing choices,
I'll live with that.

: .
If someone continues after the above, it's not the mods
that are doing him in but his/her own stupidity, TBH?

By the way, when I was squad leader and Platoon second,
refusing an order got you 8 days in the can auto & pronto.

And this is a mil forum, so ...

Good day all, Tay.
These LOC topics have ruined this forum. Its a headache to even venture into the Army forum. Never have i seen anywhere else the death of an individual soldier being posted so enthusiastically and i am talking about both sides.

These poor men died in performing their duties and such losses are glorified by opposite sides in a very sad manner. Give the soldier some respect, both sides. These soldiers are following orders in the wake of the night without rest or sleep unlike the politicians who sleep comfortable in beds and sit in Air conditioned offices. Politicians are creating wars and soldiers are paying the price with their lives.

A major belief is that timing of death has been written and cannot be averted, if somebody's time is up, he will leave this world whether by a bullet or a medical reason. The posters here don't know the lives of soldiers individually or explicitly unlike the famous people like actors, politicians etc whose lives are found on Google links. These soldiers are dying for their respective countries. Their deaths are being counted one by one with such vigour, zeal and zest as if each member who posts one casualty here thinks he has added one inch to his _____ . In reality, when those posts are read, it only appears that the brain of the poster has shrunk by one inch due to these acts.

Are wars really won by counting dead bodies? then USA won the Vietnam war because USA killed 10 times more than the casualties it suffered.

No wonder alot of members who posted really informative posts have vanished, retired or joined other forums.
These LOC topics have ruined this forum. Its a headache to even venture into the Army forum. Never have i seen anywhere else the death of an individual soldier being posted so enthusiastically and i am talking about both sides.

These poor men died in performing their duties and such losses are glorified by opposite sides in a very sad manner. Give the soldier some respect, both sides. These soldiers are following orders in the wake of the night without rest or sleep unlike the politicians who sleep comfortable in beds and sit in Air conditioned offices. Politicians are creating wars and soldiers are paying the price with their lives.

A major belief is that timing of death has been written and cannot be averted, if somebody's time is up, he will leave this world whether by a bullet or a medical reason. The posters here don't know the lives of soldiers individually or explicitly unlike the famous people like actors, politicians etc whose lives are found on Google links. These soldiers are dying for their respective countries. Their deaths are being counted one by one with such vigour, zeal and zest as if each member who posts one casualty here thinks he has added one inch to his _____ . In reality, when those posts are read, it only appears that the brain of the poster has shrunk by one inch due to these acts.

Are wars really won by counting dead bodies? then USA won the Vietnam war because USA killed 10 times more than the casualties it suffered.

No wonder alot of members who posted really informative posts have vanished, retired or joined other forums.

Once upon a time it was not allowed. Decorated soldiers were considered serving their respective nations and were given due respect.

Seems policy has changed and forum is owned by 4-5 posters who consumes their maximum time to create threads either celebrating deaths or finding some tweet/you tube/article to start a slug fest.

Not sure why this place is allowed to ruin.
Can we try and expand the word count for statuses please? Some of us are grammar nerds, also pretty elaborate writers :D
These LOC topics have ruined this forum. Its a headache to even venture into the Army forum. Never have i seen anywhere else the death of an individual soldier being posted so enthusiastically and i am talking about both sides.

These poor men died in performing their duties and such losses are glorified by opposite sides in a very sad manner. Give the soldier some respect, both sides. These soldiers are following orders in the wake of the night without rest or sleep unlike the politicians who sleep comfortable in beds and sit in Air conditioned offices. Politicians are creating wars and soldiers are paying the price with their lives.

A major belief is that timing of death has been written and cannot be averted, if somebody's time is up, he will leave this world whether by a bullet or a medical reason. The posters here don't know the lives of soldiers individually or explicitly unlike the famous people like actors, politicians etc whose lives are found on Google links. These soldiers are dying for their respective countries. Their deaths are being counted one by one with such vigour, zeal and zest as if each member who posts one casualty here thinks he has added one inch to his _____ . In reality, when those posts are read, it only appears that the brain of the poster has shrunk by one inch due to these acts.

Are wars really won by counting dead bodies? then USA won the Vietnam war because USA killed 10 times more than the casualties it suffered.

No wonder alot of members who posted really informative posts have vanished, retired or joined other forums.

Couldn't agree more.

The forum has been hijacked by members posting warmongering stuff 24/7, personal wishes, 'insider' news, and content from plagiarized blogs. There are some creating new threads for one Facebook/Twitter pic/video and adding Bold/Italic caption to make it appear some great shit.
Rule needs to be made to link original article and to not simply copy past when possible.
Start by respecting each other. The manner in which some people speak to others on this forum is obnoxious and very rude.
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