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How do we make PDF better?

W.r.t. tag, I would say that as you have assumed so not necessarily to be right in the end too. Secondly, to discuss any warning, you are an old member, will be aware of GHQ section too so you are welcome. I do not find any warning issued to you in members club or it is the same assumption too but in the end, no offense. Oh... I see that a message after deletion of post but not a warning.

Thirdly, this is not the reason that most members does not report as such but being on the same track, majority thinks that can walk away with that or the one in return does so because of the first person, is justified which is totally wrong. I wouldn't advise anyone to quote back such etc trolls and warn them which ultimately provokes the habitual one (not calling second person as habitual that I mostly found acting with innocence) and causing further derailing hence, always insisted to report without engaging back and move-on.

That second paragraph is good input; noted. I have been violating it, and now know to avoid it.

Incidentally, @Levina, at the grave risk of sounding like teachers' pet, I feel that I have got satisfaction whenever I reported somebody, sometimes after a slight interval, say, of a day or two. In other cases, other very respectable members have questioned me, and I have always been sensitive to their comments (referring to giving negative ratings) and feel that such feedback is well-meaning and justified. I'm OK with that; the people whom I listen to are people who make sense and always present their point of view with dignity and restraint.

An afterthought: I think the Moderators team, or the policy team, should take a stern view of country-wide insults, whoever is guilty of that. I would request that insults about religion, about culture, about the state of development, and about persons need to be smacked down - hard. But I know that the legitimate response will be that these have to be reported, and these should not be reciprocated.
An afterthought: I think the Moderators team, or the policy team, should take a stern view of country-wide insults, whoever is guilty of that. I would request that insults about religion, about culture, about the state of development, and about persons need to be smacked down - hard. But I know that the legitimate response will be that these have to be reported, and these should not be reciprocated.

That is all in account Sir while asking for reporting is actually one of the evidences that the same is not tolerated at all. Reporting helps a lot to deal with the same which sometimes is missed due to many reasons.

Something like this, boss?



I guess the trick is not to lose one's temper. Point well made, taken on board.

That is all in account Sir while asking for reporting is actually one of the evidences that the same is not tolerated at all. Reporting helps a lot to deal with the same which sometimes is missed due to many reasons.


I understand. I have to follow @Taygibay and NOT get excited or lose my temper. It's happening to me too frequently nowadays. Some of these are kids, after all, and I wouldn't flare up at them if they were in my class.

Oh... I see that a message after deletion of post but not a warning.
So that wasnt a warning?
I misunderstood it then. Lol

That second paragraph is good input; noted. I have been violating it, and now know to avoid it.

Incidentally, @Levina, at the grave risk of sounding like teachers' pet, I feel that I have got satisfaction whenever I reported somebody, sometimes after a slight interval, say, of a day or two. In other cases, other very respectable members have questioned me, and I have always been sensitive to their comments (referring to giving negative ratings) and feel that such feedback is well-meaning and justified. I'm OK with that; the people whom I listen to are people who make sense and always present their point of view with dignity and restraint.

An afterthought: I think the Moderators team, or the policy team, should take a stern view of country-wide insults, whoever is guilty of that. I would request that insults about religion, about culture, about the state of development, and about persons need to be smacked down - hard. But I know that the legitimate response will be that these have to be reported, and these should not be reciprocated.
There are days when you sound like a saint and then there are days when we both are ready to split and slice each other. Lolz

Or wait i think i need to read it again.
So that wasnt a warning?
I misunderstood it then. Lol

There are days when you sound like a saint and then there are days when we both are ready to split and slice each other. Lolz

Or wait i think i need to read it again.

Sorry, wrong address; the aggression has been entirely one-sided.
This is the caliber of PDF TT-A, TT-C, Senior Management and Veteran Members:

PDF Caliber.jpg

There is no cleaning this mental sewer with the present situation.
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I know it's a drop in a bucket but I never thank a post that contains an insult,
even if the point is right and even if the writer is a good buddy or respected.

In reverse, I'll thank any post that shows any elegance, especially when it
defuses a tense episode and regardless of my opinion, unless 100% wrong.

Grace, charm and patience will win over hearts as well as sense wins convos.
IRL, being credited for the middle term, I try to avoid temper taking over the
first and am still learning the latter.
In virtual land I find it's easier to "state and run" to paraphrase the law. Getting
angry makes little sense from afar. As a bright web denizen once put it to me
in a game setting :
"I'd really like to bash your face in but my arms are too short!"
Him in southern Desi - Me in the N-E USA.​

He was right on both count with equal chances of success so I forgot his doomed
and foolish attempt and remembered his wisdom.

Cream those exchanges as you would a milk jar and keep the cheese for yourself
but don't partake in the food fight? Sum'thang like that ...

Peace out, Tay.
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We are preparing to make an upgrade for 2015, so this is your thread to post your ideas and fantasies that can make PDF better. Soon this community will be a decade old so we must keep up with the demands and new age.

Shoot it out here.

Any suggestions regarding the management improvements (i.e. related to moderation) can be posted in the GHQ section.


Ban ALL threads that use indian sources regarding Pakistan. It's EXACTLY the same as using German Nazi sources about Jews.
Clearly you are hitting the wrong button. :)

Your predictably pathetic response only serves to reinforce the point made by my post above, that the claim of making PDF better is easier said than done, given the appalling behavior of those in charge themselves. The cure must start there, if there ever is to be a cure. However, management has the right to run their forum as they see fit, and we can all see how it is being run. :D
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Your predictably pathetic response only serves to reinforce the point made by my post above, that the claim of making PDF better is easier said than done, given the appalling behavior of those in charge themselves. The cure must start there, if there ever is to be a cure. However, management has the right to run their forum as they see fit, and we can all see how it is being run. :D

Your pathetic posts throughout the forum are only getting you the results you deserve. :)
Your pathetic posts throughout the forum are only getting you the results you deserve. :)

As I said before, it is the right of management to run the forum as they see fit. I respect that right. But the results are equally evident. Please do carry on as you see fit. I have no problem with it. :D

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