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How do we make PDF better?

PDF needs a special sub forum with it's own active mods so that individuals with no trolling/personal attack history can have debates like mature people with facts and logic. Although it should be viewable to everyone but only specific members with good history as i mentioned should be allowed to comment there.
PDF needs a special sub forum with it's own active mods so that individuals with no trolling/personal attack history can have debates like mature people with facts and logic. Although it should be viewable to everyone but only specific members with good history as i mentioned should be allowed to comment there.

Such a subforum already exists, just not visible to most plebeian members.
Think Tank Analysts / Consultants ........ its a sub-forum not visible to rest of the members.

There is a joke in there related to whether it's appropriate name is The Scrotum or not, but I won't go into that for fear of being punished. :D
There is a joke in there related to whether it's appropriate name is The Scrotum or not, but I won't go into that for fear of being punished. :D

I can be persistent in my requests to know the details from you, and later you can blame it on me, would that help avoiding punishment in your case?
I can be persistent in my requests to know the details from you, and later you can blame it on me, would that help avoiding punishment in your case?

Thank you for the offer of help, but I am under specially "sharp eyes" of the management so I must respectfully decline to say anything more in this matter. :D
Thank you for the offer of help, but I am under specially "sharp eyes" of the management so I must respectfully decline to say anything more in this matter. :D

When were you banned last time? This illusion of being a victim here falls flat when you realize you are hardly ever banned here despite your constant attention seeking habits.
When were you banned last time? This illusion of being a victim here falls flat when you realize you are hardly ever banned here despite your constant attention seeking habits.

I would ascribe the lack of any recent bans to the changes in my posts and content rather than any magnanimity by the other side. :D
I would ascribe the lack of any recent bans to the changes in my posts and content rather than any magnanimity by the other side. :D

Care to provide a proof of this statement? Not much has changed in your posts. Maybe they are just tired and bored of your charade?
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