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How China Began World War III in the South China Sea

You don't see the value in it now, but I hope that you do someday. I would hate to think of you or anyone going through life completely lacking in self-respect. As for why I live in a "white" country, same reason you do: $. The difference is, I don't buy their garbage propaganda and think of myself as less than them. And Canada isn't a white country - England is a white country but Canada isn't. Canada, like America, is a stolen country; which means I have every bit as much right to it as whitey: none.

When I called him dumber than you, I might have spoken too soon. It's a neck-and-neck race of stupidity.

Hilarious, I thought you were at least of Chinese ethnicity.

But no...….your simply a bootlicker of the highest order.:lol:
Dude, what will happen when 1-2 US SSBNs shower all Chinese cities over 1 million population with thermonuclear warheads?
do you really think US will use nukes in case China takes over Taiwan? Nothing will happen , there will be some threats then some protest and then they will move on. US is not losing any thing here so why would they fight? Taiwanese will be left to their own devices , if they are smart enuf they will acquire the nukes on their own instead of trusting US.

Baby. Now go back to school.
Stop making jokes. I'm not insulting you... Just your IQ????? Give it up.:-)
You think that map is really true? a map which shows Australia as tolerant and not having racism .
The next war will be a race war. Whites have been too arrogant. Whites think they can gun down 50 muslims in the ostensible security of their house of worship with impunity.

I'm not sure if I concur with the OP that whites can only be rehabilitated through nuclear hellfire, but it's clear something must be done about their propensity for crime and atrocity. All people of color will agree on this point: whites need to be taken down a peg and stripped of their hegemonic position in the global political order.
How China Began World War III in the South China Sea

India, increasingly concerned about China’s expansion into the Indian Ocean, belatedly enhanced maritime cooperation with the other members of the “Quad”: Australia, Japan, and America. The four countries began planning for combined SCS “dissuasion” operations.

2020: Indications, Warnings, and War

China often leaked reports that Xi Jinping had ordered the PLA to be able to take Taiwan by force by the year 2020. As January 1, 2020 dawned, Xi also had his eyes on the SCS as an achievable objective that year. The two objectives were inextricably linked. The SCS would be taken first.

On January 21, 2020, Xi ordered five large island-building dredges to deploy from Hainan Island, along with auxiliary vessels and equipment associated with the initial SCS artificial island construction. Their destination: Scarborough Shoal, 124 miles off Luzon, claimed by the Philippines but effectively owned by China since it illegally took control of it in 2012. American and other countries’ intelligence organizations quickly detected the movements.

An artificial island at Scarborough Shoal would provide the PRC an air and naval base that would block American military entry into the SCS via the Bashi Channel. It would also provide a southern avenue of attack for a Taiwan invasion.

In response, the U.S. and the Philippines agreed to increase military presence around Scarborough Shoal. The U.S. Indo-Pacific Command directed preparatory actions, to include ordering the U.S. Seventh Fleet forces to “take station” twelve nautical miles off the shoal no later than January 24.

Meanwhile, China “swarmed” hundreds of fishing boats, Coast Guard vessels, and maritime militia ships across the SCS, similar to its swarming operation to stymie Philippine construction in the Spratlys in late 2018. China hoped to intimidate and deceive U.S.-led coalition forces in the SCS, and to draw them from the shoal. In a military confrontation, the intermingled “non-combatant” vessels would distract and confuse coalition commanders, and provide the PLA continuous intelligence and fire direction support.

On January 26, the PRC declared an Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) over SCS, and a task force including its one aircraft carrier, fifteen surface combatants, and ten attack submarines set sail south from Hainan Island. Simultaneously, PLA Air Force deployed fighter/attack aircraft to Hainan and bases along China’s southeast coastline, to include squadrons of Su-27 Flankers and FB-7 Flounders capable of maritime strike operations. PLA Rocket Forces opposite Taiwan in southeast China were placed on highest alert, armed with multiple regiments of short-and medium-range ballistic missiles.

Russian naval and air forces in Far East Military District were placed at a heightened state of alert, at Beijing’s request. Beijing and the Russian Federation conducted increasingly sophisticated military exercises together for nearly a decade. China hoped Russia’s perceived possible military engagement would help dissuade the U.S. from fighting for the SCS. Although Russia sent backchannel messages to Washington it would not engage in a fight for the SCS, the United States and Japan began contingency planning.

Globally, Beijing orchestrated mass demonstrations and “peace protests” by its United Front organizations in major cities. Simultaneously, it accelerated cyber attacks and began sabotage operations in “enemy” countries to disrupt military operations and national-level decision-making processes.

But Beijing’s coercive deterrence and political warfare campaigns had already failed. Washington, having thrown off a nearly four-decade policy of appeasement towards China, prepared for military confrontation.

With Japanese air and naval forces, U.S. forces assigned to Japan were ordered to heightened alert status. Additional combat aircraft were deployed to the region, and naval surface combatants were deployed to the southern Ryukyu Islands. Additional Japanese ground forces deployed to the Nansei Shoto area, equipped with anti-ship missiles.

Well aware that hostilities in the SCS could fatally threaten Taiwan, Taipei placed its armed forces on highest alert as well, and began civil defense preparations.

The U.S. Navy’s forward-deployed aircraft carrier, the USS Ronald Reagan, sailed east of Okinawa with a battle group, and a second carrier battle group set sail from San Diego. Two additional squadrons of F-22 stealth fighters were deployed to the Pacific, one squadron to Kadena Air Base on Okinawa and the other to Guam. Meanwhile, B-2 stealth bombers deployed to Guam.

U.S. Marines quickly established a series of small island outposts and embarked on small amphibious platforms spread across the region. Armed with anti-aircraft and long-range anti-ship missiles, the Marines would contribute significantly to the coalition’s SCS “anti-access/area denial” strategy. Army forces with similar capabilities began deploying from U.S. bases to Japan.

On January 28, Beijing declared all of its coastal Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) to be “foreign military-free zones” and defined all sea space inside China’s declared “9-Dashed Line Map” to comprise China’s “Blue Sovereign Soil.” Beijing insisted “no exceptions will be allowed” to this unilateral maritime sovereignty designation.

On January 29, the PRC initiated a virtual repeat of its September 30, 2018 Lanzhou-USS Decatur incident. There were no illusions in Beijing about the consequences: there would be shooting, and casualties.

But Xi and his inner circle were confident the U.S. would back down as it had so often done in the past. If not, they were confident their forces would defeat the U.S.-led coalition forces if a battle ensued.

No one in the Politburo seemed haunted by the ghosts of The Great War’s nearly twenty-two million dead, or by visions of the shattered and forgotten Austro-Hungarian, Russian, German, and Ottoman empires.

Like the assassination that sparked World War I, the incident that started the SCS war was simple, but violent.

A PRC-flagged fishing ship, with a Chinese Coast Guard cutter escort, made a “beeline” track directly towards the USS Chancellorsville, a U.S. Seventh Fleet guided missile cruiser. Despite the Chancellorsville’s radio warnings to the Chinese ships that they were on a collision course, the two Chinese ships continued directly towards the U.S. ship.

After attempting to evade the oncoming ships and exhausting all other peaceful options, the Chancellorsville fired four warning shots fired from its forward 5-inch gun.

Within minutes, the PLA Navy guided missile destroyer Lanzhou (DDG-170), operating over the horizon some 100nm away, fired a salvo of four YJ-62 long-range anti-ship cruise missiles.

Thus, China began its war for the South China Sea.

NATO immediately invoked Article 5 of the Washington Treaty and implemented Military Response Options, to include immediate force deployments to the South and East China Seas in support of NATO’s long-standing democratic partners there. The EU rapidly engaged as well, initiating consultations to invoke the Treaty on European Union, ostensibly for defense against Chinese aggression impacting France’s Asia-Pacific territories.

Globally, countries that hoped that they would never have to choose sides in a war between the U.S. and China found it was finally time to choose sides.

China had, in effect, begun World War III.

LOL "YJ-62" by 2020 it will be railgun shells raining down on USN ships

LOL!!!!! Let's 'cook' them baby.

BTW, what is this article? Is it a kind of Tom Clancy novel? Or author's delusional thinking?
No, just the hegemon of East Asia. You'd better start showing some respect.
The world has moved on from the dark age. I hope you can move on in one day too. Eitherway I can show you my azz is it ok?

The next war will be a race war. Whites have been too arrogant. Whites think they can gun down 50 muslims in the ostensible security of their house of worship with impunity.

I'm not sure if I concur with the OP that whites can only be rehabilitated through nuclear hellfire, but it's clear something must be done about their propensity for crime and atrocity. All people of color will agree on this point: whites need to be taken down a peg and stripped of their hegemonic position in the global political order.
Considering Chinese love to call your neighbor as monkey, thus your words of clash of regions and ethnicity doesn’t sound funny. Move over boy!

Lots of chinese tourists come here to white country to buy tons of cheap shampoo and cheap baby foods. Apparently they trust evil western products more than those domestic at home.

Chinese are really rediculous!
Lots of chinese tourists come here to white country to buy tons of cheap shampoo and cheap baby foods. Apparently they trust evil western products more than those domestic at home.

And likewise, whites buy Chinese smartphones and Viet bananas. That's just a normal aspect of global trade. But does that give whites the right to use violence and inflict atrocities and outrages against people of color? Stop defending heinous but widespread white behavior.
And likewise, whites buy Chinese smartphones and Viet bananas. That's just a normal aspect of global trade. But does that give whites the right to use violence and inflict atrocities and outrages against people of color? Stop defending heinous but widespread white behavior.
Banana makes just a small percentage of our trades. Similar percentage point of oversea chinese prostitutes.Haven’t you ever eat banana? The fruit is healthy full of vitamins lack of them make chinese to retards. See yourself!

Chinese never committed mass killings mass destruction?

Rediculous clown!
White supremacism and Islamic extremism are the 2 biggest issues facing the world.

The white supremcists think they are the master race and people of colour should be living as slaves to serve the master white race.

Islamic extremists think everyone in the world should convert to Islam and live under Sharia law where women have no rights, child marriage is accepted, gays are beaten to death, female genital mutilation is accepted.

White supremacists and Islamic extremists are the 2 biggest problems in the world. Most of the problems in the world are because of these 2 groups.
The next war will be a race war. Whites have been too arrogant. Whites think they can gun down 50 muslims in the ostensible security of their house of worship with impunity.

I'm not sure if I concur with the OP that whites can only be rehabilitated through nuclear hellfire, but it's clear something must be done about their propensity for crime and atrocity. All people of color will agree on this point: whites need to be taken down a peg and stripped of their hegemonic position in the global political order.

You're right. White people need to be put in their place and kept in check. They are brutal and savage people who pretend to be nice and 'civilized' when things are going well for them, i.e. when they are Lording it over the coloured people. However, when they start losing power and influence, you will see the true nature of Whites. They try to bully and intimidate weaklings and then use force when the prior doesn't work.

Once China rules the World and leads in every aspect, we should never forget the lessons from history and give Whites the means to subjugate China and East Asia again, like when we gave them gunpowder and the compass. These Chinese inventions enabled the Whites to use gunboat diplomacy on China and humiliate the East. Chinese people should never ever trust Whites as they are duplicitous and violent by nature. Chinese must always remain vigilant to their schemes and weed out any traitorous Bananas who fall for White men's lies of democracy and Christian values.
LOL!!!!! Let's 'cook' them baby.

BTW, what is this article? Is it a kind of Tom Clancy novel? Or author's delusional thinking?
Similar story. You can buy as book: Shattered Trident by Larry Bond.


While trailing a Chinese nuclear attack sub, Jerry Mitchell, the captain of USS North Dakota, is shocked to see the Chinese boat torpedo a Vietnamese merchant ship.

This blatant act of aggression is the opening gambit in a war that has blindsided the U.S. and quickly embroiled all nations in the western Pacific. These nations, bound together in the newly formed Littoral Alliance, have begun a covert submarine campaign aimed at crippling China's economy before China can set in motion its own plot to dominate the region.

In a desperate attempt to buy the president enough time to resolve the crisis diplomatically, Mitchell's submarine squadron is ordered to interfere with attacks by both sides. China and the Littoral Alliance are both determined to win, no matter the cost, and as each side increases the level of violence, they approach a dangerous tipping point. Larry Bond's Shattered Tridentis a race against time, as the submarines of Mitchell's squadron must execute their mission before the world witnesses an economic catastrophe—or worse, a nuclear exchange.”

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