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How China Began World War III in the South China Sea

If you were brighter than you think you are, you'd understand the logic perfectly. It's perfectly logical why whites would hate the rise of China, it's a direct challenge to (and the eventual end of) their dominance. You aren't white, so why do you hate it? Bangladesh doesn't have any territorial disputes with China, so you don't have that excuse.

You are upset by China's rise because your master is upset. Just like a dog: if the owner is happy, the dog is happy. If the owner is angry, the dog is angry.

You might think I'm being harsh with you - and to be fair, I am. But it's a necessary part of your journey to self-respect. I'm sick of dealing with oreos and coconuts and bananas, and I've made it my mission to verbally beat self-respect into them.

That post had absolutely no value whatsoever.

Now tell me, why you live in a white country now?
That post had absolutely no value whatsoever.

Now tell me, why you live in a white country now?
You don't see the value in it now, but I hope that you do someday. I would hate to think of you or anyone going through life completely lacking in self-respect. As for why I live in a "white" country, same reason you do: $. The difference is, I don't buy their garbage propaganda and think of myself as less than them. And Canada isn't a white country - England is a white country but Canada isn't. Canada, like America, is a stolen country; which means I have every bit as much right to it as whitey: none.

That guy is from Pakistan? :lol:
When I called him dumber than you, I might have spoken too soon. It's a neck-and-neck race of stupidity.
Nuclear Holocaust fantasy fiction?

Nobody will be around to reflect on who started WWIII, and the chain of events that leads to a full exchange will be just as trivial.

Remember, you’re on PDF, where many of the chest thumpers here live in an alternate reality not reflective of the real world.
You don't see the value in it now, but I hope that you do someday. I would hate to think of you or anyone going through life completely lacking in self-respect. As for why I live in a "white" country, same reason you do: $. The difference is, I don't buy their garbage propaganda and think of myself as less than them. And Canada isn't a white country - England is a white country but Canada isn't. Canada, like America, is a stolen country; which means I have every bit as much right to it as whitey: none.

Canada is what it is because of whites.
Now I am not trying to defend colonialism here but it is the truth.
You are surrounded and ruled by whites. Judging by your posts you seem to dislike
them a lot and that is not good for your health.

Again, anyone that questions China is somehow suffering from inferiority complex and a "white-worshipper"? This is a bit like the argument the Jews make of anti-semitism when you question their crimes in Palestine.
This nonsense will not wash dude.

There are many many countries in Asia that do not want to see China become too powerful. A more powerful China is good in general as it will provide a more balanced world, but an Asia dominated by China will not be a very nice place for most of the rest of the continent. I am sorry it upsets you but most Asians do not want China calling the shots in Asia.
Canada is what it is because of whites.
Now I am not trying to defend colonialism here but it is the truth.
You are surrounded and ruled by whites. Judging by your posts you seem to dislike
them a lot and that is not good for your health.

Again, anyone that questions China is somehow suffering from inferiority complex and a "white-worshipper"? This is a bit like the argument the Jews make of anti-semitism when you question their crimes in Palestine.
This nonsense will not wash dude.

There are many many countries in Asia that do not want to see China become too powerful. A more powerful China is good in general as it will provide a more balanced world, but an Asia dominated by China will not be a very nice place for most of the rest of the continent. I am sorry it upsets you but most Asians do not want China calling the shots in Asia.

Plot twist, he is a white man :rofl:

According to surveys, China is the most racist country in the world. They put Uiyghur Muslims in concentration camps.

Bahahahaha @ZeEa5KPul you don't even realize how much you're contradicting yourself clown.
Plot twist, he is a white man :rofl:

According to surveys, China is the most racist country in the world. They put Uiyghur Muslims in concentration camps.

Bahahahaha @ZeEa5KPul you don't even realize how much you're contradicting yourself clown.

China is not the only country with human rights issues but it's attempt to destroy a whole culture(Uiyghur) is pretty much unprecedented in modern times.

Internet Chinese are just mad as they hoped that all Asians will cheer them on against the "white-man" just because they are not white.
There are many many countries in Asia that do not want to see China become too powerful. A more powerful China is good in general as it will provide a more balanced world, but an Asia dominated by China will not be a very nice place for most of the rest of the continent. I am sorry it upsets you but most Asians do not want China calling the shots in Asia.
China has been calling the shots in Asia for thousands of years. Yet in all that time these countries retained their languages, their customs, their religious beliefs, even their names. As much as you'd like to just elide colonialism, the truth is that Westerners show up for a couple of centuries and suddenly they all speak English and are Catholic. Is that because the West is so awesome, or because they were forcibly converted? From where did the Philippines' name come? The Chinese emperor Philip?

The sad truth is that your psychology is far from unique. It pervades all of East and Southeast Asia including, to a disturbingly high degree I'm sorry to say, China. But the situation is improving; as the peoples of Asia prosper and gain self-confidence, whites are being seen for what they are: nothing special. Criminals, if anything.

Here's another truth: China's rise is unstoppable, whether you like it or not. China will become the wealthiest, most cultured, most technologically advanced, and most militarily powerful state on the face of the Earth, and there's nothing you or your masters can do about it.

China is not the only country with human rights issues but it's attempt to destroy a whole culture(Uiyghur) is pretty much unprecedented in modern times.
LMFAO - you say this sitting in a country that not only attempted to destroy cultures, but successfully exterminated entire nations.
China has been calling the shots in Asia for thousands of years. Yet in all that time these countries retained their languages, their customs, their religious beliefs, even their names. As much as you'd like to just elide colonialism, the truth is that Westerners show up for a couple of centuries and suddenly they all speak English and are Catholic. Is that because the West is so awesome, or because they were forcibly converted? From where did the Philippines' name come? The Chinese emperor Philip?

The sad truth is that your psychology is far from unique. It pervades all of East and Southeast Asia including, to a disturbingly high degree I'm sorry to say, China. But the situation is improving; as the peoples of Asia prosper and gain self-confidence, whites are being seen for what they are: nothing special. Criminals, if anything.

Here's another truth: China's rise is unstoppable, whether you like it or not. China will become the wealthiest, most cultured, most technologically advanced, and most militarily powerful state on the face of the Earth, and there's nothing you or your masters can do about it.

LMFAO - you say this sitting in a country that not only attempted to destroy cultures, but successfully exterminated entire nations.

It’s funny how you didn’t deny the point being made. You're a racist. Obviously
China has been calling the shots in Asia for thousands of years. Yet in all that time these countries retained their languages, their customs, their religious beliefs, even their names. As much as you'd like to just elide colonialism, the truth is that Westerners show up for a couple of centuries and suddenly they all speak English and are Catholic. Is that because the West is so awesome, or because they were forcibly converted? From where did the Philippines' name come? The Chinese emperor Philip?

The sad truth is that your psychology is far from unique. It pervades all of East and Southeast Asia including, to a disturbingly high degree I'm sorry to say, China. But the situation is improving; as the peoples of Asia prosper and gain self-confidence, whites are being seen for what they are: nothing special. Criminals, if anything.

Here's another truth: China's rise is unstoppable, whether you like it or not. China will become the wealthiest, most cultured, most technologically advanced, and most militarily powerful state on the face of the Earth, and there's nothing you or your masters can do about it.

LMFAO - you say this sitting in a country that not only attempted to destroy cultures, but successfully exterminated entire nations.

Dude, did I ever say that whites are angels?

In fact they have been one of the most destructive cultures in human history to be honest.

True that China in the past has behaved with much greater restraint. It could have colonised large portions of the world 500 years ago when it had the most powerful Navy in the world, but for certain reasons chose not to do so.

However this is the 21st Century and we need to move on. Most white people do not glorify colonialism and are pretty tolerant to non-whites. There is of course the normal tribal mentality but in general they are a decent bunch on the whole. The problem is that absolute power corrupts and we have seen the US\West abuse this after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Now a more powerful China will be good both for China and most of the rest of the world as there will be a greater economic and military balance. However do not assume that most Asians will want China to become too powerful as then it would just behave just as bad as US after the fall of Soviet Union as it would need to devour the world's resources to feed it's massive economy. China will not act badly because it wants to but because it has to. Without rich and technologically advanced allies, China cannot become the strongest power block on earth. Notice I used the term "power-block".

Hope you understand where I am coming from now.
To be specific, the US has never won a war in East asia after world war 2(they defeated japan with the help of china, vice versa).
The highlighted -- BULLSHIT. The defeat of Imperial Japan was possible only by sea, not by land.

Let us -- just a thought experiment -- consider the alternative that the US decided to stay out of the Pacific and focused on the Atlantic.

Japan as a military power outclassed any individual Asian country on land and on sea. Without any threat from the sea, Japan would be a continuous industrial and manpower base upon which she can threaten any Asian country that have access to the sea. Her navy would not need to extend its reach across the Pacific and the South China Sea would be under complete Japanese domination.

On land, the Chinese military was little more than a resistance force. Airpower was supplied by a mercenary air force under the leadership of an American general -- Claire Lee Chennault -- and that air force was at best an annoyance despite the heroics from its airmen. Without pressure from the sea that forced Japan to divert crucial national resources, Japan would crush that mercenary air force on mainland China.

The uncomfortable reality is that without the US, China would be smaller in geography due to the loss of Manchuria and that China would still be a subordinate power to Japan today.
Now a more powerful China will be good both for China and most of the rest of the world as there will be a greater economic and military balance. However do not assume that most Asians will want China to become too powerful as then it would just behave just as bad as US after the fall of Soviet Union as it would need to devour the world's resources to feed it's massive economy. China will not act badly because it wants to but because it has to. Without rich and technologically advanced allies, China cannot become the strongest power block on earth. Notice I used the term "power-block".
I may have been unnecessarily hostile with you before. There have been too many Americ*nt and other trolls in this section lately and I find their stupidity grating.

To the substance of the matter: I get that smaller countries might be frightened of an unchecked China swallowing them, but that just isn't how China operates. If they have resources China needs, China will always prefer buying such on the open market. In fact, China's internal markets are growing faster than its exports/imports, and future technologies will allow China to be far more self-sufficient than it is today. I believe China will be the first country to fully electrify the transport sector (barring aviation, which will always favour liquid fuels), which means China will no longer import oil. China will also be the first country to build thorium molten salt nuclear reactors (a very exciting technology), negating its need for gas imports, or even use of its own coal.

As for "allies", the technologically-advanced countries are already America's lackeys - even if China were the nicest country to ever exist, America would never allow its harem to stray. China has to build up friendly countries like Pakistan into economically and technologically powerful partners, which is the point of the BRI. This is a process that will take its time; meanwhile, China should also loosen America's hold on Asia so that Asian countries can be made neutral in the US-China conflict.

I wrote an essay on what China's geostrategy should be heading into the middle of this century: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/first-part-of-chinas-grand-strategy-an-essay-im-writing.603834/
The highlighted -- BULLSHIT. The defeat of Imperial Japan was possible only by sea, not by land.

Let us -- just a thought experiment -- consider the alternative that the US decided to stay out of the Pacific and focused on the Atlantic.

Japan as a military power outclassed any individual Asian country on land and on sea. Without any threat from the sea, Japan would be a continuous industrial and manpower base upon which she can threaten any Asian country that have access to the sea. Her navy would not need to extend its reach across the Pacific and the South China Sea would be under complete Japanese domination.

On land, the Chinese military was little more than a resistance force. Airpower was supplied by a mercenary air force under the leadership of an American general -- Claire Lee Chennault -- and that air force was at best an annoyance despite the heroics from its airmen. Without pressure from the sea that forced Japan to divert crucial national resources, Japan would crush that mercenary air force on mainland China.

The uncomfortable reality is that without the US, China would bemaller s in geography due to the loss of Manchuria and that China would still be a subordinate power to Japan today.
there u go again,:

im talking about reality(which u ironically, claimed to talk about)- n that was the outcome of world war 2- today, not 'Gambit's alternative history theory'(aka non-reality). Im not f**kin interested in these theories after theories that you're so apt at giving in many other threads.

Hence i repeat:

The US has not won a world in in East Asia after World War 2(which was won only with China's participation as a fellow belligerent on the same side).

She defeated others else where in the world, but failed at both the Vietnam war and the Korean war.

East Asia is out of bounds for America, while the rest of the world gets subjugated.

Unglorious America
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Plot twist, he is a white man :rofl:

According to surveys, China is the most racist country in the world. They put Uiyghur Muslims in concentration camps.

Bahahahaha @ZeEa5KPul you don't even realize how much you're contradicting yourself clown.
China is not the only country with human rights issues but it's attempt to destroy a whole culture(Uiyghur) is pretty much unprecedented in modern times.

Internet Chinese are just mad as they hoped that all Asians will cheer them on against the "white-man" just because they are not white.
Baby. Now go back to school.
Stop making jokes. I'm not insulting you... Just your IQ????? Give it up.:-)
Canada is what it is because of whites.
Now I am not trying to defend colonialism here but it is the truth.
You are surrounded and ruled by whites. Judging by your posts you seem to dislike
them a lot and that is not good for your health.

Again, anyone that questions China is somehow suffering from inferiority complex and a "white-worshipper"? This is a bit like the argument the Jews make of anti-semitism when you question their crimes in Palestine.
This nonsense will not wash dude.

There are many many countries in Asia that do not want to see China become too powerful. A more powerful China is good in general as it will provide a more balanced world, but an Asia dominated by China will not be a very nice place for most of the rest of the continent. I am sorry it upsets you but most Asians do not want China calling the shots in Asia.
How is the Chinese suffering from inferiority complex when she is the world's 2nd most powerful nation(first in many aspects) in the world today? Why lump your own on the Chinese from your ghetto in the UK?

Ever realise that the Anglosaxons view your kind as a detestable, burdenful baggage as a byproduct of their former adventurism, while welcoming the Chinese and other East Asians wholeheartedly to the UK?

Hahahahahahaha. You know yourself better.
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