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How Can Israel be Defeated

Nice idea. But you sound like a kid, have a good understanding about Neighbors of Israel. Then make something that can go for some 3000+ KM. I hope you read something rather than spouting BS in threads. More BS will put you on ignore list.

Beat them? Israel is still there, the thread is not about giving some minute-minute replies, it's about ending it (Israel) once and for all. My theory still stands and by the looks of it, Hezbollah is barely managing with the support of Iran.
You don't know the battle field realities of what went on in the Lebanon war. 100,000 IDF army with sophisticated tanks and armory was stopped in it's tracks by 3000 Hezbo soldiers. Israelis got such a kicking their soldiers refused to obey orders and wouldn't go forward. That's what happens when the Deen, Imaan and the sword are in the heart and hands of a Muslim and the Israelis faced the reality of what happens when a few true Muslims have the sword of Allah.
Which planet do you live on? then it dawned that your under Her Majesties welfare. That explains everything ...
Please elaborate, any ways this typifies your ignorance as I am not on her majesty's welfare as I live in the US.
You don't know the battle field realities of what went on in the Lebanon war. 100,000 IDF army with sophisticated tanks and armory was stopped in it's tracks by 3000 Hezbo soldiers. Israelis got such a kicking their soldiers refused to obey orders and wouldn't go forward. That's what happens when the Deen, Imaan and the sword are in the heart and hands of a Muslim and the Israelis faced the reality of what happens when a few true Muslims have the sword of Allah.
Gone the almighty way. :D I don't have answers to the god part, but in reality, Israel is not losing. Yet.
Try to negotiate for peace and decide final boundaries. Israel won't be defeated, and they have powerful allies. They also contribute a lot to the R&D and modernisation of the world.
Once you establish final boundaries, Israel can expand by reclaiming land from the sea (if they need).
I think part of Israeli aggression is due to the small size of their country. Maybe the Palestinians could sell their land to Israel and move away.
Maybe they can reach a UN mandated settlement.

As largely progressive people, and due to their great scientific temperament, Israel, and the Jews overall have been a boon to the human civilisation.
The number of Palestinians killed is much less than most of the other wars and conflicts in the reason. Say, Yemen/Iraq /Syria wars.
For last few years im researching on jewish from there start till now what i find is this nation is betrayal nation no one will get any good from thesee people but betrayal they vetrayed ALLAH and his PROPHETS thousand times

Lets come to topic
The jew is cobtrolling the world with money and these are only hand full why cant we work on hittler model snatch there money from these evils which is not even theres by force

Why cant we do mossad same as they killed our jihadis abroad without any fear and pressure of fear

As we all know the israelus are forcefully holding the palestanian land why islamic world from malaysia to turkey take on israel with all what we got i know USA will pressure or might sanction im sure 52 armies airforces and navies of world USA wont dare tobite

And wevrestcassure world that there loan from jews will be zero after we kill these evils

If israel a tiny nation can do we can do it same with it matter of hours they will be on their knees

Reading the plots of shula cohen and El cohan i know our leaders lack the will can we deafeat israel as muslims

There's this thing called Nuclear Weapons, they hurt. And the other issue is that by sending our militaries for invasion, we are leaving home regions undefended, specially in the case of Pakistan where every resource makes a difference and matters.

In my opinion, the solution lies in diplomacy, both the sides should be pressured to diplomacy and to resolve it through that way, because as we have seen, War did not help, and neither is all of this gruntling and fierce exchange of words helping.

Try to negotiate for peace and decide final boundaries. Israel won't be defeated, and they have powerful allies. They also contribute a lot to the R&D and modernisation of the world.
Once you establish final boundaries, Israel can expand by reclaiming land from the sea (if they need).
I think part of Israeli aggression is due to the small size of their country. Maybe the Palestinians could sell their land to Israel and move away.
Maybe they can reach a UN mandated settlement.

As largely progressive people, and due to their great scientific temperament, Israel, and the Jews overall have been a boon to the human civilisation.
The number of Palestinians killed is much less than most of the other wars and conflicts in the reason. Say, Yemen/Iraq /Syria wars.

Never will any country sell its land, it's a matter of pride and honour for which, specially patriots like Palestinians, wont put a price on, and in essence, its a dumb idea in itself too.

The solution lies in getting in on the diplomatic table, and with someone letting go of their ego first.
Try to negotiate for peace and decide final boundaries. Israel won't be defeated, and they have powerful allies. They also contribute a lot to the R&D and modernisation of the world.
Once you establish final boundaries, Israel can expand by reclaiming land from the sea (if they need).
I think part of Israeli aggression is due to the small size of their country. Maybe the Palestinians could sell their land to Israel and move away.
Maybe they can reach a UN mandated settlement.

As largely progressive people, and due to their great scientific temperament, Israel, and the Jews overall have been a boon to the human civilisation.
The number of Palestinians killed is much less than most of the other wars and conflicts in the reason. Say, Yemen/Iraq /Syria wars.
you forgot to add Kashmir, Libya and Afghanistan
USAF and IAF can take on entire Muslim Airforce .. as long as US is super power there is no winning over Israel
Israel is one step away from total peace +relations with the people of the ME. All Arab states and regional states want to be able to publicly sign agreements with Israel and cooperate in many fields. Jews and Arabs have historically lived together. That one step needed is to agree to Arab peace initiative which proposes a two state solution on 67 borders.

If it is stubborn and thinks it will proceed with relations to Arab world without having to make peace with the Palestinians. Then the local populations will catch up to any developments on the ground and express their discontent. You can't hide that kind of advanced cooperation where you will see Israeli companies/products in masse in Arab world.

No one will militarily attack them from outside, they will hurt themselves from within. Reality on ground with Palestinians can change in future which will also make them consider cooperating with Arab world on the peace process.

USAF and IAF can take on entire Muslim Airforce .. as long as US is super power there is no winning over Israel

We are never going to defeat Israel(if we set out to do so, which we currently aren't, on contrary trying to end this I/P conflict and have peace in the region) in that traditional sense. There are many ways you can hurt them without going to war. You would need control over all borders with Israel and need unified political stance. Just hypothetically speaking.

If we were unified around one leader all he has to do is encourage Palestinians to demonstrate peacefully on a daily basis in the West Bank. Or request Israeli citizenship plus voting rights. Or just flood the West Bank with millions of Palestinians refugees and have them march everywhere in Israel. There are so many options to enforce peace in the region. Even quick military options. Or even just cause make the place unlivable and they will leave voluntarily.

The issue is lack of leadership/competence/unity/motivation. Technology wise Muslim world is going to have a good future in that regard. US is not going to war with whole Muslim world if the Muslim leadership is competent/wise/reasonable. That would require a lot of money and logistical preparation. Also they would risk influence in whole region(which they probably want to keep).

People here really think use of nuclear weapons is simple, it is not. Only nation to use them was the US. You don't know how much risk to global stability that will cause. It will cause every supowerpower/power to mobilize and consider nuclear first strike against their enemies.
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