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Horrifying fate of leaders '74

In 1974 these people were feeling so powerful that they wanted to make a new political block similar to the communist and capitalist blocks.

That is the prime reason why all of them met a horrible fate..Leaders like Saddam, Qaddafi and Arafat were not dictators back then but a new political voice for the youth fighting against european imperial enslavement and loot. Circumstances and miscalculations led them into internal security nightmares and eventually dictatorship. If you can connect the chain of events with the current war in Iraq and war against Pakistan through Afghan-proxy, one can realize that this is every well a calculated step permenantly splinter the Islamic world and turn it once again into an impotent colony of Europeans.
^^ What are you serious? Create a political bloc. Fine. But with an independent stand, where would they source their strategic assets from? Having a stand that is not complying with either US or USSR, where would they stand? Their militaries would be only ceremonial in terms of power projection rather than serious assistance that US or USSR gave to either the North African nations or the Arab states big time. What would have been the condition of these countries as a neutral bloc? Nothing.

Their political voice would be useless, their military strength would be zilch and their international stand would be ignored. If at all these countries have a voice today, it is because they chose to join some bloc or the other.

Saddam was a Soviet supporter (earlier US); Qaddafi got weapons from Soviets, Saudi was always a US/European domain, Pakistan again a US domain. What independent bloc are you referring to? Care you enlighten? Thanks.
This really isn't anything new. They've been crippling any leadership arising out of the Muslim bloc for much, much longer. And they've had much greater success in the past three-hundred years, when Islam's second decline began.

Islam has been a target of this Freemasonic elite for quiet a while, and these aren't really the first Muslim leaders they've eliminated. It's important to understand that Freemasonry isn't a secular/atheistic movement, though they encourage secular&atheistic values in the society at large, it's higher-ups are known to practice luciferian rites and rituals. And though the Freemasonic movement is only a few centuries old, if you go back in history even further, various groups in history have had different names but very very similar practices, like the Illuminati movement which surfaced in the 18th century but officially fizzled out - even the term "Illuminati" is a direct reference to Lucifer(lucifer literally means light-bringer, Illuminati being the people of the light). The pyramid with the one all-seeing eye which's symbol is also found on the US dollar, has also been a historic symbol of these groups(one eye represents Dajjal/Antichrist). And the Templar Knights/Hospitaller Knights in the crucades they raised against the Muslim world before that.

Islam has been a target of these groups regardless of which name/group they surface under. In the crusades pretended to be christians, but were discovered to practice Luciferian/devil worship rituals. During the crusades, their Jewish-inspired money-lending practices resulted in most Kings of Europe being severely under their debt and subsequently under their influence. When their strange practices were discovered, they were brutally slaughtered by the christians. Such was the Templar Knight's power that they had independent armies and fortresses to keep European kings under control. A highly secret plan was laid out in which senior Templar officials were simultaneously rounded up at a pre-selected date and time, the infamous Friday the 13th notion also began from there.

And even before that in Islam's early years, in the time of the Holy Prophet(PBUH)'s childhood, it is recorded that when Abu Talib took the Holy Prophet(PBUH) on a trip to Byzantine Syria, a monk warned him, telling him that there are signs of prophethood on the little child, and that there are people who will recognize these signs as clearly as they recognize their own children, and they will try to kill the Prophet(PBUH).

And it's also mentioned in the Quran that many Prophets sent to Bani Israel were killed, some people would make it a mission to kill any messengers of Allah before the messengers could spread their influence to the people. So Lucifer-worship has very ancient roots. Those who research into the occult/magic, would know how special and powerful forms of the occult are derived from Lucifer/devil worship, much of that seems to involve rituals with fire, including fire-worship(Lucifer/Iblees is known as a being made of fire, in many different cultures).

If this seems too abstract, I suggest people do some research into the Illuminati/Freemasonry/Templar Knights movements, their Luciferian-worship rituals are known facts. You'll find their presense&influence in so many diverse historical points, like in the founding fathers of the zionist movement, to the Templars funding and creating the Hashasheen sect in Islam to create in-fighting right when the forefathers of the Illuminati/masonic movement were amassing for a full-on onslaught the crusades brought. In modern history, the Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh of Iran, who dared to state that Iran's oil wealth would be used to benefit the Iranian people themselves, was also eliminated. But the overall point I'm trying to make is to get people to understand how the various poisoned-dagger assassination attempts on people like Salahuddin Ayubi who stood up for Islam in their eras, was also by the same group.
This really isn't anything new. They've been crippling any leadership arising out of the Muslim bloc for much, much longer. And they've had much greater success in the past three-hundred years, when Islam's second decline began.

Islam has been a target of this Freemasonic elite for quiet a while, and these aren't really the first Muslim leaders they've eliminated. It's important to understand that Freemasonry isn't a secular/atheistic movement, it's higher-ups are known to practice luciferian rituals. And though the Freemasonic movement is only a few centuries old, if you go back in history even further, various groups in history have had different names but very very similar practices, like the Illuminati movement which surfaced in the 18th century but officially fizzled out - even the term "Illuminati" is a direct reference to Lucifer(lucifer literally means light-bringer, Illuminati being the people of the light). The pyramid with the one all-seeing eye which's symbol is also found on the US dollar, has also been a historic symbol of these groups(one eye represents Dajjal/Antichrist). And the Templar Knights/Hospitaller Knights in the crucades they raised against the Muslim world before that.

Islam has been a target of these groups regardless of which name/group they surface under. In the crusades pretended to be christians, but were discovered to practice Luciferian/devil worship rituals. During the crusades, their Jewish-inspired money-lending practices resulted in most Kings of Europe being severely under their debt and subsequently under their influence. When their strange practices were discovered, they were brutally slaughtered by the christians. Such was the Templar Knight's power that they had independent armies and fortresses to keep European kings under control. A highly secret plan was laid out in which senior Templar officials were simultaneously rounded up at a pre-selected date and time, the infamous Friday the 13th notion also began from there.

And even before that in Islam's early years, in the time of the Holy Prophet(PBUH)'s childhood, it is recorded that when Abu Talib took the Holy Prophet(PBUH) on a trip to Byzantine Syria, a monk warned him, telling him that there are signs of prophethood on the little child, and that there are people who will recognize these signs as clearly as they recognize their own children, and they will try to kill the Prophet(PBUH).

And it's also mentioned in the Quran that many Prophets sent to Bani Israel were killed, some people would make it a mission to kill any messengers of Allah before the messengers could spread their influence to the people. So Lucifer-worship has very ancient roots. Those who research into the occult/magic, would know how special and powerful forms of the occult derive from Lucifer worship, much of that seems to involve rituals with fire, including fire-worship(Lucifer/Iblees is known as a being made of fire, in many different cultures).

If this seems too abstract, I suggest people do some research into the Illuminati/Freemasonry/Templar Knights movements, their Luciferian-worship rituals are known facts. You'll find their presense&influence in so many diverse historical points, like in the founding fathers of the zionist movement, to the Templars funding and creating the Hashasheen sect in Islam to create in-fighting right when the forefathers of the Illuminati/masonic movement were amassing for a full-on onslaught the crusades brought. In modern history, the Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh of Iran, who dared to state that Iran's oil wealth would be used to benefit the Iranian people themselves, was also eliminated. But the overall point I'm trying to make is to get people to understand how the various poisoned-dagger assassination attempts on people like Salahuddin Ayubi who stood up for Islam in their eras, was also by the same group.

Excellent post Qasibr Brother,

This is indeed the biggest predicament of not only the Muslim world but to Humanity overall. The Freemasons have corrupted every religion of the world, including some of the deviant sects of Islam. Incidentally, Islam is the last bastion of freedom and the Mesonic forces know it, hence all the commotion towards Muslims.

One thing that I have learned is that it is immensely useful to study International Relations in light of Quran and Sunnah. It gives a comprehension of a new paradigm and opens new dimensions.

Just in support of your post....

Excellent post Qasibr Brother,

This is indeed the biggest predicament of not only the Muslim world but to Humanity overall. The Freemasons have corrupted every religion of the world, including some of the deviant sects of Islam. Incidentally, Islam is the last bastion of freedom and the Masonic forces know it, hence all the commotion towards Muslims.

One thing that I have learned is that it is immensely useful to study International Relations in light of Quran and Sunnah. It gives a comprehension of a new paradigm and opens new dimensions.

Just in support of your post....

You're absolutely right, but this dimension of international relations is not very widely understood even in the Muslim world. Most people seem to think within the mental frames and boxes defined by the west, and are quiet literally reluctant to "think outside the box".

If you look at the world at large from an Islamic historic perspective, it seems like the Muslim world's borders are now being re-defined from Northern Africa to East Asia. Many of the rulers like Mubarak of Egypt were indeed tyrants, but they had oppressed their people for decades with American assistance. And now when he was 84 years old and would have died off pretty soon with Egyptians finally being able to produce better leadership from within, the powers that be engineer yet another fake-revolution and install their own puppets, hoping that these new puppets serve their masters for many more decades.

Even in Pakistan, this Zardari character couldn't even come to Pakistan for many years because of numerous corruption&murder cases against him. Even in the European cases, as the court proceedings were steadily progressing, when the court demanded that Zardari come to the court in-person, Zardari had to get his lawyer to plead that Zardari was a mental patient due to having spent time in jail(air-conditioned, luxury jail) so he be excused(he was afraid of the court jailing him if he came in-person). And then, the US interfered and arranged this NRO with their pet Mush, and we end up with the worst government we've ever had in our history. This is the level of damage they cause by installing their puppets to lead the Muslim countries.

And while we're on the topic of Muslim leaders and countries they've butchered, I came across a historic picture I wanted to share. This is the Turk Khilafat military after the Battle of Jerusalem(in WW1), where Jerusalem was captured from the Muslims a second time(Salahuddin Ayubi had re-captured it from the crusaders after we had lost it during Islam's first decline). Looking at their faces, these Turks seem to have gone through some terrible, harrowing times. Even their officers have very worn-out uniforms. They offered very fierce resistance to the British(who were then the main superpower the masonic agents were using as a tool to enforce their agendas around the world), and the brits only captured Jerusalem after multiple attempts and only after the Turk ammunition had been depleted:


And look at what they did to Jerusalem, the Muslim population is still tormented. Their selective history books casually fail to even mention how Muslims, Jews, and Christians all freely conducted their own religious practices before the British "liberated" the place. Now the place is a killing field where protesters who throw stones are shot through the head, under zionist control. This goes to show that they've been trying to tackle Islam for quiet a while. No-one sums it up better than Allama Iqbal.

Duniya koh hai phir Maarkay Rooh-ho-Badn paish
Tehzeeb nai phir apnay darindoon koh ubhaara
Allah koh hai paamardiyay Momin par Bharosa
Iblees koh Europe kee machinoon kah saharaa

Allama Iqbal
^^ What are you serious? Create a political bloc. Fine. But with an independent stand, where would they source their strategic assets from? Having a stand that is not complying with either US or USSR, where would they stand? Their militaries would be only ceremonial in terms of power projection rather than serious assistance that US or USSR gave to either the North African nations or the Arab states big time. What would have been the condition of these countries as a neutral bloc? Nothing.

Their political voice would be useless, their military strength would be zilch and their international stand would be ignored. If at all these countries have a voice today, it is because they chose to join some bloc or the other.

Saddam was a Soviet supporter (earlier US); Qaddafi got weapons from Soviets, Saudi was always a US/European domain, Pakistan again a US domain. What independent bloc are you referring to? Care you enlighten? Thanks.

And india dodging between USA and USSR...if a country with world largest homeless and poors can dream the vision of super power than a block of 53 resource rich countries occupying strategic landmarks can achieve it too.

Please stop trolling!
And india dodging between USA and USSR...if a country with world largest homeless and poors can dream the vision of super power than a block of 53 resource rich countries occupying strategic landmarks can achieve it too.

Please stop trolling!

There's no need for such an emotional diarrhea. Resource rich counts jack in terms of retaining those resources. Political bloc is possible when military bloc is strong. What military bloc could you establish and sustain in terms of neutrality, another alternative and sophisticated military equipment to sustain military edge? Turkey the most advanced Muslim-majority nation was in NATO camp. Iran the second most advanced Muslim-majority nation was also in NATO camp. Entire gulf country gang was in US/European brigade, except Gamal's Egypt, Syria and Jordan.

Other than the first two nations I mentioned, no one was scientifically that advanced to develop such weaponry as USA or Soviet Union in those days.

Stop ranting and start working towards saving yourselves from caving in. Sitting in Saudi Arabia, all this is easy to talk. Come back to your country, work in it, serve it and then talk. This is the irony; most people here haven't even lived in Pakistan and talk outworldly things about the country compared to those tiny minority of members who've lived and know the reality.
That is the prime reason why all of them met a horrible fate..Leaders like Saddam, Qaddafi and Arafat were not dictators back then but a new political voice for the youth fighting against european imperial enslavement and loot. Circumstances and miscalculations led them into internal security nightmares and eventually dictatorship. If you can connect the chain of events with the current war in Iraq and war against Pakistan through Afghan-proxy, one can realize that this is every well a calculated step permenantly splinter the Islamic world and turn it once again into an impotent colony of Europeans.

Yeah, the worst part is our leaders once get to seat of power become tyrants too easily and do not want to hand over power peacefully. Then there is the issue of having too many traitors who will sell themselves and their family to satisfy their masters. Qaddafi in the beginning was very good but then started to make deals with France and UK. He had started to bend down to them and they cut his head. There is no beautiful glory at the end of the service for Satan unlike while one serves God which always has a beautiful ending. Still today most of our leaders are western puppets.
Is your appetite for trolling satiated for the day? Or were you born with a few marbles missing from your upper chamber?

Remember all you want, misquote all you desire. its just a testimonial of your superior understanding. We really don't give 2 flying fcuks as to what imbeciles like yourself have to think about the fastest growing religion of the world.

If you want better understanding of Islam (which I doubt, you're just a troll :flame:) then study a bit more, then we will discuss.

I can prove to you from the Vedas that Cow Piss drinking, worshiping 3cror deities (most of which are demons), Having a Vegetarian diet and phallace worship is not permitted in the true Hindu faith. And if one breaks a covenant, either with another person or Allah, you do not need to honor your side of the bargain.

As far as Islam is concerned, its spreading the world over, can you say the same about any other religion leave alone Hinduism.

before i leave you to your own outlandish, miscreant thought, here's a nice photo of you. Enjoy :victory:


First of all I am not a mainstream Hindu, but a Buddhist. We are a fellow branch from them though not directly them; I don't expect your limited cerebral power to comprehend this. Secondly, this further reflects your hate towards the ancient and venerable faith that is followed by majority of my fellow countrymen. Thirdly, you're living in your own made world of hate, delusion, emotional instability and anger that is not even directed properly to the rightly guilty entities.

Rest said, you're one frustrated being like most of your kind; hateful of another ancient culture. Ignorance, imagination, hate, deceit and lies seem to have clouded your thinking, which is mostly seen in your types further complicating the problems of your region.

This spewing of venom won't hurt my Hindu brothers in any way but augment your twisted mindset into your own further downfall.

Your "we know it all" mentality is what is actually attempting to "teach me" about Hindu dharma. Most of us are well aware of its venerable and infinite beauty, rich philosophy and ancient glory and respect it as our guide to our own schools of thought and philosophy.

As for spewing trash against them, your post has been reported.
First of all I am not a mainstream Hindu, but a Buddhist. We are a fellow branch from them though not directly them; I don't expect your limited cerebral power to comprehend this. Secondly, this further reflects your hate towards the ancient and venerable faith that is followed by majority of my fellow countrymen. Thirdly, you're living in your own made world of hate, delusion, emotional instability and anger that is not even directed properly to the rightly guilty entities.

Rest said, you're one frustrated being like most of your kind; hateful of another ancient culture. Ignorance, imagination, hate, deceit and lies seem to have clouded your thinking, which is mostly seen in your types further complicating the problems of your region.

This spewing of venom won't hurt my Hindu brothers in any way but augment your twisted mindset into your own further downfall.

Your "we know it all" mentality is what is actually attempting to "teach me" about Hindu dharma. Most of us are well aware of its venerable and infinite beauty, rich philosophy and ancient glory and respect it as our guide to our own schools of thought and philosophy.

As for spewing trash against them, your post has been reported.

Now I’m regretting ever engaging you in a conversation… Hey just a sec, it was you who twisted the words of my religious book due to some deep rooted itch that you probably host against Muslims and Islam in general. Never mind, I’ll play.

The thing with you Indians is that you’re so typically trite, that your reprobation is indelibly on display. Nothing else can be expected when the very core of the mindset originates from the immoral scriptures of your great Chanakya. First you goad, then misconstrue to your own apparent vantage and then when the 5hit gets too hot for you to handle, try to extricate yourself very conveniently by bringing in a third factor. In this case you being a Budhist or whatever higher form of cult that you’re following, Frankly, I don’t give a rat’s a55.

As far as you trying to insinuate that I am diminishing Hindus or Hinduism or Budhists or Budhism, I’m guessing that you were’nt very bright to begin with, could be for a myriad of reason, but anyhow. Not that I’m offering you an explanation, but please read my post again, when you’re not high on whatever recreational drug you’re hooked on to.

What was Mahabharat about? The forces of good against the forces of evil. The melee between these two forces have been eternal, merely the nomenclatures and actors have changed. Whether it was Krishna then and Muslims now, is irrelevant. ‘Kurukshetra’ talks of complex conflicts of kinship and friendship, family loyalty and duty taking precedence over what is right. In the Quranic verses I quoted, the same line is drawn by Allah again. So, by misinterpreting them, you are just showing your proclivity towards prejudice for Islam. Your stance is that of an unapprised.

I have no doubt in my mind that Hinduism and Budhism to start off with were great divine religions. I can put forward very strong arguments that at least Hazrat Raam , Hazrat Krishna from the Hindu faith and Hazrat Budha are prophets of God. Their message was the same as that of Hazrat Mohammed SAW.

The Quran tells us that Allah has sent approximately 124,000 prophets and there is NO race in the world that did not receive a prophet from Allah. The Vedic stories describing the genesis of Brahmins being the children of Brahma coincides greatly with the story of prophet Ibrahim (I’m hoping that you will identify the resemblance in the intonation of the two.) The history of the great global storm and Noah is also elaborated in the Vedas. A great rishi travelling the skies pays homage to the land of Karbala because he knows through devine esoteric knowledge that a great man will stand up for truth will be slain on the very desserts has also been explicitly described in the Vedas. The Kalki Avatar, the 13th reincarnation of Vishnu has much in common with our last savior Immam Mahdi, from the fact that he will come to establish his kingdom to end oppression to the nitty gritty of their parents names and his white horse, its all the same! And Allah and His prophet knows best. So, your nonsensical and melo dramatic train of words of my so-called hate mongering does not stand credence. I hope next time you will behave more decent and post only when you’re sober.

The modern Hindu or Budhist religion have massive perversions, and I was pointing those out. The beginning of Kal Yug with the death of Krishna also symbolizes perversion and decadence where man is heading toward the complete dissolution of right action, morality and virtue. Because No Devine religion can espouse the worship of wild beats and demonic multi limbed/headed being, and the true God would not have children only to be condemned for having sensual desires towards his own daughter goddess. I don’t want to delve any further.

Report me all you want, fortunately for me and/or unfortunately for you, the Mods over here are not of your myopic ilk and still have their grey cells functioning, though I can’t say the same of you accredited to most probably your frivolous stupor.

In the end, you’re still just a troll…
Bhutto & King Faisal's death were two moment which killed the dream of a unified Ummah. Both of you might be dead , but we will carry your mission , we swear to God - we will.
Now I’m regretting ever engaging you in a conversation… Hey just a sec, it was you who twisted the words of my religious book due to some deep rooted itch that you probably host against Muslims and Islam in general. Never mind, I’ll play.

The thing with you Indians is that you’re so typically trite, that your reprobation is indelibly on display. Nothing else can be expected when the very core of the mindset originates from the immoral scriptures of your great Chanakya. First you goad, then misconstrue to your own apparent vantage and then when the 5hit gets too hot for you to handle, try to extricate yourself very conveniently by bringing in a third factor. In this case you being a Budhist or whatever higher form of cult that you’re following, Frankly, I don’t give a rat’s a55.

As far as you trying to insinuate that I am diminishing Hindus or Hinduism or Budhists or Budhism, I’m guessing that you were’nt very bright to begin with, could be for a myriad of reason, but anyhow. Not that I’m offering you an explanation, but please read my post again, when you’re not high on whatever recreational drug you’re hooked on to.

What was Mahabharat about? The forces of good against the forces of evil. The melee between these two forces have been eternal, merely the nomenclatures and actors have changed. Whether it was Krishna then and Muslims now, is irrelevant. ‘Kurukshetra’ talks of complex conflicts of kinship and friendship, family loyalty and duty taking precedence over what is right. In the Quranic verses I quoted, the same line is drawn by Allah again. So, by misinterpreting them, you are just showing your proclivity towards prejudice for Islam. Your stance is that of an unapprised.

I have no doubt in my mind that Hinduism and Budhism to start off with were great divine religions. I can put forward very strong arguments that at least Hazrat Raam , Hazrat Krishna from the Hindu faith and Hazrat Budha are prophets of God. Their message was the same as that of Hazrat Mohammed SAW.

The Quran tells us that Allah has sent approximately 124,000 prophets and there is NO race in the world that did not receive a prophet from Allah. The Vedic stories describing the genesis of Brahmins being the children of Brahma coincides greatly with the story of prophet Ibrahim (I’m hoping that you will identify the resemblance in the intonation of the two.) The history of the great global storm and Noah is also elaborated in the Vedas. A great rishi travelling the skies pays homage to the land of Karbala because he knows through devine esoteric knowledge that a great man will stand up for truth will be slain on the very desserts has also been explicitly described in the Vedas. The Kalki Avatar, the 13th reincarnation of Vishnu has much in common with our last savior Immam Mahdi, from the fact that he will come to establish his kingdom to end oppression to the nitty gritty of their parents names and his white horse, its all the same! And Allah and His prophet knows best. So, your nonsensical and melo dramatic train of words of my so-called hate mongering does not stand credence. I hope next time you will behave more decent and post only when you’re sober.

The modern Hindu or Budhist religion have massive perversions, and I was pointing those out. The beginning of Kal Yug with the death of Krishna also symbolizes perversion and decadence where man is heading toward the complete dissolution of right action, morality and virtue. Because No Devine religion can espouse the worship of wild beats and demonic multi limbed/headed being, and the true God would not have children only to be condemned for having sensual desires towards his own daughter goddess. I don’t want to delve any further.

Report me all you want, fortunately for me and/or unfortunately for you, the Mods over here are not of your myopic ilk and still have their grey cells functioning, though I can’t say the same of you accredited to most probably your frivolous stupor.

In the end, you’re still just a troll…

Your understanding of Hinduism & Buddhist teachings is both limited & uni-dimensional. Hinduism, unlike Abrahamic religions does not have a single source/book that absolutely needs to be followed. While you clearly have some knowledge of the vedas, you seem to either not know/ignore the teachings of the Upanishads which take the discussion completely on a different plane. I agree that most Hindus do not follow either the vedas or the upanishads following instead a Puranic + Bhakthi version; that is simply how Hinduism has evolved. The teachings of the Upanishads/Buddha would be in direct opposition to any of the Abrahamic religions (they would also be in contrast to what most Hindus/Buddhists practice). However you must realise that you are judging practices of religions of a completely different type by standards that are used only in Abrahamic religions & not in either Hinduism or Buddhism which allows for evolution of thought (regardless of claims in individual scriptures). The Buddha especially was clear that he only showed a path & that people should chose their own ways to keep moving forward. To try & judge practices by standards not inherent in these religions leads only to a flawed understanding of the same. I think that the religions of Hinduism & Buddhism (also Jainism) are so completely different from Abrahamic religions that those followers of Abrahamic religions who try to obtain an understanding of the eastern religions fail because they look for contexts & similarities within their own understanding of religion, bound as they are by the cultural & religious experiences of a monotheistic faith.

Not all religions are the same; the word itself may be inappropriate to label some of these varied teachings, ending up being used simply for the lack of a better explanation.

(btw, your reference to the Mahabharata as a war between good & evil is both flawed & lacks appreciation of that complex epic; there being no context of absolute evil & absolute good in Hinduism.)
Bhutto & King Faisal's death were two moment which killed the dream of a unified Ummah. Both of you might be dead , but we will carry your mission , we swear to God - we will.

So Libyans were not part of Ummah. An Ummah which leaves out other Muslims is no Ummah at all. It is a joke.
So Libyans were not part of Ummah. An Ummah which leaves out other Muslims is no Ummah at all. It is a joke.

Absolutely true, divide and rule is a very old tactic they're famous for. They offer personal incentives to get people to compromise the collective good. Many Pakistanis by their nature seem very keen to nitpick faults and flaws in others, as if we don't have any flaws ourselves. If things are to get better, people need to take an honest look at themselves and want to sincerely improve there.
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